To Dream of Money: 14 possible meanings

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

If you are in doubt about possible meanings with dream of money After all, money is something ordinary and necessary in our lives, but dreaming about it is not always common. So not only you, but many people are looking for a meaning to it.

However, before we bring up some of the meanings, let's talk a little about what dreams are in psychoanalysis.

The dream for psychoanalysis

According to Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, all dreams have a meaning. For him, this meaning is linked to the realization of a desire repressed by the conscience. Usually, these desires are primitive. Because of this, there is repression of them. In other words, i This is because they are desires that are considered to be vetoed by morality.

However, it is important to keep in mind that these morals are part of the culture the person is in, and have been internalized. But there is also a veto that relates to personal issues and aspirations. As a result, dreams fulfill these desires in a symbolic way and defy established repressions.

Here in our blog there is an article that talks in a complete and detailed way about dreams and psychoanalysis, so it is well worth checking it out.

Meaning of Dreaming about Money

Now that we have taken a brief look at dreams in psychoanalysis, let's talk about what they are dream of money To begin with, we cannot deny that money is an essential part of life. After all, it can provide so much for us and our family, so it cannot simply be ignored. It is our salary, the payment for our efforts, which provides us with food, leisure and education. It is not happiness itself, but it can help us to achieve it.

When it comes to dreams, the meaning is usually positive. It may be representing the arrival of good things in our lives. But there are some cases in which they can express greed and spiritual poverty.

Below we list some of the most interesting meanings:

To dream of a lot of money

This dream is connected with the prelude of abundance. In other words, the arrival of many good things appearing on our path. In this context, these are enabling a more fortunate existence either in professional or love life. This bonanza may be linked to the money itself, but also to other good things that may arise But don't forget that to achieve things, it takes effort.

To Dream of Paper Money

As with the previous dream, this is a good omen. It is usually related to professional life, such as a promotion or salary increase.

To Dream with Counterfeit Money

This is not such a good dream, and it does not mean that you will be the victim of a financial scam. In fact, it means that you have been valuing ridiculous things and unimportant opinions. In other words, you have been considering too much what is not true.

Another possible meaning is that of potential betrayals in your future. Beware!

To Dream of Teared Money

This dream is related to guilt over bad choices in your past. You may be letting yourself down and limiting yourself by this. Not that you should persist in the mistake, but you should think better about them, but not paralyze. After all, unfortunately, regretting doesn't solve anything. The only actions we should take are towards the present and future.

So have the courage to try and Learn from what has already happened.

To Dream of Stolen Money

To dream of stolen money may represent a great fear of being cheated. Another possible meaning is that this dream is anticipating turbulent times in your life.

However, if you are stealing the money in the dream, this may take on the same meaning as in the previous topic: fear of making a mistake. In turn, This feeling is aggravated by the fear of hurting others with your mistakes. In addition, it can also be related to your health, so it is important to keep an eye on it.

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Read Also: Dream Interpretation: 20 Most Common Dreams

To Dream of Lost Money

To dream of lost money means that you have been prioritizing the wrong things, that is, your focus is on parts that are not so essential and you need to make adjustments. Learn to prioritize yourself and prioritize what is really important.

To dream that you give money to someone

This dream means that a period of fortune is approaching. At that time, it is important to be willing and open to help others in need. After all, good things attract good things.

To dream that you lend money to someone

This dream means that the law of return will act in your life. Consequently, good things will come your way in return.

To Dream that You Borrow Money

A possible meaning for this dream is that you will need help in your finances and personal life. It is not a case of dependency, but of help. Know who is on your side and can reach out to you at this time.

To Dream that You Ask for Money

This dream has to do with the concerns you are having with your financial life . Moreover, it can be a prelude that difficult times are coming, but you must not despair, because fear often paralyzes us, so be calm and work hard to achieve what you need and want.

To dream that you burn money

To dream that you burn money may be a prelude to a birth in the family Another possible interpretation is his detachment from material possessions.

To dream that you have money in your pocket

This dream may be a sign that you need to pay more attention to your capabilities. After all, it shows that you have much more potential than you imagine. Even to get money.

To dream that you win money in the lottery

This dream represents your luck. Even if luck is not directly linked to actually winning the lottery, you are lucky Moreover, something unexpected and transforming will come your way, and just like the lottery needs you to play, everything to come needs your ability and talent.

You will have much spiritual and financial wealth, consequently, you will achieve your accomplishments and happiness.

To dream of found money

To dream of found money means that you will make excellent choices in your future. In addition, it represents your luck and how important it is to be able to maintain it at various times in your life.

Final comments about dreaming about money

To Dream with Money It is important that we always try to remember the context in which they happened. Furthermore, it is necessary to have initiative in the face of the preludes. As much as dreams mean good things, we need to fight for them .

See_also: Positive and negative psychological characteristics

If you are curious to know more about dreams and psychoanalysis, check out our EAD course on Clinical Psychoanalysis! It is 100% online, with easy payment and immediate start. Don't miss the opportunity to increase your knowledge.contents!

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.