Pill in The Matrix: Meaning of the blue and red pill

George Alvarez 28-10-2023
George Alvarez

In 1999 people were surprised by the plot and effects of the movie Matrix. More than just entertainment, the public understood the movie's message and began to question themselves about what they saw. After all, what is the meaning of pill in Matrix ?

Matrix storyline: blue and red pill

Despite being something small, the audience was surprised by the significance of the pill in The Matrix In short, the characters in The Matrix believe that they live a quiet and true life. However, they do not realize that the real world is much wider and deeper than the illusion they live.

The character Morpheus (named after the God of Sleep in Greek mythology) leads a resistance that lives far from the influence of the Matrix. According to Morpheus, the character Neo is destined to destroy the Matrix. After Morpheus shows Neo the possibility of knowing the truth, he offers Neo two pills: a blue and a red pill.

If Neo takes the blue pill, he will return to his normal life created within the illusion of the Matrix. If Neo takes the red pill, he will return to the Matrix aware of the machines' manipulation of human beings and will have a chance to fight this machine world.

Blue or red pill: which one would you take?

Imagine that you have an ordinary but perfect life, but you feel that there is something wrong. If you choose the red pill in The Matrix you will discover the truth behind this reality However, if you do not want to confront the truth, you can choose the blue pill in The Matrix and return to the illusion.

There is a clear reference to Myth of the Cave by Plato:

The inhabitants of the cave saw shadows of things, animals and people projected at the bottom of the cave. One of the inhabitants leaves the cave and sees that there are real things "out there" that project these shadows. He decides to return to the cave and tell the other inhabitants, who kill him.

The question is: would it be possible for this inhabitant who came out of the cave to give up a deeper knowledge in order to continue to live his life in the cave?

  • If the answer is "no", we start from an idea from philosophy that the search for truth (or different truths) should speak louder than continuing to live a life of beliefs. In this sense, the inhabitant of Plato's myth chose the red pill from The Matrix, by choosing to leave the cave.
  • If the answer is "yes", the comfort of the already known life and defense mechanisms would weigh more heavily; this inhabitant would be accepted by the group, by choosing the blue pill of the Matrix, by choosing to continue living in the cave and believing what his companions also believe.

In both cases, there is an idea of choice:

  • Morpheu offers Neo the possibility of choice, of free will.
  • So too the inhabitant from that cave could have chosen to "forget".

If there is the possibility of non-confrontation, it is because it brings some comfort:

  • Common sense social life is accompanied by an idea of protection and not conflict (blue pill, staying in the cave).
  • But in both stories, it is as if it is not possible to "unsee" and give up a new and deeper reality, even if there is the price of the pain of the challenge (red pill, leaving the cave).

In Plato and in The Matrix, the most courageous choice from an intellectual and life ethic point of view is for the challenge : the red pill (or "coming out of the cave").

In this sense, we recall the well-known grase of the psychoanalyst Melanie Klein: "whoever eats the fruit of knowledge is always expelled from some paradise". This phrase resumes the biblical myth of Adam and Eve, but also the myth of the Cave. "Wanting to know" is a way to leave the Paradise of the common place, of the integrative comfort of accepting the rules imposed by custom.

For many people this choice is difficult, since both options bring great responsibilities:

Blue Pill

It means that people want to keep themselves safe from the risks of another possible truth. In this way, they will be locked into a society that doesn't question, because they believe that everything around them is functional.

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Red Pill

Perhaps few people will risk taking the red pill in The Matrix in order to find out the truth - after all, not all people are able to deal with the reality of life and prefer to distance themselves from it Only a smaller group would take the pill in the Matrix to understand the world around them.

What if Neo chose the blue pill?

For those who have seen the movie, you know that the pill in The Matrix taken by Neo is red. Soon, the character decided to confront reality and rebel, questioning the system that oppresses human beings. However, what if Neo decided to take the blue pill instead of the red one?

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It is likely that he would return to the Matrix with the purpose of having a dull life. Like other characters, he would have a banal life of an ordinary everyday life with no big surprises. Even so, he would feel comfortable accepting what the machines showed him and not what he should see.

Many people ponder this possibility, because this scenario is not so far from real life. After all, many of us choose to ignore the truth in order to live a life of denial. For example, those who discredit science, effectiveness of vaccines and medical treatments .

Are there other possibilities?

Most people who watch the movie have a similar reaction when they see the pill in The Matrix. That is, viewers question the way they live and whether they are trapped in a kind of Matrix. It is possible that some people choose the blue pill in The Matrix, others the red pill, or look for other alternatives.

Be that as it may, it is important that you observe yourself, your perspective and how you act from it Sometimes it is necessary that we question the options we have in order to have the life we seek.

If you are going through a difficult time, it is important to believe that there is always a positive way out. The challenges we face will always be opportunities to discover our own strength.

The fear of change

With the pill in The Matrix, the character Neo has an important choice to make. If he wants to, he can leave life as it is and keep his everyday life as it has always been. However, he has the opportunity to expand his perception and see the world as it really is.

In the real world, it is likely that some people never know the opportunities that change can bring. Since many of us choose to stay where we are, we are not able to recognize our own potential. In this way, many people fail to evolve and reach their full capacity.

Many people are afraid of change and even if they don't like where they are, they feel comfortable with the routine. Besides not being able to grow, they live a limited life and are forced to accept choices they don't like. Even if it is uncomfortable, we must know our truth in order to have the freedom we want .

Never reject the truth

There are people who ignore some truths in their daily lives because it is more comfortable. The most famous example is people who doubt scientific studies that took years of research - the deniers. For example, the discussion about the application of vaccines or the shape of the planet.

If a person rejects scientific studies, he ignores the reality he lives in. This is a dangerous attitude, since these people have always depended on science to survive. A fact should never be thwarted by personal whims .


People who have reflected on the pill in The Matrix have come to important conclusions about them. As the debate develops, viewers advocate that people question social standards more. Not just the standard, but also:

Old ideas

We all need to be able to question the reality in which we live. We should not fear new ideas, but embrace them in order to build our progress .

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To respect is not to agree

Each person has his or her own opinion on the same subject. We should respect the opinion of others, but never be ashamed to disagree when we don't believe it.

The truth must be protected

We need to defend the truth, so that it is not interfered with by lies or wrong thinking. A person should only use his freedom of speech when he has proof of what he says Furthermore, if someone hurts others with his opinion, it is not free speech, but aggression.

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Willingness to learn

We should have more humility to talk to other people. Also, we won't always have the answer, but we can learn something new from others.

It's okay to feel bad

If you have a problem, don't be ashamed to express it to someone you trust. You should never believe that we are obliged to be happy all the time.

Final thoughts on the pill in The Matrix

People consider the pill in The Matrix, as in real life, an indispensable moment of reflection We should all have the opportunity to question our choices and the life we lead. People need to doubt ideas and behaviors that cause harm and are not based on proven truths.

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In this way, we can find opportunities to live free and aware of our responsibilities. Leaving the comfort zone is not easy, but you will soon realize the benefits of this decision.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.