What is the Law of Return in science and psychoanalysis

George Alvarez 26-05-2023
George Alvarez

Many believe that every action generates a reaction and this ends up feeding an infinite cycle in the universe. In fact, there is a real connection between events that implies the construction of a universal equilibrium scale. In this sense, let's understand what it means law of return and how it is viewed under Science and Psychoanalysis.

What is the law of return?

Law of Return shows itself as the idea that every action we take generates a return to ourselves In short, it is believed that there is a compensatory mechanism to balance our actions in society and in the universe. If we are good people, we will get good things, but the opposite is also true.

This proposition is seen quite generally by the population, even though it is not exactly wrong. The simplicity of this perception indicates how much we are used to thinking superficially about it. It is all evident in the sentence "we reap what we sow" Simple, easy, direct, and fast.

Even though we can observe it in various contexts, it is difficult to determine its origin A reaction can be a reaction depending on the perspective of various individuals. While some claim to be a consequence, others will say that it is the cause for something.

In Biology

In Biology, specifically in Neuroscience, there is a structure called mirror neuron. According to evaluations, this neuron makes us repeat everything we see in our routine. The idea is that we can learn continuously, which also contributes to our growth.

The veracity of such a structure is proven in the behavior of growing children. They end up becoming a direct reflection of their parents, because they copy their parents' posture all the time Even if it is a game, after all, the mirror neurons take advantage of the interaction to help the little ones.

In the example above, the law of return is seen in the child's surrender to his parents. The more the child opens up to them, the more the couple starts to stimulate him. Until one side gets tired, this cycle will repeat itself several times. The child's action of smiling, talking, picking up generates the parents' return to stimulate him even more, favoring his development.

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We are reflections of our actions

One of the concepts of the law of return is that we get back everything we throw at the world. Our personality, character, thoughts and actions end up feeding and recycling themselves Thus, those who act in good faith and with positivity are received in a similar manner. Those who walk in the opposite direction receive equivalent treatment.

Karma, for example, is one of the most widespread tools in and outside Buddhism. According to Buddhist philosophy, voluntary actions generate equivalent or equal consequences.

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Looking at this proposal in a practical way, we are stimulated to think a little more about our conduct. However, this should not be done with the thought that we will be rewarded by the universe, not at all. Everything must be done in a way that brings inner peace and consequent tranquility Knowing that we are on the right path activates satisfying mechanisms in our minds.

All that goes, comes back

It is curious to think that the law of return overflows the spiritual and existentialist concept it carries. Even if we do not realize it at first, it is plausible to corroborate with the idea of social balance. Since we are also built on moralistic customs, every action does not go unnoticed, something seen in the:

Human relations

Looking at the interactions of human relationships, we observe that people's behavior is responsible for their success or failure In business relationships, a business or entrepreneur gets results equivalent to their efforts. If they are committed to achieving their success, they will certainly be close to achieving it.

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Psychology observes this law of return through learning and interactions. Everything is done in an associative way, in order to bring a thought or memory from the present moment. For example, by smiling at someone in a bad mood, it is possible to make them smile back at us. Our smile can remind them of something good in their life.


When we think of action and reaction, we are reminded of the laws of physics proposed by Newton. According to him, every action generates an equivalent and opposite reaction, so as to create a balance Moreover, it gives indications that we have and receive from the world all that we give to it.

How to be more balanced

The law of return is not beneficial or even evil, it only induces us to think about the consequences of our actions. Thus, it is necessary that we revisit our current posture in order to have clarity about our conduct. It is important to emphasize that this is not a recipe for getting something in return, it is only about living and acting in a wiser way.

Evaluate your thoughts

We end up condensing all the ideas we feed ourselves very strongly on a daily basis. Unfortunately, not all of them are as productive and may end up hurting us at some point. So try to get your thoughts to flow in a more positive and moderate way. They will serve as a basis for new opportunities.

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Study your emotions

Just like thoughts, our emotions play an important role in our lives. They are, along with ideas, what fuels our internal energy and allows us to go further. As difficult as the moment may be, try to see something good and hold on to it. Find your good emotions and make them predominant.

See your actions

Everyday, we forget our posture due to a mechanical movement in repeating it. So try to understand to what extent it is healthy to act in such a way. What may be good for you may mean some harm to someone else and affect them. Always remember that everything you do reverberates in others.

Final considerations about the law of return

The law of return is an invitation for us to make an evaluation of our lives Through it, we can reflect on our conduct and understand if we are in accordance with our own well-being, not to mention that it also affects others, since we are integral parts of society.

So try to rewrite the way you think, act, and feel about yourself and others. Maybe that's exactly why you can't take a step forward, because you don't allow yourself to do so. This will make you break some paradigms and understand better your placement in the world. Improve yourself and, consequently, everyone will win.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.