To dream of a dog running after me

George Alvarez 29-10-2023
George Alvarez

Who has never woken up in the middle of the night and thought: " i just had a dream about a dog running after me "If this has happened to you, you are certainly not the first person.

It is important for you to know that the dream world represents our desires, concerns, and fears on numerous occasions, and can also indicate interests and other sensations that we are unable to recognize when we are awake.

Many people ask the following questions: o What does it mean to dream of a dog running after me or to dream of a dog attacking me? Therefore, below we will remove all your doubts related to the meaning of dreaming about a dog.

Meaning of dreaming of a dog

Whether in the form of a pleasant dream or a nightmare, dogs are one of the animals that appear most often in people's dreams.

However, although they represent loyalty, kindness and affection, this is not always the case. Therefore, depending on the context in which the dog appears, the dream may have a wide variety of meanings.

Meaning of dreaming of white dogs

In this first case, the color white on the dog represents purity and peace, revealing a very positive and pleasant meaning for the dreamer.

So, in general, this dream is related to prosperity and vitality, or more specifically, to the emergence of new opportunities in the dreamer's life or in an intimate relationship.

Meaning of dreaming of black dogs

Although a black dog is as loyal, affectionate and good as any other dog, black represents bad omens in the dream world. This appearance of negative connotation may be related to a period of despondency of the individual, a negative tendency, mistrust, etc.

However, if the black dog moves away from you, the representation is completely different. This is because it is interpreted as good luck.

Meaning of dreaming of small dogs

Although it may seem that small dogs cannot represent anything negative, because they are small and harmless, in this case they can represent aspects that are not pleasing. Examples are a lack of identity and character in certain situations.

The subject who has this type of dream needs to put his head and his feelings in order. In addition, he needs to consider changes in his life in order to achieve happiness and fulfillment.

Finally, this dream can also symbolize new feelings that are being born in the dreamer and the need to become independent in a financial and family way.

Meaning of dreaming of dead dogs

As you can imagine, the image of a dead dog in a dream does not reveal good feelings. This is because, besides not being nice, it is also associated with bad omens or the betrayal of a loved one.

Let's not forget that dogs represent loyalty and fidelity, so the death of this symbol and its representation can reflect a person's feeling of having been betrayed or of having lost a friend.

Meaning of to dream of a dog chasing me

This dream of persecution is very common and is related to the fear that you have of taking certain risks or facing problems in your life.

Thus, this dream also represents your feelings of anxiety. In fact, it is a subconscious metaphor that reflects the subject's attitude towards a bad situation from which he cannot escape.

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Meaning of to dream of an angry dog running after you

To dream of a dog running after or attacking you reveals the impossibility felt by the individual in the dream of achieving a specific goal. However, the anxiety that he has for its complexity prevents him from realizing the dreamed-of goal of his life. This dream can also be associated with financial problems or loss of friendships.

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Furthermore, if the dog manages to bite you, the dream comes to represent the guilt that the dreamer feels for some act that causes a great emotional burden and does not leave a clear conscience. In this case, there is also a second interpretation, which has to do with loyalty, so be very careful in whom you place your trust.

Meaning of dreaming of barking dogs

There are several opposite interpretations for this dream. If the barking is far away, it heralds bad news. On the other hand, if the barking is close and joyful, it is associated with a full and active social life.

Finally, if it is a continuous barking, the mind is trying to warn of a bad attitude of the subject that bothers another person. In addition, it can also be a warning of the existence of an uncontrollable desire of the dreamer to control the actions of others.

Meaning of dreaming of many dogs together

According to some psychologists, the fact that several dogs appear in your dream may be related to the dreamer's need to attract attention. The unconscious mind sees the individual's need to feel like the center of attention.

However, other interpretations suggest that this type of dream is related to the satisfaction and support the subject feels from his friends, in which case the dreamer's feeling would be pleasant.

On the contrary, if dogs bark and there is a negative vibration in the dream environment, the meaning reveals that the person feels intimidated by friends and even doubts their loyalty.

How can I interpret the meaning of my dream

To begin to evaluate the meaning of these dreams, we must consider what individual dogs symbolize in our lives and what they make us feel. Likewise, we must consider the reaction of the dog in the dream and our own feelings when we see it.

Therefore, these factors will determine the specific meaning of each dream according to the dogs we described earlier, although their interpretation is complicated and does not always fit reality.

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Puppies in the Dream World

Although we do not have a dog as a pet, or even a special interest in it, dreaming about dogs is very common, since they are present in the everyday life of society.

We see them on the street, on television, we have them as stuffed animals, we hear the barking of the neighbor's dog, etc.

But when one of these dogs appears in our dream world, it is interpreted as a representation of specific aspects, such as:

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  • our personality;
  • feelings;
  • moods;
  • and behaviors that, in general, we are not able to consciously perceive.

Final considerations

We believe that one of the most common dreams is the " to dream of a dog running after me "As we can see, this dream represents our insecurity and financial losses. To know other dream meanings, enroll in our online psychoanalysis course. You will be impressed by the content you will learn, and you will be able to practice! Don't miss this opportunity.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.