Metamorfose Ambulante: an analysis of Raul Seixas' song

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

We will analyze the song Metamorfose Ambulante, composed and recorded by Raul Seixas. This article proposes to bring a psychoanalytical interpretation of the song, its context, and its lyrics.

Who was Raul Seixas?

Raul Seixas was a great singer, composer, besides having played several musical instruments. He was born in Salvador - Bahia on June 28, 1945, and died in São Paulo on August 21, 1989.

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He had a significant influence on both the construction and the development of Brazilian national Rock. In his 26-year career, he released 17 records.

The song "Ambulant Metamorphosis" was created in 1973 and released on the album, Krig-ha, Bandolo! on what is considered one of the best, perhaps the singer's best album.

What is metamorphosis?

According to the online Portuguese dictionary: "Meaning of Metamorphosis Feminine noun A complete change or alteration in the aspect, nature or structure of someone or something; transformation.

[Biology] A transformation undergone by some animals which, in the course of their development, results in a form and structure completely different from that of their initials.

[Figurative] Change in personality, mode of thinking, appearance, character. Etymology (origin of the word metamorphosis.) From the Greek metamórphosis.eos; from the Latin"

What the song Metamorphosis Ambulante brings

An interpretation of the song will be brought in, bringing in the first stanza:

"I'd rather be this walking metamorphosis Than have that old formed opinion about everything"

As observed in these stanzas we see a person who likes change and prefers not to have a fixed opinion on every subject. How interesting this is in relation to the world today where globalization has brought many changes, progress, but also control over people.

The human being can become a walking metamorphosis every day

As mentioned in the song, it is important that the human being constantly seeks to transform himself, to look at himself and the world around him so that he can see new possibilities and expand his reflection of the world.

Change also brings personal, social, and professional growth; try to have a little metamorphosis with you so that you can evolve and grow.

Raul seixas and the contrariety towards society

The singer from Bahia has always been fantastic, using his art to make society reflect on various topics in a fun way, as in this song where he also brings a social critique in relation to issues that are not even talked about because they remain with only one understanding, giving no room for other opinions to emerge.

He breaks with a paradigm of a society plastered in the same opinions, brings with his music a freedom, in relation to a Brazilian society that was too afraid to try new things.

A great learning we have is the freedom to change our minds, it is liberating and transforming, a big step in the search for the construction of identity, not depending on the chronological age, we are transforming ourselves from the beginning to the end of life.

Getting out of the sameness was important and is important today

At the time of the song's creation in 1973, Raul's generation was still very rigid in many senses of society, Rock came as a synonym of rebellion, what would the human being be without a little rebellion, we would be stagnant without evolution.

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After all, discussing, debating, and disagreeing is what builds a better and more egalitarian world, and thinking about the current situation where Brazilian society is extremely polarized, having this capacity to listen and change becomes increasingly necessary.

If we all thought the same, society would be a pig, difference also builds equality and creates critical sense, reflection and evolution, so it is important to keep this alive inside everyone.

Ambulant Metamorphosis: I don't even know who I am

Already at this stretch:

"About what love is About I don't even know who I am If today I am a star tomorrow it is already gone If today I hate you tomorrow I have love for you I have love for you I have horror for you I make love for you I am an actor"

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A reading of the human being's expression and its complexity is observed, that sometimes the emotions dominate and are influenced by an unconscious that is unknown to the subject himself. Emotions are fundamental to the human being because they have functions and need to be externalized; they are an expression of what one is feeling at the moment. These emotions say a lot about the subject, both their psyche and their behaviors.

As in this piece of music this question is universal to everyone, at some point the human being comes to ask himself about who he really is, it ends up being a basic question in the construction of the personality and identity of the subject. It is important to point out that it is a construction where life experience is lived, discovered through practice, through the experiences that appear in human existence, which can be positive or negative, but all of them bring some learning.

Do analysis to find out who you are

Doing analysis or psychotherapy can help in this process of discovering who you are, because it brings self-knowledge and this ends up broadening the reflection about yourself and about the way you are living your life.

It can help to have quality of life and eliminate many symptoms and conflicts that may appear, some situations can be unbearable on their own, but with the help of a specialist it can be much easier to bear, no matter how complex they may be.

Bibliographic references

Dicionário Online de Português [Online]. . Accessed on: Aug. 202

This article was written by Bruno de Oliveira Martins, clinical psychologist, private CRP: 07/31615 and Zenklub online platform, therapeutic companion (TA), student of psychoanalysis at the Institute of Clinical Psychoanalysis (IBPC), contact: (054) 984066272

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.