Nymphomania: Causes and Signs of a Nymphomaniac

George Alvarez 30-09-2023
George Alvarez

A nymphomania Excessive sexual desire can lead to negative consequences. So, to learn more about this subject, check out our article!

Table of Contents

See_also: Film Parasite (2019): summary and critical analysis
  • What is nymphomania?
  • Origin of the term nymphomania
  • Nymphomaniac person
  • Causes
  • Nymphomania symptoms
  • Consequences
    • Nymphomaniac Movie (2013)
    • Health Care
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment for Nymphomania
  • Final thoughts on nymphomania
    • Learn More

What is nymphomania?

Nymphomania is characterized by an overactive sexual desire. In other words, there is an excessive desire for sex. However, there are no hormonal changes that determine this desire. Thus, nowadays, it is called female hypersexuality or compulsive sexual behavior disorder .

However, there is no predetermined cause for nymphomania, but it can be related to anxiety and depression. Thus, the disorder causes women to be unable to control their sexual desires. This can be a problem in academic life or in relationships.

Then, after the sexual intercourse, the woman usually feels guilty. In addition, there is a frustration for what she has done and for not having achieved pleasure. Even, in most cases, it does not actually achieve pleasure, which is why it becomes a compulsive behavior.

Origin of the term nymphomania

In this sense, the word nymphomania refers only to women with this disorder, because it makes a reference to the nymphs of Greek mythology. Therefore, when the disorder happens to men, it is called satyriasis, in reference to the satyrs, from the same mythology.

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In this way, the two conditions, nymphomania and satyriasis, refer to hypersexuality in women and men. However, the feminine word is used more than the masculine. However, there are even references to "nymphomaniac" men.

Nymphomaniac person

Therefore, a nymphomaniac is obsessed with thoughts or impulses of a sexual nature. Then, if not satisfied, they can cause problems in health and in the woman's personal and professional life.

Not only that, this behavior can destroy relationships by aggravating pre-existing anxiety and depression problems. Sometimes the person with this disorder may seek to discharge his or her feelings through sexual behavior, that is, not just satisfy the desire.


Because it does not have hormonal origins, nymphomania can result from the same impulse that we have for shopping, for example. In other words, it is something that cannot be controlled, because it is an inherent desire that needs to be satiated.

However, it is possible to detect in childhood whether a woman may develop the disorder, for example, if there has been some trauma or if there is an obsession with something. Also, if in childhood there is an obsession for something specific, during growth this compulsion can change its focus to sex.

In this way, nymphomaniac behavior is psychiatric. This is because it has no biological or physical origins and is a condition of the human mind.

Nymphomania symptoms

Therefore, it is possible to identify signs of nymphomania through behaviors or certain symptoms. So, some of them are:

  1. Several sexual partners: Because she is never satisfied or finds it difficult to feel pleasure, a woman may have numerous partners believing that this will increase her chances of being satisfied;
  2. excessive masturbation: The woman masturbates several times a day with or without a huge diversity of accessories;
  3. intense sexual fantasies: can arise anywhere and lead to masturbation at the same moment;
  4. sexual objects too much: to have a huge collection of objects for the purpose of providing pleasure, but without using them in a sexual relationship;
  5. exaggerated pornography: is linked to fantasies and the desire to masturbate all the time;
  6. absence of pleasure: a nymphomaniac does not usually feel pleasure.


Because she has no control over this condition, the woman feels distressed and develops depression or anxiety. In addition, because of the difficulty in getting pleasure, nymphomaniac women are often dissatisfied.

In addition to health problems, such as STDs or mental disorders, this condition can result in the successive loss of jobs and relationships. Therefore, nymphomaniac behavior should be seen as an addiction, just as we see addiction to shopping, food or drink.

Therefore, it can destroy lives if it is not diagnosed and treated properly.

Nymphomaniac Movie (2013)

So, to better understand these consequences, the movie Nymphomaniac, by Lars von Trier shows well the consequences of this disorder. This is because the plot shows a protagonist who has shown signs of nymphomania since childhood, so she tells her story and her struggle to overcome sexual desires.

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Also, the consequences of their actions and how sex is not related to affections. As such, his life is marked by episodes in which his life is at risk. Besides suffering for years with a problem so serious that it ends your relationships.

Even because, her desires prevent her from having only one partner. Also, not being able to keep a job, because her sex life is always preventing her from fulfilling her commitments and responsibilities. Furthermore, sex is used in times of sadness, to ease the pain of bereavement, for example.

Health Care

Furthermore, we reinforce that nymphomaniac behavior is a vector for sexually transmitted diseases, which is why it is important that women with this condition get tested regularly.

However, society needs to stop trivializing these health problems, because popularizing nymphomania and exposing it as if it were something normal gets in the way of diagnosis and treatment, and can lead to a worsening quality of life for women who need help.

Still, the prejudice involved and the labeling cause many women not to talk about it and not to seek proper treatment. This is because they feel ashamed to expose themselves and are afraid of the consequences if their problem is discovered.


In this sense, the diagnosis of nymphomania must be made by a specialized professional. Thus, he will check the patient's history and behaviors to determine the best treatment.

Also, family and friends can help in the treatment, encouraging the woman to seek help and reinforcing that she needs care. Therefore, support for a woman who identifies the problem is very important.

Treatment for nymphomania

Therefore, the treatment for nymphomania is usually done by psychiatric or psychological follow-up. Then behavioral or psychodynamic therapy techniques can be used. Thus, the goal is to have the woman identify the behavior in order to receive the best treatment.

In addition to therapy, medications such as antidepressants or mood stabilizers can be used. For, they help relieve symptoms and regulate behavior.

However, nymphomania has no immediate cure, so treatment can take a few months or last a lifetime. In this case, there is follow-up, use of medication, and therapy sessions.

Final thoughts on nymphomania

It is more common to use the term "nymphomania" because it is a behavior that escapes society's standards. In addition, the woman still carries the stigma of the family member who needs to comply.

Therefore, a woman faces prejudice and labeling when exposing her disorder. So you have to talk about it and not criticize it. For, the reinforcement of female sexual behavior can be detrimental to the search for treatment.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.