Heartbreak phrases and tips for overcoming it

George Alvarez 03-10-2023
George Alvarez

In the last articles we published here at Psychoanalysis Clinic, we talked about different inspirational phrases. In some cases, you were inspired to let go. In others, you reflected on the power of self-esteem. In today's text, we will make a very similar reflection, but with a different theme. We want to discuss with you love disappointment phrases This is a delicate time that many of us are going through and it is important to know how to deal with it.

Love's deception

No one likes to be disappointed. Although some people come into our lives and we already have that flea behind our ears, it is no less painful to be disappointed by them. So it is clear that even when the disappointment in love is obvious, it still hurts us. Let's talk a bit about this feeling before we get to the phrases of love disappointment?

This discussion is somewhat associated with the amount of expectations we place on a person and our relationship with that person. When we get involved, we have several hopes. First of all, you expect at least to be reciprocated to the same extent. Although you know that people manifest love in different ways, you expect to be loved anyway. But is that reallytruth?

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Expectations vs. reality

At the beginning of a relationship everything seems to be flowers. However, some relationships are so superficial or poorly nurtured that within a few weeks they already start to give problems. This happens precisely because of our expectations, which are no longer satisfied with "being loved anyway". We are looking for people who love us the way we want to be. Isn't that what that Kid Abelha song said?

"I want you as I want..."

When our expectations are not met, we end up frustrated and disappointed. It is true that in some cases the relationship was great, but something got in the way. It may have been infidelity, but you see that even this problem arises because of unclear expectations. You have opened up completely about the kind of behavior that you as a couple should have in thework/college/school?

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When this kind of conversation doesn't happen, those involved are prone to break codes of conduct they don't know. The problem is that this is becoming more and more common, as people talk less and assume much more. You see, in a relationship nothing is obvious.

So, to the message we wanted to give before talking about love disappointment phrases is: to be less disappointed, don't forget to talk more!

5 phrases of love disappointment discussed in detail

Now that we have talked enough about what is a disappointment, let's talk briefly about 5 phrases of disappointment in love. You will see that most of them were said by people of extreme social relevance, while other authors remain unknown. However, remember that they all carry important lessons for you to control your feelings and expectations. This is important so thatyou avoid suffering once again!

1 - It is necessary to look for love wherever it is, even if this means hours, days, weeks of disappointment and sadness. Because the moment we set out in search of love, it also sets out to meet us. (Paulo Coelho)

All the talk we had above about expectations and disappointment has nothing to do with closing yourself off from love. It's super important to make that clear. The problem with superficial relationships is the lack of conversation. Even when the relationship moves forward on those terms, at some point disappointment will arise.

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When this occurs, the solution is not always to go your separate ways. It is entirely possible to talk it over and move forward together.

2 - Don't love for beauty, because one day it will end. Don't love for admiration, because one day you will be disappointed. Just love, because time can never end with a love without explanation. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Still talking about love, we believe that Mother Teresa of Calcutta is telling us here that love presupposes disappointment. When you love, you place a certain amount of expectations on someone about how you want to be reciprocated. We have even talked about this further up in the text.

However, the recommendation is that you don't love because of how you will be loved. Just love, trying to get rid of expectations in order to be less disappointed.

3 - To disappoint someone in love is the most terrible disappointment; it is an eternal loss for which there is no compensation, in life or in eternity. (Soren Kierkegaard)

This is the only one of the phrases of disappointment in love that we will bring here in view of your role in the relationship. Notice that up to this point, we have addressed you as the one who suffers. However, love is something reciprocal, so you have the power to disappoint as much as the one who is involved in the relationship along with you. With that in mind, remember that suffering a disappointment hurts and try to act accordingly.

4 - The intensity of disappointment is proportional to the friendship, affection, love and affection you have for the person who caused you such pain. (Izzo Rocha)

Now that you know that love disappointment hurts for both sides involved, know that strong relationships are the most likely to suffer disappointment. According to Izzo Rocha, disappointment is proportional to the strength of a relationship. This is why marriages suffer the impact of love disappointments much more than a vacation crush.

Of course dating involves love, but we are talking here about the power of a stable, solid and very long relationship. You expect a person who has known you for a long time to already know your expectations for a relationship. The same can even occur in a 1-month relationship, but here the reasoning is somewhat illogical.

5 - Running the risk of failure, of disappointments, of delusions, but never giving up the search for love. Whoever does not give up the search will win! (Paulo Coelho)

Finally, we return once again to Paulo Coelho to remind you that love is worthwhile, despite love's disappointments. It fills our lives with rich experiences and is worth pursuing hard. At this juncture, it is also worth saying that overcoming a disappointment is not something that makes love weaker. Overall, the clarification of what caused the problem makes the couple more lucid, strong and aware!

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Final thoughts: phrases of disappointment in love

In today's article, you read a discussion about some love disappointment phrases We hope they have helped you understand frustration from a different perspective! To learn how to make this kind of discussion about human behaviors, how about taking our 100% distance learning Clinical Psychoanalysis course? You will have in your hands useful knowledge for your personal life and work!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.