Psychoanalysis Course: 5 best in Brazil and in the world

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Psychoanalysis faced a tough road to being accessible to everyone, but over time, the Psychoanalysis course In this context, learn more about the subject and check out some of the best courses available in the market.

Concept of Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis is a method of therapy that seeks the hidden meaning of a person's actions, words, dreams, and even delusions Thus, this therapy studies mental impressions that are difficult to see with the naked eye, so it takes a deeper approach to what is behind someone's behavior.

In other words, Psychoanalysis is able to know about the human psyche and its functioning This type of therapy is able to evaluate someone's subconscious and learn the causes of neurotic disturbances. Thus, repressed desires and dreams, for example, are part of the therapy routine worked on by the psychoanalyst.

Birthplace of Psychoanalysis and the Best Psychoanalysis Courses

Founded by the physician Sigmund Freud, the term "Psychoanalysis" has gone through several changes. Freud used the terms analysis, psychic analysis, hypnotic analysis and even psychological analysis in his first article of 1894, "The Psychoneuroses of Defense". Thus, regardless of the identity, background and treatment of the ills that originate in the unconscious remain.

Psychoanalysis is not a science, but a specific branch of medicine, created and patented by Freud Therefore, while working in a hospital, Freud came into contact with people who had mental disorders. He noticed that these disorders originated because of repressed desires pushed into the unconscious.

Psychoanalysis works to reduce this resistance and transfer these desires into the conscious field. Therefore, using the free association method, the person talks about his or her desires, dreams, and anxieties. Thus, the psychoanalyst must generate an empathic field, to make you more comfortable with the treatment .

Important Psychoanalytical Concepts

To reinforce the weight of his research in the field of Psychoanalysis, Freud studied the subject and divided it into concepts As complex as it is, here are the ones that are indispensable when planning to enroll in a Psychoanalysis course:

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Unlike other scholars, Freud classified the Unconscious as a place, and not just as an adjective or state In a simple way, think about the dreams we have. We dream every night, and it is not us in the conscious state that creates the dreams.


The Ego is the exchanges a person has with the reality in which he is Thus, it is responsible for the balance of the psyche, maintaining the sanity of our personality. In other words, it is our rationality.


Formed from the Ego, the Superego is like a scale for our attitudes. It is a kind of "moral sieve", warning about what is or is not accepted, based on our life experiences Therefore, it is in it where we assimilate the idea of order and prohibition.


The Id is an inherent component in all of us. It is where our desires and wishes spring up, aiming at pleasure Because of its nature, it is always in conflict with the Ego and the Superego, for they are responsible for the sense of reality and morality, either allowing an impulse or inhibiting it.

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What are the best psychoanalysis courses in Brazil and in the world?

Now it is time to find a place to get to know even more. As much as it is the obvious choice, we recommend that you be wary of courses not taught by specialized Institutes .

Our Training Course in Clinical Psychoanalysis has a non-profit bias and has no monthly fees, only the initial registration fee. In fact, it is more than a course, it is a true Project involving handouts, video-classes, lives, Whatsapp community, and encouragement to the publication of articles and books by our students.

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According to legislation in Brazil and in most parts of the world, acting as a Psychoanalyst is considered a free, lay, and secular profession. This means that anyone can be a psychoanalyst, even if not a doctor or psychologist, as long as the person

  • conclude Training Course Onsite or Online in Psychoanalysis, like ours;

And, after graduating and wanting to act, it is recommended that the person follow:

I want information to enroll in the Psychoanalysis Course .

  • being analyzed by another psychoanalyst, that is, the therapist also needs therapy (analysis activities are already covered during our Training Course);
  • being supervised by an institute, society, or psychoanalytic group (supervision activities are also included during our Training Course).

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So, check out five high quality courses available on the market. These best psychoanalysis courses have not been put in an order from best to worst. Societies and institutes may make specific requirements for accepting new students.

In our EAD Psychoanalysis Training Course, it is required that the student has completed high school. Other courses may make other requirements, other courses may be only for psychologists or doctors. The important thing is to know that, in any of these cases, the graduated professional will be able to work.

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Brazilian Institute of Clinical Psychoanalysis - IBPC

We are talking about this site and our Psychoanalysis Training Course. It is a 100% online course, with video classes, own handouts and live meetings. The value is absolutely accessible and considered the most in-depth course with authorial material in the Portuguese language. In the registration fee, all the steps of the tripod are already included (with no need for additional payments)psychoanalytic: theory, supervision and analysis.

Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of Rio de Janeiro - SBPRJ

Although it has strict criteria for admission, SBPRJ is recognized as one of the best institutions for the study and training in Psychoanalysis This is a classroom-based course aimed specifically at doctors and psychologists, working dynamically to form a new professional in this area of health.

Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society of São Paulo - SBPSP

Being the first psychoanalytic society in Latin America, the SBPSP In addition, it has become a cradle of new ideas, projecting several of its members into the international arena in this field. Finally, it is a great choice for those who are interested in a face-to-face course in this area.

University of Essex

The public University of the UK is a renowned university research center. It has 11 courses focused only on Psychoanalysis. That is why the University of Essex is recognized for its efforts. All courses are divided into the fields of

  • Humanities;
  • Science and Health;
  • Social Science, where Psychoanalysis is inserted.

Boston University

Located in the northeastern United States, Boston University is one of the most renowned university centers in the world. The members trained at the university become a reference in the academic environment. They have given the necessary background for the discussions at events and lectures on the subject .

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In Brazil

Psychoanalysis is not recognized as a profession, but rather as an occupation The trained psychoanalyst may work in clinics, schools, and practices, governed by specific laws, different from other professions. Although there is no common standard for work, a high degree of rigor is required in the training of psychoanalysts.

In order to be able to act, the legislations of several countries and the practice of the best psychoanalysis courses in Brazil recommend that the Psychoanalyst complete an in-person or online training course. After graduating, it is recommended that the person continue studying, as well as being evaluated by another professional.

With the long road it has traveled, Psychoanalysis is an excellent resource in the treatment of mental illness That's why more and more people are looking for courses in this area. Still, it is necessary to choose well where you study. However, you need to evaluate:

  • the subject grid;
  • tuition fees;
  • and the activities that are proposed.

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Some courses call themselves "training courses in psychoanalysis", but they don't have the tripod required for training, which are: theory, supervision and analysis. In fact, they only focus on theory. The same goes for graduate courses in psychoanalysis, which are only theoretical, not qualifying the professional to work.

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Even if Psychoanalysis does not have a regulation as a job, this does not impair the ethical and academic standards necessary for the formation For this reason, a psychoanalyst must have theoretical, technical, and practical knowledge of the method. In addition, as a person, he or she must have an upstanding and ethical conduct.

Now, tell us the reason for your choice in a course in this area. Leave your comment, showing your intention to follow this career path, because this can help other people to follow the same path.

A reliable Psychoanalysis course?

Finally, you may wonder if our 100% EAD Complete Psychoanalysis Training Course is any good. Enrollment is open and starts immediately, for anyone who has completed high school.

If we recommend a certain trustworthiness with regard to courses, how do we advertise one of ours? Because our curriculum has the topics that are in the in-person courses we recommend above, so it is well worth checking it out.

After all, our teaching practice has content that leaves nothing to be desired by the best psychoanalysis courses Besides, you will have access to all of this in the comfort of your own home, with no presence activities, and with a certificate that will allow you to work in the area. It's worth it, isn't it? So, don't miss this chance to change your life!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.