Euphoria: How does sensation work in the euphoric?

George Alvarez 03-10-2023
George Alvarez

Many people have realized that some external stimuli are able to leave them with emotions running high. Based on this principle, today we will understand what it means euphoria and how this feeling works.

What is euphoria?

According to linguists, euphoria is a state where our emotions are at their peak In other words, it is when we perceive that our emotions are much stronger. Moreover, the euphoric person usually feels a heightened sense of well-being when in this state.

People are very cheerful about positive situations that happen to them or their environment. In many cases, they cannot contain themselves and seem to be out of their minds. So people who feel euphoria become "intoxicated" by the pleasurable sensation of joy they feel.

A person can feel euphoric because of external stimuli, drugs, or mental disorders. Although drugs and disorders cause harmful euphoria, we can feel this state naturally, temporarily, and without harm.


According to historians, euphoria derives from the Greek "euphoria" meaning "the ability to take things easier. As time progressed doctors used this term to refer to a symptom of mental illness. However, the person who feels euphoria does not always have a health problem .

Euphorics can achieve this state of lasting joy through drugs or medication. However, if they induce this state through chemicals they are likely to experience harmful side effects to their health.

Doctors first defined this excessive joy in 1875 by observing morphine addicts. Despite this, many doctors claim that people can feel extreme joy in a healthy way. A person only reacts according to the external stimulus he receives.

Bipolar Disorder and Euphoria

People suffering from bipolar disorder may show signs of euphoria in the form of an exalted mood. The person with bipolar disorder has a disorder that causes his mood to alternate between depression and euphoria. Thus, this person is not excited by internal stimuli, but by his mental condition .

People diagnosed with bipolar disorder can have a very high mood. As a result, they experience a very large increase in energy spontaneously. In addition, these people gain an increased flow of ideas and can become easily irritated.

However, doctors say that euphoria does not prove that the patient is feeling happiness or depression for some external reason. According to the specialists, there is a sudden change in the patient's mood and he himself does not notice this change. Besides the patient losing his critical sense, he cannot evaluate what is happening around him.

What can cause euphoria?

It is likely that you have felt euphoria before, even if you don't remember it. We can experience a euphoric state even in simple everyday situations. For example:

  • Meditation,
  • Orgasm,
  • Spiritual or religious rituals,
  • Feelings related to love,
  • Finish a physical activity, like an athlete finishes a marathon.


All of us may experience a passing but healthy euphoria in our daily lives. However, many people diagnosed with mental disorders may feel euphoric at some point. At this stage, the euphoric person may present:

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  • Increase your energy,
  • Difficulty sleeping,
  • Uncontrolled and elevated mood,
  • Impulsiveness, making inconsequential decisions without thinking. For example, overspending or bad business deals,
  • Mania of grandeur,
  • Accelerated thoughts.

Possible Losses

People who experience euphoria frequently need to be more careful about their state of mind. Since they can lose control, they are much more vulnerable to physical, emotional, and social harm. For example:

  • Psychomotor agitation,
  • Promiscuous and inconsequential behavior,
  • Excessive purchases, even if you can't pay them off,
  • Participation in activities that may be hazardous.

Even if it feels good, a euphoric person can do damage without realizing it. In many cases diagnosed patients have not been able to maintain their relationships or work as before. In the most severe cases, the exalted patients put themselves in very risky behavior, such as driving or using drugs .

Read Also: Euphoria: what it is, characteristics of the euphoric state

The treatment

People who suffer from bipolar disorder and show signs of euphoria need to be accompanied by a professional. After all, they experience a health condition that, in many occasions, manifests itself in unpredictable ways. Thus, they can put themselves at risk if they do not receive adequate medical attention.

The medical professional will evaluate your condition, indicating the best options for you to control your condition. Patients who suffer from bipolar disorder and are euphoric almost always take medication With the help of the pharmaceutical approach, they can balance their moods without major complications.

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As soon as the symptoms of altered mood and euphoria subside, patients can resume their activities. It is extremely important that they do not abandon the treatment and always keep in touch with the doctor in charge. The patient may need to make adjustments, but with the treatment the symptoms of bipolar disorder and euphoria are diminished.

Euphoria Series

In the series Euphoria we meet teenagers dealing with the typical events of this phase of life. For them, experiences such as sex, drugs, traumas, social media, and friendship have a great impact on their lives. As these characters are discovering themselves, on many occasions they can be pushed to their limits.

For example, the character Rue, a young woman who is addicted to drugs and deals with the problems of addiction. As she struggles with her own addiction, she questions who she is in the world. Furthermore, she must deal with the consequences of her addiction and not even the euphoria of drugs can protect her from this.

With the series Euphoria, viewers witness an almost faithful representation of middle-class American youth and their personal dilemmas. For example, drug use, abuse, exploration of sexuality, and the consequences of their choices. Even though they experience complex situations, some are able to live glory days.

Final considerations about euphoria

We can all feel euphoria in a healthy way, even if it is temporary People deal with situations where their emotions can be spontaneously pushed to the limit. As a result, they feel a gigantic joy that may be greater than themselves.

However, if these people manifest this state because of illness or narcotics, one must be careful. Many patients diagnosed with disorders or addictions put themselves and others at risk when they feel euphoric. Seeking medical help will always be the best option for a healthy life.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.