10 Great Literacy Games

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

If you are a mother or father, it is normal that you are interested in the cognitive development of your children. Especially if they are children, since the little ones will have to go through the learning process of reading and writing. In this case, it is worthwhile that you make use of literacy and literacy games to help them.

Why learn with games?

We know that children love to play. Therefore, when the child is taught literacy in a playful way, this process becomes less stressful and tedious. This scenario is much more pleasant than the one where the child is crying in front of a notebook, isn't it?

Many parents compare their children's learning pace with that of other children and put unnecessary pressure on them. This is a mistake! Each child will become literate in his or her own time.

Learn how literacy games improve learning

Games can teach children to develop diverse skills related to language, listening, socialization, and logical, mathematical, and spatial reasoning, for example.

In addition, play reduces the child's rejection of school and the learning process, because the little ones do not always find the classroom with desks an inviting environment, literacy games make the learning process more dynamic and fun encouraging the children to acquire new knowledge.

In this context, it is up to the school and the teachers to create a welcoming and motivational school environment, where ludic activities are developed The family has the role of guiding the child in the learning process, so that it is playful and effective.

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Importance of professional accompaniment

Of course, it is important that you are accompanied by a professional. Pediatricians and teachers need to be a part of your child's life, because they have been prepared to deal with this literacy phase. They are ready to identify any learning problems.

As long as no issue is identified, contain your anxiety and wait for your child's time. He will learn all that is necessary at his own pace. He may become literate very quickly, but this may not happen either. The important thing is that you always stimulate him in a patient and even playful way.

What is Literacy and Literacy?

Now that we have made this important caveat, let's define here what literacy and what literacy is. Many people think that these two concepts are the same, but this is not true. Many children are literate but not literate, so it is necessary to understand the difference between the two processes.

Literacy is nothing more than the acquisition of a linguistic code, that is, the child learns to read and write. In the process, he will learn to discern, for example, the difference between letters and also numbers.

Literacy, in turn, is the development of the appropriate use of reading and writing in social practices. Many children cannot interpret a text that they have read, for example. This is an indication that they are not yet literate.

How to stimulate literacy and literacy

Although the school plays a primary role in a child's literacy process, you can also participate in it. There are cases of children who start school already learning to read and write. In addition, many can already interpret comic book stories and also write meaningful texts (even if they are short) .

If you have the desire to help your child become literate as well as literate, it is worth investing in games that will help your child become literate.

As we have already said, your child will learn by playing and will feel comfortable to start understanding the differences between letters and between sounds. In the future, she may be interested in learning your name or her name. Who knows, maybe she will take the risk of starting to read a few words of the little story you read to her before bedtime.

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Points out the importance of setting an example

On this point, it is worth saying that your child will feel more stimulated about reading and writing when he or she sees you in contact with books and other types of texts. So it is worth doing some reading around him and also buying him some picture books or comic books.

Even if he still doesn't understand anything that is written, he will be interested in what is there. One day, he will want to decipher what is written himself. So, arouse your child's curiosity and you will facilitate his literacy process.

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List of 5 literacy games

That said, let's go to our list of literacy and literacy games Always remember that we are talking about a game and not an exercise, so don't make playtime stressful. Your child should have fun first.

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  • Letter Box

To play this game, you need to cover matchboxes with a picture. Inside each one, you need to put the letters that form the name of the picture that is in them. The goal is to get the child to arrange the letters in the correct way.

  • Silabando

To make this game, you need egg cartons, cards with pictures, and bottle caps with the syllables of the names of these pictures. The child will have to see a picture and arrange the caps on top of the egg carton in order to form the name of the picture.

  • Magnetized Letters

To play this game you will need a zinc, iron, or aluminum wall, as well as letter magnets. The child will have to form words with the magnets he has at his disposal.

  • Alphabet Roulette

This game requires the making of a roulette wheel that must contain all the letters of the alphabet The child must write a word that begins with the letter indicated or draw a picture that begins with the letter .

Which letters are missing?

You should make up cards with incomplete names of people or objects. Encourage your child to complete the words with the missing letters.

Final considerations about literacy games

We hope that these suggestions of literacy and literacy games If you would like to better understand how your child's mind works in order to better deal with it, we recommend that you take our 100% online Clinical Psychoanalysis course.

Our content will certainly help you understand your child's behaviors and ways of acting, so enroll today! literacy and literacy games that we indicate!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.