Floyd, Froid or Freud: how do you spell it?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

We all have difficulties in working with different nomenclatures, including proper names. Even as such a well-known figure, Freud still goes through this kind of situation. Let's learn about his importance in the scientific world and fix once and for all the correct spelling of his name, be it Floyd, Froid or Freud .

The right

It is not Floyd, Froid or Froidd, but rather Freud, or Sigmund Freud more formally The Austrian-born neurologist was complex even in his own identity, but given his origin and time, such a nomenclature was common and widely used.

It happens that we Brazilians have a habit of simplifying things, as a way to understand the environment and the people around us faster. That is why, in this case, the mistake with the spellings Floyd and Froid is more recurrent than the use of the real one: Freud.

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But between Floyd, Froid or Freud Although colloquialism is a useful resource, it also needs to be dosed in some situations. Imagine the discomfort of a student writing only the two wrong forms in his essay?

The principle

Freud began his work by using hypnosis to prove his early theories in the field of the mind. According to him, this would be effective in treating hysteria in patients, for example. Through it, you would have a gateway to study the content in a person's mind .

As soon as he found an improvement while making observations on the patients treated by Charcôt, he pointed out one of his first hypotheses. Freud argued that hysteria carried a completely psychological origin. This eventually overturned the earlier proposition that the problem had organic causes.

However, this initial perception was very important to the psychoanalyst's next works. This initial work served as a structuring to the next concepts, vital in his life, such as the idea of the unconscious.


Freud's work has yielded excellent guidelines for the construction of the human mind. Thanks to him, some of his theories today help explain our behavior and elucidate some points Among many examples, we can cite:

Oedipus Complex

The child unconsciously assimilates sexual desire for one parent while viewing the other as a rival. However, this circle is completed by the age of five, and the child becomes reacquainted with both parents.


Freud stated that we repress a large part of our emotions, impulses and feelings throughout our lives. This happens because there is a repressive mechanism in the mind that inhibits everything that is repudiated externally. It turns out that such repressions affect our psychic structure and reveal flaws in our dreams or in our behavior.

Healing through Speech

Always a questioner, Freud did not stand still when a change of attitude was needed. He worked and observed other great names, such as Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow, studying his death by cocaine. With that, abandoned techniques used until then, such as hypnosis, and started healing through speech .

Speech healing is about the patient, during a session, speaking what he wishes, including his dreams. Through the interpretation of this free association that would get to the root of the individual's problem.

This method was severely criticized along with other ideas proposed and worked on by Freud. It should be noted that the medicine of the time was restrictive and even primitive in relation to the methods used. As soon as the speech cure was introduced, Freud revitalized the view on the human condition.


As stated above, ancient medicine had archaic approaches that were very dangerous for patients, for example, it is known that the use of bloodletting on patients could even kill them or leave problems On the other hand, the speech cure, being effective, turned out to be:

Bring security

Unlike other methods, speech healing does not harm the patient to any degree. Being non-invasive, it brings the security the patient needs to be able to work and start living gradually. Without sequels, abuse, or any cuts, the patient can be revisited and go through another session.

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The therapy ends up happening on the patient's own time, so that he or she has the chance to express what they want. If it were before, it was the doctor who would choose the methods and urgency of each one. However, in speech healing, the patient selects what he or she feels is most important in that session.

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Later you may remember something, but this can be discussed on the next visits.


As stated above, Freud's work in Psychoanalysis in the 19th century caused controversy. Even today, there is a great deal of debate regarding psychoanalytic applications and even the need for it at some points. Even so, one cannot deny the impact that the work of the physician and psychoanalyst had on others .

Freud's theory has a gigantic influence on modern psychology, which continues to fuel studies on the mind and behavior, and to initiate practices in the field with his heirs.

These heirs of Psychoanalysis had enough autonomy to create their own theories. Although they were autonomous in this, they were always based on the assumptions delivered earlier by Freud. Some of the most popularly worked cases are the concept of transference and, most famous, the idea of the unconscious. Here on the blog we have articles that discuss these topics in more detail.

Sexual desire

We put a space for sexual desire because it was one of Freud's most talked about points. According to him, this sexual desire was a motivating energy belonging to the primary stage of human existence It is our true reason for being and existing, and it is our fuel.

From then on, a new understanding of the human being emerged. The human being also had his exposed animal side wrapped in imperfect reason. With this, he was constantly influenced by his feelings and baser instincts, running away from full reason as he believed he had.

However, Freud warned that these impulses, when contradicted, generate psychic torment to the human being. This repression happens thanks to the external moralistic environment with which we have to constantly deal. The rules imposed by it, society, prevent us from having complete freedom, forcing us to repress ourselves.

Final thoughts on Floyd, Froid or Freud

Regardless of whether you choose Floyd, Froid or Freud, know that, in essence, this is a revolutionary It is because of this intervention that today we have more personal clarity about ourselves and others.

However, it doesn't hurt to fix his name in your memory, no? After all, a person is known by his identity and this precedes his work. Whenever you ask yourself how to spell it, "Freud" is the correct answer.

Besides knowing your name, how about signing up for our online Psychoanalysis course and implementing your work? Thanks to our course you will better understand your essence, working on your flaws and improving your potential. Not only will you no longer be confused between Floyd, Froid or Freud, you will understand that therapy is a key to real change.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.