Haters: meaning, and characteristics and behavior

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

The word haters But do you know what it means? Then, check out our article and understand better this subject!

What does haters mean?

To begin with, we need to define what haters are, so you should know that this is a word of English origin, so it has been adopted here in Brazil, and all over the world, without translation. However, the literal translation is "haters". However, according to translator Linguee, haters are hateful people.

In this sense, the meaning of haters has more depth. For, according to Dicio, a hater is a person who defames and devalues the importance of something or someone Moreover, haters appear only on the Internet.


In this way, this term has become popular with the use of the Internet. Actually, since the 2000's with the social networks. So, an internet hater is someone who spreads hate in these spaces Even more so with the growing number of influencers every day.

So, this idea of freedom has negative aspects too, because haters believe that they can say whatever they want, and worse, "no matter who it hurts", because they are protected by the screens.

Furthermore, many people take advantage of this to create fake profiles to defame others. However, other haters are not afraid and use their real identities, because there are usually no consequences for their actions. In this way, the Internet becomes an increasingly toxic environment.

Characteristics of Hater Behavior

So, check out the main characteristics of haters:

  • they spread lies;
  • They curse and humiliate people;
  • judge unnecessarily;
  • condemn ideas and attitudes that they oppose;
  • make threats
  • never have a positive comment;
  • criticize the achievements of others.

Factors in the emergence of haters

In this sense, besides screen protection, there are other factors for the emergence of haters. Check them out!


Thinking about influencers, and youtubers in general, they expose their lives. But most of the time only the positive part. That is, brand name clothes, trips and expensive products. So this lifestyle breeds envy, so the haters don't have access to the same privileges.

However, many still believe that these people do not deserve the success they are making. Therefore, one way to express this frustration is by slandering the other. So, haters try to feel better only in this way.

Low self-esteem

Still others believe that they will never be able to achieve a prestigious status. Because, even today, cultural values disseminate the idea of the "perfect body". So, false standards of beauty are increasingly imposed on women. Therefore, even the famous ones also suffer from haters and media impositions when they do not reach a certain standard.

Moreover, the same happens in the case of talent, because many people who are considered experts in a certain activity get haters, in addition to the fans who are the great majority. But, all it takes is just one failure for the hatred of the haters to increase.

So, in the case of singers, an off-tune becomes a laughingstock, for example. In this way, haters, instead of looking for their own talents, belittle people who have and do succeed.

Lack of self-love

So in reality it all comes down to a lack of self-love. This is because envy and low self-esteem interfere with the formation of the self. In this way, feelings of failure and sadness are very common. Therefore, the main goal of haters is to put others down.

Therefore, they make others sad just like them. In other words, instead of moving away from social networks, the haters continue to feed their hatred And so, they spread negative feelings both to themselves and to others.

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The sick behavior of haters brings several negative consequences. But especially for the people who are attacked. Because haters forget that on the other side of the screen there is also another human being, who also has feelings.

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Haters and Cyberbullying

Therefore, it is not new that parents and educators need to help young people in cases of cyberbullying, because impunity, even more so for minors, increases these behaviors. This is because the victims are still in their teens.

So, in this phase full of changes, the emotional becomes even more fragile. As a consequence, many young people suffer from depression and anxiety, and others commit suicide because they can no longer stand the situation.

Mental Disorders

Like young people, victims often develop mental disorders. For, they feel belittled and are always waiting for the approval of others.

This way, even though the positive comments are larger, they are stuck with a minority who dislike them. Then the work becomes less and less fun and the Internet becomes a minefield.

Fear and insecurity

As far as sports are concerned, several soccer players are receiving death threats. This is because fanatical fans cannot cope with losses, especially when they lose a championship or when their team's campaign is not good.

Racism and homophobia

In addition, many haters disseminate racist and homophobic comments. In this sense, actresses like Taís Araújo and journalist Maju Coutinho have already been victims of racism on social networks, as well as the singer and funk singer Ludmila. Regarding homophobia, a young man committed suicide after suffering attacks from haters.

In this way, hatred is something even more serious, since these people hurt human diversity. However, we must point out that these acts are crimes But still many haters get away with it, while these people continue to suffer.

How to deal with hate attacks on the Internet?

Therefore, to avoid this kind of harmful behavior, the best thing to do is to take a break from social networking. Furthermore, it is important to respect your neighbor, that is, when you see something you don't like, ignore it and go on with your life, because, in fact, the problem lies in your attitudes and how you deal with frustrations.

In addition, victims of hate attacks need to seek psychological counseling, so that they can take care of their well-being, because their emotional health deserves constant care. In addition, taking some time away from the networks or having someone else manage them may be the best strategy.

However, it is also necessary that the state, brands, and schools run awareness campaigns about the conscious use of the Internet. In this way, society is informed about the consequences of these attitudes.

Final remarks about haters

In this article we have talked about a topic that is essential to our society today: the spread of hatred on the Internet. So we hope we have dealt with the emotional aspects related to such behavior.

So, after understanding the meaning and characteristics of haters This way, you will get to know more about what is behind this human behavior. Furthermore, you will be able to help victims and aggressors, so sign up now!

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.