Being focused in life: how to do it in practice?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

The expression "having focus in life" means having a goal, always persisting, also planning for the future . Focus is a masculine noun and means sharpness, a point of convergence, and a clear target. Focus is where a person's attention is, or should be, if he has a goal to follow.

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Why focus in life?

To have a determined objective to reach, a goal to achieve, without deviating to another path. To focus is to say no to hundreds of good ideas, because you had to select where to put your energies and attention Focus is a "tool" that allows you to accomplish a mission and without looking around for distracting things, to achieve the desired goal. To fixate on an idea and have the ability to bring a task to completion, to start and finish a job, to fixate on a goal and not deviate from it. Most "winners" had focus to get where they wanted to go, focus is important and not having it is to make life difficult.

Perhaps this is the most difficult age to maintain focus, because there are so many distracting stimuli, diversified things around that attract attention, with the advance of technology and so much information at the same time that it complicates the focus on just one thing. The speed with which information is opted for today has changed every human being's behavior. People find it difficult to keep a straight line, everything seems to catch their attention, tasks are not being completed, and soon one moves on to another.

A deviation of conduct is generated, a syndrome or disease, so called by many scholars. Maintaining focus has become a great challenge, We are not talking about the normal disinterest that people have when something doesn't please them, like a boring movie, an unpleasant conversation, this is not a lack of focus but a lack of interest.

The lack of focus in life

The lack of focus that worries an entire society is the one that the individual knows he needs to do, to focus energy on something, but can't, and so comes procrastination, frustration, anxiety, sadness, feelings of inadequacy, and many negative thoughts. Techniques to combat lack of concentration do exist, but they are not very sought after, Many times people don't even know that there are techniques to help with the lack of focus, and other times they don't even know they have this problem.

Mental programming is an activity that has been used for some years, consisting of hearing and repeating affirmative words about what you want. Another technique used to help focus is organization, which consists of cleaning, organizing, and making lists of what to start and what to finish. Setting goals is also a technique to improve focus; one learns to observe where one is and where one wants to be. Meditation is also good for focusing on goals and keeping concentration on what one really needs.

A much debated issue in society is the difficulty of concentration in the school phase, now more than before, because we have technology in the hands of young people. The search for answers, for solutions, Trying to find an effective method to combat the distraction that takes away the focus in people's lives is the subject of debates all over the world. Lack of focus can be an emotional or cognitive problem among others.

About ADHD and having focus in life

What has worried most in the lack of concentration in life is the emotions that it brings along, stress, tension, depression are some destructive emotions that sometimes paralyze the person. The mind is already a complex thing and it often wanders into many thoughts, some good, some not. The problem of distracted concentration affects children and adults alike, and is usually noticed in the results and performance of simple as well as complex activities.

In the child's life, for example, parents may notice the low grades at school, it may be something simple, but it could be a disorder called ADHD, it does not start in adulthood it is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is treatable, in general it starts in childhood and can continue into adulthood, it can bring low self-esteem, relationship problems, learning problems at school.

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Treatment for ADHD is done through therapy, common symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, not listening directly, not finishing tasks, being disorganized, losing things, talking too much, hating to wait, and interrupting others. Not only children have ADHD, some adults have it and don't even know it. To help people with this problem many methods have been created, therapy is welcome in these cases.

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In the clinical psychoanalysis course we read a lot about the benefits of psychoanalytic therapy, with good techniques it will surely work, analyzing resistance processes, listening and analyzing is important (Module 11 transference and resistance we read about this) the elderly in often forgetting simple things, such as when to take their medicine. Adults may notice a lack of focus when they forget simple daily appointments, such as picking up a child from school.

Lack of concentration and focus is a problem to be faced, saying no to what is not urgent and yes to what is the main thing in life has always worked, so finding the balance is necessary. Mental health programs can help a lot, trying to reach many people through the media. More treatment access for therapies in schools.

At work, if necessary make treatment and follow-up available for people with a lack of focus. Also teach family members who live with agitated, overanxious people who can't keep their focus on almost anything. Treating disorders as they should be treated, showing that they need and have treatment, because many times these disorders are treated as laziness, relaxation and bad will, and those who have them end up suffering with all of this.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.