15 famous psychologists who changed psychology

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

The expansion of Psychology was only possible thanks to several minds that contributed brilliantly to the science. However, many of them go unnoticed by most people. So, how about we get to know famous psychologists that changed Psychology?

1. Mary Ainsworth

First on the list is Ainsworth. She had a respectable presence when it came to developmental psychology, an area she mastered with ease, thanks to her, we have a comprehensive study on the work of healthy attachment in childhood and how this concept influences personality .

The technique known as "Strange Situation" was a pioneering act of hers and consists in taking the mother and the child in the same room and presenting different situations. For example, have the mother leave, a stranger enter the room and talk to the child, or have the mother return and observe the child's reaction.

2. Burrhus Frederic Skinner

He was one of the famous psychologists who had several academic and personal categories, something well seen in his work Also a philosopher and inventor, Skinner was a respected psychologist in the work of experimental psychology, and his role in advocating conductism, which understands behavior as a "function of environmental histories of reinforcement," must be emphasized.

3. Jean Piaget

Among the famous psychologists of the list, we bring the creator of Educational Psychology. Based on the concepts he created, Piaget, a broad proposal for the study of childhood and intelligence.

Although it is not official, many followers support the existence of the "Piaget school". In other words, the concept was so widespread that even today its methods are used in the classroom and in education. Therefore, it is a reference.

4. Margaret Floy Washburn

Margaret did a lot of experimental work with animal behavior and created a motor theory. In addition, in 1894, was the first woman to receive a PhD in Psychology, paving the way for many others As a result, her work yielded writings rich in details and proposals for investigating the development of animals. Thus, she became a reference.

5. Alfred Adler

The Australian psychologist is recognized around the world for having created individual developmental psychology. In this context, his most fundamental concepts focus on the complex of:

  • inferiority, that is, the person feels inferior to another;
  • character;
  • and conflict of the real with aspirations.

In this sense, it gave him great ideas about human growth and change. In other words, it has become a classic when it comes to talking about this.

6. William James

William James has his name engraved on the walls of the famous Harvard University. This is because it was the first to offer a Psychology course in the United States. Thus, through his intervention, a number of aspiring psychologists temporary the necessary bases to develop their own theories.

7. leta Stetter Hollingworth

As a pioneer in American psychology, Leta wrote extensively on the study of gifted children of intelligence and research on female psychology and overturned the myth of female intellectual inferiority.

Even though she intended her wishes, she did not tire until she convinced everyone that women were as intelligent as men. Not only did she do this, but she also put an end to the idea of menstruation invalidity and gender discrimination. In this way, the moment experienced by Leta put her intelligence, determination and courage to the test. Therefore, she became a great reference.

8. Wilhelm Wundt

One of the founders of experimental psychology, he aims to give a boost to general psychology. Among his major contributions are works:

  • Structural: Wundt sets up the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig, in the Experimental Institute of Psychology.
  • Social: In addition to the laboratory, he published Principles of Physiological Psychology This is the first time I have ever heard of Psychology, making an appointment of its purpose with Psychology.

9. Abraham Maslow

Maslow is one of the founders and main creators of Humanistic Psychology In order to improve his work, the psychologist did not hesitate to look for other sources that would help to improve his work.

10. John Watson

John Watson is seen as the founder of behaviorism and one of the greatest American psychologists Even though he was an average student in his childhood, he is recognized and noted for his intellect.

11. laura Perls

The German woman is part of the famous psychologists Together with her husband, she started Gestalt Therapy and created an institute to test her ideas. Thus, important revelations regarding human growth and personality.

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12. Gordon Allport

Allport was a great theorist of character traits and focused on explaining how personal characteristics make us different. Through this, he outlined a study regarding human nature when we are compared in comparison to others. Thus, this establishes establishing:

An Allport scale

Created in the works The nature of prejudice When it comes to measuring prejudice within a society In this proposal, standards that delimit the tolerance levels within a specific specification, that is, it was possible to have more knowledge about that place.

Functional autonomy theory

From it, one can initiate a behavior with a motivation to make it last, but even if it is fulfilled, it will happen for other reasons.

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13. Paul Ekman

Paul Ekman became one of the famous psychologists because of his studies on facial expressions and emotions. Through this, Ekman built the " theory of the universality of emotions Therefore, the himself identified that there are seven different emotions that are expressed by the same facial configuration They are:

  • disgust;
  • anger;
  • fear;
  • sadness;
  • joy;
  • surprise;
  • contempt.

14. Aaron Beck

Aaron has spectacular work within Western psychotherapy, Cognitive Therapy, which is widely used today. This approach was created thanks to his research on:

  • psychopathology;
  • psychotherapy;
  • suicide;
  • and psychometrics.

Because of this, we have a new image regarding the psychic males that disturb a large part of the population. In other words, there is a broader view on the issue.

15. Mary Whiton Calkins

Among the famous psychologists Mary Whiton Calkins is one of the greatest female names in existence, relating the technique of paired association and impressing with more than 100 writings on psychology, but for sexist reasons, she was denied a doctorate since, in her time, it was not possible for women to obtain it.

Final thoughts on famous psychologists

The list of famous psychologists above gathers some of the greatest names in the history of this science On a personal level, each one has delivered good theories that speak directly to human nature, so if we are today who and what we are, it is thanks to this group and other colleagues.

Finally, this list has the objective of becoming more popular or the name of some personalities that have passed unnoticed by the public. However, this is not to say who is the best or worst, nor to elect who has done the most for us. Each one of the professionals qualified above has his personal contribution of great value to Psychology as a science.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.