To Dream of Alligator: 11 meanings

George Alvarez 18-09-2023
George Alvarez

Are you curious about what it means to dream of an alligator Not only you, there are thousands of searches on the Internet for the meaning of this type of dream, so let's discuss once and for all what may be causing this volume of searches?

In this article we will tell you about it. But this meaning can vary depending on the type of alligator, as well as what it and you do in the dream. Yes, there is a lot to be said.


However, how about you start by trying to remember your dream well? Do you remember what the alligator looked like? what he did? what you did? who was with you? Remember, then write it down and we will start making a brief analysis.

Oh, and at the bottom there is a space for you to comment on what you thought of this article and what your dream was like. We're curious! Without further ado, to begin our journey through the meaning of dreams, how about we talk about why someone seeks these meanings?

What are dreams and why do we seek a meaning for them?

Dreams often seem abstract and confusing, yet they reflect our consciousness. This means that our unconscious mind seeks to solve the problems of our conscious mind while we sleep. So, did you realize that our head never stops, even when we think it does?

Furthermore, we don't always remember the dream, but that doesn't mean that we didn't dream it. So what to do with the dream we do remember? For many people it is important to understand what it means.

It is important to separate

First of all, in this context it is necessary to separate two things in the dream: what happened in the dream because of external factors, and what really has meaning.

One common external factor is the sound we may hear while we sleep. Have you ever had the impression that you were ringing the phone in your dream, woke up and saw that it was your cell phone? Or have you ever dreamed that you were in pain and when you woke up you were in real pain?

Dreams with real meaning may contain:

  • a fact that happened in real life, and can be reconciliation;
  • a compensation for something that the person is not satisfied with in real life;
  • indications of paths that can be taken to solve a real-life issue;
  • the fulfillment of conscious or unconscious desires;
  • a warning about something that the person believes will happen;
  • a state of distress or anxiety about something that the person fears will happen;
  • a desire that, in the waking state, the superego does not allow the subject to realize.

Given all the above possibilities, look for the meaning of a dream is an attempt to associate all this with our life After all, dreams represent symbols of our unconscious.

Often this symbolism is the result of a collective consciousness. However, how can we relate the fact of dreaming of an alligator? We will list some possibilities of interpretation below.

11 meanings to dream of an alligator

The alligator symbol can take on an association for both good and bad things. Thus, it can symbolize power, survival, fertility. For the Aztecs the world had its origin in an alligator. However, in Greek, it is seen as an image of death.

On the other hand, in Chinese, the alligator is seen as harmony. The association of the alligator image with the dragon may point to strength and fruitfulness. However, the association most people make with dreaming of an alligator is one of deceit, so this type of dream may indicate a difficulty in dealing with the people around you.

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This type of dream also implies fear of betrayal or the presence of deceit in your relationships. Since this interpretation can vary so much, we have put together a compilation of possibilities so that you can get your bearings. At first, we can differentiate the meanings of the dream in relation to the size of the alligator. Do you remember the size of the alligator in your dream?

1. to Dream of a Small Alligator

A small alligator can bring a sense of security, because a small alligator is kind of harmless. However, this feeling may be an indication from our unconscious showing the opposite, so it may be a warning that someone around us seems harmless, but in fact is quick and treacherous. This person may have some negative intention about us.

2. to Dream of a Large Alligator

To dream of a large alligator may indicate a deep-seated discomfort that you are experiencing. It may be that you are unconsciously projecting onto the animal figure something that you are going through, or have been through, but which has traumatized you or remains unresolved.

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So it can signal a fear that you feel about something. The bigger the alligator, the greater this feeling you have. In this case, our subconscious is trying to push us to solve this problem.

See_also: Aphrodite: The Goddess of Love in Greek Mythology

3. dreams of an alligator cub

On the other hand, dreaming of a puppy manifests that you have wisdom and are agile enough to solve initial problems. However, it needs to be solved as soon as possible, because as the puppy grows, so can the problem.

The colors of the alligator

Now that we have commented a bit about size, we will also talk about the colors that the animal can assume in your dream. What color do you associate with an alligator when you hear about one or when you remember a dream you had?

The color most commonly associated with the animal is green. However, in our dreams alligators can have other colors. By now you know that different colors can signal different meanings. Let's talk about some colors?

4. to dream of a blue alligator

This type of dream indicates that changes are coming, but you don't need to be afraid. It's important to stay alert, but the changes will be good. Probably some special opportunity is coming for you, so you end up anticipating it in your dreams.

5. to dream of a yellow alligator

You may be or be anxious about transformations taking place in your life. However, you need to enjoy the time as well.

The above are just a few of the most common interpretations associated with the color of the alligator you dreamed about. However, the interpretations don't end with the color either.


We will see below that the place where you or the alligator appear in the dream also provides the basis for some interesting readings. Check it out!

6. to dream of an alligator being in the ground

This dream indicates that your unconscious is warning you to be careful with people. Do you know those calm, quiet and loving people? There are some who exhibit this behavior, but only to maintain a facade.

There is also an unconscious prevention against people who actually seem envious and resentful. For these cases, apparently the unconscious projects the image of the alligator onto the earth.

So you have to be careful that you are not socializing with these people in the same way that you should not walk in a place where an alligator appears crawling around.

7. to dream of an alligator in the water

Be careful of the betrayals that you may face. Also, be careful what you do. Don't act on impulse. Be calm, breathe, and think first. This kind of dream may be sending you just that kind of message, since water brings a sense of peace and stability while concealing great dangers.

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8. to dream of an alligator in the mud

This type of dream may indicate that your subconscious is warning you to be careful with the people around you, because you suspect that someone is probably thinking of betraying you. Like water, The mud hides the real scene you are in, as well as the appearance of the people who come your way.

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In that context still, if you dream of alligator probably an action will be happening while you dream, right? There are many possibilities, as there are many types of events that can occur. We will list a few and hope you will find your dream here.

9 To dream that you are killing an Alligator

This dream has a positive meaning, because you are defeating a strong enemy, so you will be able to overcome your problems and overcome obstacles. You are projecting the meaning that evil will not be able to destroy you.

10. to dream that you are being attacked by an alligator

This is a warning of confrontations to come. Probably that unresolved problem will resurface. Or that fear that you would rather forget can't be hidden. So your unconscious is giving you a warning to prepare. N Don't waste time.

11. to dream that you are running away from an alligator

We run away from what we are afraid of, don't we? Taking this into consideration, it is obvious that to dream of an alligator's escape means that you are running away from your problems, from what frightens and bothers you. There are two possibilities in this escape: you can escape or you can't.

Getting caught means that you can get rid of the danger, but you are still under pressure. Getting caught is receiving information from your unconscious that there is no point in running away, because this problem will always exist.

What to do with these meanings?

As we said before, dreams are messages that your unconscious mind sends to your conscious mind. To dream of an alligator indicates that there are strong emotions that you are going through. There are unresolved problems, fears to be faced, people who can hurt you around you.

In this context, it is worth pointing out how necessary it is sometimes to re-evaluate our lives, to ask ourselves how we are doing, what we need to improve, and what we need to face. So don't be afraid to face your alligators. Even if in your dream you haven't won yet, your unconscious is warning you to get ready.

To learn how to better deal with any kind of danger or to better interpret what your dreams tell you, check out our 100% online Psychoanalysis course, where you will not only be able to apply this knowledge on a personal level, but will also have the opportunity to work helping others.

See_also: Those who don't look for you don't miss you

We hope this article has helped you. Tell us in the comments if you have ever dreamed about an alligator, what your doubts are, or what you thought about this text.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.