What is personal coaching?

George Alvarez 03-06-2023
George Alvarez

More and more we rely on ourselves and our self-motivation skills. After all, what is personal coaching? We are so used to hearing about coaches and what coaching is, that we don't realize that it is possible to apply this process to ourselves.

The coaching process is used by many people, either individually or in groups. After all, it helps in the development and impacts the person's personal and professional life.

This help is usually sought when something in our lives is not going well and is discouraging us. So we ask you: have you ever thought of being a coachee?

What is coaching

Coaching is a process that has a scientific basis and seeks to improve our quality of life In other words, coaching focuses on the development of specific skills and competencies, aimed at improving the individual's actions.

The coaching action is done through sessions, which is why there are group or individual sessions. The first sessions seek to identify the coachee's problem and then create the best action plan for him.

Coaching, in general terms, focuses on self-knowledge and the observation of behavioral aspects. In other words, this explains the high success rate in results of lives improved by the coaching process.

Who is the coach?

The coach, is the trainer. It is the person who is going to be your companion in this whole process. The coach is the one who will create, together with you, the best way to evolve you.

So the coach is the coach who will organize your life. Or, help you organize it.

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Who is the coachee?

The coachee is the person who receives the coaching training In other words, he is the one who seeks the coach to be the "coach" of his life. We are not always able to take a step towards the change we want, and that is the role of the coach.

What is personal coaching

Personal coaching aims to create a more positive aspect of life. It acts in maintaining a person's beliefs and values This is the way to achieve the goals and objectives.

In the case of personal coaching, the improvement of the person's private life is observed, and not the group effect. This process works with self-knowledge for the benefit of improving one's private life.

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In this way, personal coaching transforms It changes our life and projects us into the life we want to have. Therefore, a specific action plan is drawn for the person, and there is no group action.

What is career coaching

Basically united by the same process, there are differences. You have to know that personal coaching and career coaching are not the same thing. Personal coaching deals with general and motivational aspects of the person's life.

Career coaching, on the other hand, aims at enhance career It helps to improve communication skills that can make the individual a leader. The same methodology used for personal coaching is used here.

However, the focus is on the professional life of the person. Aspects such as emotional intelligence, assertiveness, ethics, self-confidence, interpersonal relationships, etc. are worked on. In other words, all skills that focus on the professional success of the coachee.

How it works

To learn more about what is personal coaching The coach needs to understand the individual to identify what is blocking his or her development. Based on this, the directions are applied. And they will vary from one person to another.

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The coach is based on scientifically proven techniques to assist in the process of self-knowledge of the person.

This is why the process of change, when helped by a coach, can be more effective: it pushes us, motivates us, keeps us moving forward. Coaching changes the view We can always go much further!

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Personal Coaching in the Selective Processes

Now that you understand a little more about what personal coaching is, you can use it in job interviews.

Once interpersonal and personality skills are honed, one can succeed in the job market with it. After all, one must always reinvent oneself in such a competitive world, where the slightest detail will raise the potential of your resume.

In this case, besides working on your self-confidence, the coach will train you to abandon behavioral habits that can hinder you in the interview. It is possible to get the long-desired job through this focused coaching.


Personal coaching can bring numerous benefits We list some of them below:

  • improvement in the quality of life.
  • improvement in the process of communication and expression.
  • development of self-confidence.
  • help in the search for inner balance.
  • professional transformation or getting a job.
  • control and mastery over the negative aspects that can command our life.

Coaching vs. Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring, it is worth mentioning, are very different processes . both in terms of the relationship and the length of the process.

In coaching, the coach will work on aspects of your life until the improvement is complete and you reach your goal or objective. And the process is not always a long one; it usually doesn't take that long to complete. In this case, the coach and coachee will have a professional relationship only.

In mentoring, the process is longer lasting, and can last years or a lifetime. Also, the relationship with the mentor may be that of friendship or family, not just a professional relationship. In other words, the mentor is likely to be a person who knows you in a deeper way.


The issue of self-knowledge and emotional balance is always on the agenda of strong discussions, both within companies, thinking about the welfare of their employees, and in our personal lives. That is why, the importance to know what personal coaching is and how it can be applied.

It is increasingly difficult, in the world we live in, to keep ourselves motivated. It is hard enough to find reasons that drive us with so much rush in our daily lives. That is why self-knowledge is fundamental: we need to know what makes us happy and what motivates us.

And it is with this proposal that personal coaching emerges. Improving our quality of life, through what motivates us. Finding emotional balance and managing daily tasks can become even better and more effective with the help of this process!

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To learn more

If you like this subject, and would like to know more about what is personal coaching Discover how psychoanalysis can help in the coaching development process. Change your life and expand your knowledge with our online and certified course! Be the coach of your life!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.