12 worst defects of a person

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

The a person's flaws After all, these relationships are not only love relationships, but also professional, fraternal, and family relationships.

An entire career can be negatively affected by some defect, isn't it? 12 worst defects of a person In addition, it is important to take a journey of self-knowledge and realize which of these defects we have. After all, it is only when we recognize them that we can work on them.

What is defect

Let's start this one by talking about the definition of defect, after all, would you know how to define it?

According to the dictionary, what is a defect?

If we look up the word defect in the dictionary we can see that it is a masculine noun. Etymologically, this word comes from the Latin defectus.us. And among its definitions we see:

  • an imperfection, deformity which can be physical or moral;
  • malfunction of something;
  • absence of perfection;
  • habits that cause damage as, for example, an addiction.

In relation to the synonyms of defect, we can highlight:

  • malfunction;
  • enguiço;
  • vice;
  • mania.

The Defect Concept

Regarding the concept, we see that defect is any deviation from an expected requirement In other words, any characteristic of something or someone that does not meet our expectation is a defect Even this may or may not affect its ability to perform the required function.

As with the idea of quality, defining whether something is a defect involves factors beyond objectivity. In other words, we apply in our judgments, thoughts, values and cultural issues that are our own.

In this way, we see someone's characteristics in an empirical way and not in a scientific and proven way. For this reason, caution is required when considering a judgment as absolute truth.

List of a person's worst defects

Now that we have seen what a defect is, let's see a list with the 12 worst ones So, check it out below:

1. anxiety

We begin this list with one of the great evils that plague our societies today: anxiety! This is a psychic state of apprehension or fear caused by the anticipation of a situation. This considering that this situation may or may not be unpleasant or dangerous.

Thus, through a projection of something that may or may not happen, we shake ourselves.

2. self-deprecation

Self-deprecation has to do with thinking and acting in a derogatory way about oneself. In other words, it is the self-loathing, the inferiority complex, the self-pity. It happens when we focus on the negative aspects of ourselves and feed this negative feeling. Rarely do we try to change what we see as bad in ourselves.

3. disorganization

The disorganized person cannot coordinate his activities in a methodical way. Therefore, It has no method, no order, no cohesion or coherence. People like this lack organizational structure and are extremely messy.

That being the case, this defect may interfere too much with the realization of that person's goals. After all, it takes goals and planning to achieve our dreams.

4. discrimination

Discrimination is related to intolerance, prejudice, segregation. Furthermore, it is an unfair treatment given to someone because of personal characteristics, so it is important to be careful not to be a person who discriminates.

5. authoritarianism

Already this defect is to act tyrannically, excessively, improperly, in such a way as to cause moral or physical harm to someone Therefore, authoritarianism becomes something quite deplorable.

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6. antipathy

Dislike is the spontaneous, irrational and gratuitous aversion In this way, we can think of dislike as a repulsion of what someone dislikes. This is a similar problem to discrimination and can bring the same problems.

7. apathy

This is a weakening of all feelings. Here, the subject is not susceptible to commotion or interest. Thus, it cultivates insensitivity, indifference. It generates in those who have it a state of:

  • discouragement;
  • fatigue;
  • exhaustion;
  • lack of vigor;
  • physical or mental weakness.
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8. commodity

It is that person who shies away from difficulties. In addition, this individual keeps his thoughts and behaviors on things that he is already used to. Therefore, it rarely causes or seeks any kind of discomfort, fear, anxiety, threat or risk. After all, who doesn't step out of their comfort zone.

9. attachment

Attachment is always negative, and is not the same thing as love. We think it is important to make this distinction because Western society confuses love with attachment. That is why many songs and novels say "I am nothing without you", "You are everything to me", "You complete me", "You are my reason for existing", but these speeches are not love.

Remember, the only love is unconditional love, and this is hard to find. After all, this love expects nothing from the other. This is because love is a one-way street.

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On the other hand, when a relationship is based on attachment, you depend on the other to be happy. Consequently, in this type of love, your happiness does not come from yourself, but is projected onto the other.

This is one of the reasons that motivate the suicidal acts of some. After all, at the end of a relationship, some feel that they no longer have a reason to live.

10. dependency

To be dependent is to be a subordinate person to others. In other words, people with this defect become dependent not only financially, but emotionally as well. Moreover, they live insecure lives and cannot think of personal dreams or believe that they can be happy on their own.

11. procrastination

This is one of the great a person's flaws Here the person's desire or decision is not enough to make him/her act, so the action is always left for later and, consequently, may never be realized. This is a problem, because this person will always be frustrated that he cannot get where he wants to go. In other words, it is like a toxic cycle that takes you nowhere.

12. falsehood

Falsehood is can be synonymous with:

  • concealment;
  • hypocrisy;
  • pretense.

In other words, it is when a person pretends to have beliefs, virtues, ideas, and feelings that he or she does not actually possess. The person with this defect seeks to deceive the other person and lead him or her into error. However, we can fool everyone, but the lack of authenticity, delays our evolution.

Messages for accepting a person's defects

We know that all of us are subject to have one or several defects. But as a human being, we must learn to live with our own faults and those of others. Here are some messages about accepting defects.

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"Growing up is accepting that flaws are indispensable pieces in the closet and, fortunately, never go out of style."- Clarissa Corrêa

"I take it for personality.

I was born subject like all others to mistakes and flaws,

But never to the mistake of wanting to understand too much,

Never to the mistake of wanting to understand with intelligence alone,

Never to the default of demanding the World

May it be something other than the World" - Alberto Caeiro

"Loving someone is the same thing as saying, I dare you to accept my flaws, I dare you to like my messy hair and my sleepy face."-Unknown

To try to live with a person's defects or your own it is always good to have some tips, some of them are:

  • don't see everything as a defect;
  • Make a list of positive points about yourself or the person;
  • think about the experiences of the past;
  • take more pride in the things that you or the person has achieved.

Final comments: a person's flaws

We hope that this list of the great a person's flaws And as we said above, if you see any in yourself, try to improve. Nobody is perfect, that is, we all have defects. However, we can minimize their impact on our lives.

If you are interested in knowing more about the subject, our online Psychoanalysis course can help you.

See_also: The Hedgehog's Dilemma: Meaning and Teachings

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.