Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

George Alvarez 29-10-2023
George Alvarez

Child development is a long and complex process that we are far from fully understanding. Below you will learn about the childhood disintegrative disorder.


Of course, we know approximately how the growth of organs and different parts of the body occurs in most human beings, but it is much more complicated to know how psychological traits and mental processes change during childhood.

And when what you are trying to explain is how the psychological changes that occur in a minority of the population come about, things get complicated, although this does not mean that therapeutic help cannot be offered.

This is why, among other things, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is so difficult to understand. In this article we will see what this rare psychological disorder consists of. We have to take into account that it is currently included in the concept of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

What is childhood disintegrative disorder?

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is a term used until recently to refer to a psychological disorder that occurs in children around the age of 3 (although the onset time varies). It is characterized by a delay in the development of cognitive and communication skills.

This psychological disorder is also sometimes called Heller's Syndrome or disintegrative psychosis. Thus, it is a pervasive developmental disorder in which there is an interruption in the rate of evolution of cognitive and behavioral skills.

After at least 2 years of normal development, it experiences a halt or even regresses, returning to earlier stages.

Rare disorder

Childhood disintegrative disorder is a rare psychological disorder, with a much lower prevalence than, for example, Asperger's Syndrome. Specifically, it is estimated to appear in 1.7 people per 100,000.

On the other hand, nowadays this childhood disintegrative disorder is part of the Autism Spectrum Disorders, due to its similarities with the other psychological developmental disorders included in this category.

TDI: An Invasive Developmental Disorder

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is a psychiatric classification proposed by the DSM-IV (the DSM in its fourth version) and is part of the Generalized Developmental Disorders (GAD). In turn, they are part of the category Disorders of Onset in Childhood or Adolescence.

According to the DSM-IV, the general characteristic of TIDs is the presence of a severe and pervasive disturbance of several areas of early development. If severe, it is considered inappropriate for the child's developmental level and mental age or girl.

It manifests itself in the following areas: social interaction and communication skills, as well as the presence of stereotyped interests and behaviors (stereotypies is the technical name). In the category of IDTs, there were also Autistic disorder, Rett's disorder, Asperger's disorder, and Generalized Developmental Disorder.


As of May 2013, when the most recent version of the statistical manuals of mental disorders (the DSM-V) was published, Disorders of Onset in Childhood or Adolescence, they are no longer called that, but Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (along with other childhood disorders that are in the sub-classification of TIDs), has become part of a single spectrum, which is Autism Spectrum Disorder.

DSM-IV childhood disorders include mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorders, attention deficit and disruptive behavior disordersIn addition, they also include motor skill disorders, tic disorders, learning disorders, communication disorders, eating disorders, and elimination disorders.


The Symptoms of Disintegrative Disorder of Childhood are expressed in different domains of behavior, psychomotor skills, language use, and social interaction.

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As we have seen, the first symptoms of this disease appear about 3 years after a normal developmental period according to age. However, in some cases they can appear later, even at age 9 or 10.

The onset of these affections is usually rapid, to the point that sometimes the child will realize that something strange is happening to him without others telling him. Moreover, these changes can occur in a single "phase" or in several successive phases, which usually occur one after the other without much delay in between.

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Regarding the specific symptoms of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, it is considered that for a case to be described under this name, at least two of these requirements must be met:

  • Significant impairment of social skills.
  • Impairment of psychomotor skills.
  • Sphincter control failures.
  • Compromised oral and written language comprehension skills.
  • Impairment of the ability to emit language.
  • Decreased ability to play (including symbolic thinking skills).

In general, people with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder end up having very impaired language functions, and it is considered one of the most disabling forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Therefore, psychological and medical care is very important.

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As with Autism Spectrum Disorders, the exact causes of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder are not known, although it is believed that it has a strong genetic component and that its root is fundamentally neurological, rather than being linked to prior learning or traumatic experiences.


Currently there is no cure to reverse the symptoms of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. What is done with professional help is to support these young people and their families from the very beginning of the detection of symptoms to improve their living conditions as much as possible. Although people with this disorder are likely to need help throughout their lives.


As far as psychotherapy is concerned, behavioral therapy is widely used, whereby learning useful behavioral keys is facilitated so that children gain autonomy without the need to fully understand what they are being told.

As such, they are encouraged to regulate and limit behaviors that may cause problems in certain contexts, such as stereotyping.

On the other hand, from psychiatric treatments, certain psychoactive drugs can be prescribed to treat symptoms. In most cases, antipsychotics are used. However, due to the risk of side effects, these resources are only used when necessary and always under medical supervision.

Final considerations

As we have seen in this article childhood disintegrative disorder Learn about other disorders and their symptoms by accessing our online psychoanalysis course. Improve your knowledge and dive into this fantastic world of information that we have separated for you.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.