Human Behavior: what it is, list and characteristics

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

O human behavior is the term that characterizes the relationship of people, animals and even institutions in face of the scenario in which they are included. In other words, it is the way people act in face of their environment, thus dictating their standard of conduct according to their social group.

Thus, social standards influence whether a behavior can be considered good or bad. For example, if the child disobeys, the parents can reprimand him according to the social standards that surround them, such as through punishment. Thus, knowing how to react to each behavior is fundamental to living in society.

What does human behavior mean in psychology?

In this sense, the psychology is the science that studies human behavior It then establishes the criteria that determine whether or not conduct falls within the standards of right or wrong.

In short, human behavior is the internal and external stimuli that occur throughout life. In this way, a psychologist will adopt the procedure to be followed according to the set of reactions of individuals.

Thus, the psychology professional studies human behavior and thoughts and then, technically, presents various interpretations. Like the various fields of knowledge, psychology several categories of study, such as, for example, the following schools: Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis .

Behaviorism School

Behaviorism is focused on human behavior and has two aspects: the respondent and the operant, where the operant is the one who behaves involuntarily, while the operant is fully aware of his actions.

School of Psychoanalysis

On the other hand, with its origins in Freud's ideas, Psychoanalysis focuses on the human mind itself, especially on the unconscious of each individual. According to the study, the unconscious is responsible for involuntary human behavior, such as, for example, when someone is rude and at the end, to try to make amends, says "I'm kidding".

What are the main types of human behaviors?

Human behaviors, also known as human temperaments, are characterized by 4 categories According to our reactions to external events or even by our own thoughts.

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  • Choleric : characterized by irascible appetites, these are the people who always come up with solutions for all aspects of life, with a latent spirit of leadership. However, they often bring more impulsive and aggressive temperaments, with a predominant pride;
  • Blood Generally helpful and kind, people with this temperament are usually cheerful, captivating everyone around them;
  • Melancholic : are the deepest and most sensitive, and, as a result, are introverted, with difficulties in exposing their feelings. Moreover, these individuals are prone to be resistant and more focused in their activities;
  • Phlegmatic Unlike the choleric, this temperament has no need for social interaction, even if it is in an environment with many people. Therefore, this temperament overvalues silence, concentration, and discipline.

Behaviors between childhood and adulthood

These are two extremes, which can practically turn human behavior upside down At puberty, in the face of the change from the world of childhood to that of maturity, new attitudes towards interpersonal relationships are awakened, which are often impulsive and misunderstood.

Thus, after childhood, between puberty and adulthood, the person will make sense of everything he has learned, both from his parents and in school and religious environments.

As a result, many feelings, even unconscious ones, may surface. In other words, past childhood traumas can influence a person's entire life. In this sense, it is necessary that a professional specialist in human behavior can help by giving life a new meaning through therapy.

See_also: Psychism: what it is, what it means

How to change human behavior?

In addition to the above, you may ask yourself, "Can't I overcome my traumas on my own and get on with life?" In the meantime, it is worth emphasizing that traumas can cause involuntary thoughts and behaviors.

In this respect, those who do not have technical-scientific knowledge about the human mind will hardly be able to change their behavior.

After all, is it possible to change human behavior? Yes, the professional in psychology, with a focus on human behavior, will bring to the person the rational and emotional capacity to overcome and go on with life in a lighter way.

Read Also: Nervous Crisis: 10 Signs for Psychoanalysis

How will the psychologist assist in changing human behavior?

In short, the psychologist is the specialist in human subjectivity, in other words, he or she acts in the analysis of human behavior and thoughts, under a technical-scientific sieve.

In comparison, when you feel a toothache, you go straight to the dentist, right? Or if you have a backache, you go to a doctor who specializes in orthopedics, right? So, to cure your emotional pain, only the psychology professional can help you.

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What are the behaviors that improve your performance at work?

Given this content, we can conclude that c uman behavior is linked to both success and failure in life It would be no different in relationships in a work environment.

In a corporate environment, are the behaviors that influence the career Therefore, check out these tips to improve your performance with your work team:

  • Know how to listen to your co-workers;
  • Focus on results;
  • Be motivated;
  • Get out of the comfort zone and have a questing spirit.

However, many times the behaviors occur involuntarily, according to the unconscious, going beyond the layman's knowledge about the pains of the mind. Haven't you ever found yourself reacting in an impulsive way, causing many problems?

Surely you have had reckless reactions that have harmed you So learn here how the study of psychology can help you cope better with routine situations.

So you don't have to suffer alone, look for a specialized professional, or maybe you can become one and help other people going through the same suffering? Learn about our psychoanalysis course and improve your self-knowledge and interpersonal relationships.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.