15 phrases of the love conquest

George Alvarez 05-06-2023
George Alvarez

Table of contents

The work of the conquest in love may displease some people, but believe me, it is worth it. When we understand that the right person is there at the ideal moment, the effort of having him/her by our side is rewarding. That is why today we bring you 15 phrases of conquest to give their hearts a little push to meet.

1 - "It is in a smile that love is made, in an embrace that is conquered, in crying that is strengthened", unknown

We begin the phrases of conquest rescuing the value of small actions in everyday life that are fundamental Keep in mind that the conquest involves everything we see, feel, and later remember to be unique. The way we smile when we see the other, the hug given, a look... All of this counts when passion flows.

2 - "Absolute freedom is won through love: only love frees man from his nature and drives out the animal and the demon", Mircea Eliade

Mircea rescues the idea of love as a way to humanize ourselves and do the same for other people. Through this we bring the consciousness of respect, so that the other is important and makes a difference to someone. Not to mention that, without love, there is a fertile field to sadness, loneliness, and everything else that this feeling could placate.

3 - "Love is a feeling that you don't buy, you don't win, you don't steal... It is conquered", Michell Viana

Regardless of the amount of money applied, it is impossible to buy someone's true love, much less win it or even steal it. In the phrases of the love conquest, the effort to convince someone to share something special in your life is what counts. As difficult as it may be, winning someone else over is also part of what you may become.

4 - "Love demands courage. And man... is more of a coward. Man, when he wins, thinks he doesn't have to make any more effort and then, dances...", Tati Bernardi

Bernardi throws one of the best conquest phrases on the list, because it denounces the failure of many partners. This is because it is common to stop making an effort to have the other person on your side, since he said "yes". Instead of going in the opposite direction, it allows everyday life to massacre their relationship.

In order to avoid this:

  • Never get complacent

Never allow yourself the negligence of not continuing to invest in the other, even after you've been together. Through this you can continually reaffirm the strong bond you have without wearing out the relationship. Don't get complacent.

  • Always reinforce the contact they have

Try often to break the routine as a way to keep the relationship even more interesting. Whether it's cooking something special at home or eating out, time for two on a walk, a weekend break. Innovate whenever possible.

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5 - "Inner beauty conquers without words", Julio Gonçalves

Besides the physical body, the content of our souls is what complements and fixes the passion of the other in us. In this it is valid to allow the other to expose this and for you to do the same. It is impossible to lie or deceive our feelings when the beauty of the soul is exposed .

6 - "Part of me believes that love is more valuable if you have to work to earn it", Augusten Burroughs

Burroughs presents us with one of the best phrases of conquest and reaffirms the power of work to love. This is not romanticization of impossible love, of when someone says "no" and the other keeps insisting... Nothing of the sort. However, when we make the effort to have someone by our side, the moments shared afterwards will be extremely valuable.

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7 - "Respect, love and friendship are not begged for, they are earned", Marcos Sousa

When you meet someone or start a more serious relationship, avoid asking for what you should already expect. Many talk about wanting fidelity, honesty, but forget that this should be something intuitive and expected in the relationship. If you are trying too hard and have reached the limit of asking, believe me, it may not be worth it.

8 - "A love is not conquered once, a love is conquered every moment, with all your heart", Condiolov

Again, romantic conquest phrases reaffirm the effort to keep the relationship flowing after the "yes." If you believe you have found the right person for you, try to show that throughout your time together. Value her through words, actions, and everything that does not need to be said often .

9 - "The greatest gift: forgiveness... The greatest feeling: love... The greatest achievement: reconciling the two", Wilgner Matheus

As difficult as it may be, part of love involves giving forgiveness when it is needed. It is not that we should forget all the other's faults with us, but we need to understand the situation in order to bring closure. If the other has hurt you and you are suffering because of it, try forgiveness as a way of letting go of the pain.

10 - "A true love is born from a true friendship. A true friendship is conquered little by little. If you want to love, look for a friend", Laisla Vell

Before having only one love, look for someone who is also your friend. When people who love each other also have a friendship, it is easier for each to fulfill their dreams. Besides the support within the relationship, the reinforcement extends to dreams and other areas of life.

11 - "Every conquest a celebration! Love is a miracle worthy of changing everything and everyone who wants it and leaves it", Vanessa da Mata

Vanessa da Mata overflows phrases of romantic conquest throughout her repertoire since forever. Here, Vanessa points out the power of change to all those who allow themselves to follow through spontaneously Their lyrics evoke the willingness, the desire for the other, and the desire to create a world when they are alone.

12 - "Since something is so valuable to you, be wise and patient to deserve its conquest", Reinaldo Ribeiro

In the phrases of the love conquest, patience is a necessary virtue to achieve the one we desire and deserve to have. This proves to be a trigger reminder, so that we associate the effort made with someone's value to us. When we find someone with the potential to grow together, patience in the conquest must be worked on.

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13 - "Conquest is one person investing and another giving in: vampirism. Mutual attraction is another level, it is a meeting of affinities: light", Swami Raddhi Jyotirmay

In the conquest phrases, we have one that talks about points in common that help to mature the relationship. As we get to know each other, attraction arises and the possibility of affinity meeting. Based on that:

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  • No it isn't

If someone says "no" firmly and has no loophole, give up. This negative should not be interpreted to mean that we should go on thinking that they are charming us Especially men toward women, and this is quite common, don't push it.

  • Points in common

Even if you need to get out of your bubble, find someone who carries some common ground with you. Whether it's something personal or life goals, align yourself with those who can walk at the same pace to converge on the same steps.

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14 - "Great hope is better than mere conquest", Miguel de Cervantes de Saavedra

Never get attached to loves that are too easy, without content or even any true support. Cervantes gives us one of the most valuable conquest phrases on the list because, indirectly, he talks about how we deserve more. So, if you want a love worth having, aim for those that need construction in order to grow.

15 - "It is easier to obtain what you desire with a smile than at the point of a sword", William Shakespeare

To close the conquest phrases, try to be a kind, loving and welcoming person when you meet someone. Even if it seems obvious, we touch on this point because many force a relationship to continue using violence. Love creates a house in our chest that always leaves the door open for the other to come to us .

Final considerations

The phrases of conquest from the list above serve as a parameter to follow when it comes to having someone. Not that we are regulating your preferences, not at all, but try to understand the extent of the value of it. Do you want to have someone on your side who will add you or a shallow passing individual in your life?

Use the above topics to reflect, gather what you need, and go for the fight of having someone to love. Oh, so you already have someone in your life and he knows how you feel about him? Then it is worth the effort to keep the mutual interest and feelings towards your partner alive.

In order to extend what was learned in the conquest phrases, enroll in our online course on Clinical Psychoanalysis The purpose here is to polish your posture, so that you achieve a better life with more self-knowledge, security, and control of the events in your path. With the support of the classes, you can be a better lover and a better human being.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.