Satyriasis: what is it, what symptoms?

George Alvarez 27-10-2023
George Alvarez

The imbalance in some aspects of human existence can end up bringing serious problems into people's lives. This is the case for many men when it comes to sex, as the excessive frequency becomes a huge problem. Understand better the meaning of satyriasis Its symptoms and some very famous cases.

What is satyriasis?

Satyriasis is a psychological disorder that causes an uncontrolled urge to have sex in men It is a more formal name for male nymphomania, describing an uncontrollable desire for sexual intercourse. Interestingly, there is no increase in the amount of sex hormones, it is only mental.

Because of this men are driven to have intimate relations with several different partners. If they cannot find someone, excessive masturbation can become a way out to alleviate the problem. However, the large number of sexual acts never provides the desired pleasure and satisfaction they have been looking for.

Although nymphomania is commonly used for both men and women, it is best applied to the latter group. The more appropriate name for men is satyriasis, referring to Greek myths. This is because the term varies from the word satyr a male spirit of nature known for its abundant sexuality.


It is difficult to determine just one cause for the onset or development of satyriasis in men. Experts point to the disorder as a possible side result for stress reduction Through the pleasure of sexual activity you would have a better chance of dealing with the problem, but you end up finding another one.

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Not to mention that cases involving abuse and trauma have gained more attention for study. The fragility involving a specific moment in a man's life could give rise to this impulsive but useless search for satisfaction.

In addition, men with psychological problems are also more vulnerable to having signs of the problem. With the help of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, for example, excessive sexual desire can arise.


Although many men try to hide it, the symptoms of satyriasis are blatant and eye-catching. Starting as simple signs, over time they take over the individual's routine. The most common symptoms in sex addicts are:

Persistent desire for sex

At every moment there is an urge to have sex, which overrides other activities Because of this, he is not able to concentrate as he needs to on the important actions of everyday life, such as work.

Excessive masturbation

When one does not have or cannot find someone, the individual will resort to masturbation to satiate himself. However, it is very easy to make the act repetitive, even performing it several times a day.

Having multiple sexual partners

Even in just one night it is common for a man to have several sexual relationships with different people. In this, he can participate in frequent orgies or change partners in a short period of time.

Difficulty in having complete pleasure

The man addicted to sex will hardly ever be completely satisfied, constantly seeking new encounters and relationships This is a risky point to touch, since many can commit infidelity within their marriages. After all, it is not an easy task to be the sexual partner of someone who is never satisfied.

The absence of limits

The satyriasis sufferer will hardly understand what limits mean, either because he doesn't understand them, or because he lacks the willpower. In this way, he will direct himself to sexual activities of the most varied forms, exposing himself without control. In some cases, unfortunately, pedophilia may occur, due to the man's lack of control over himself.

This is not only because he/she has several partners, but mainly because he/she does not protect him/herself as he/she should. Because of the great desire he/she feels, he/she easily forgets to use protection.

It should be noted that adolescents, although they exhibit similar behavior, do not have satyriasis or are addicted to sex. In this case, young people are directly influenced by the hormones of this phase, something that does not happen in adulthood A psychologist can help you build a more accurate diagnosis.

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Men with syphilis are more vulnerable to relationship problems with other people, especially with partners, because there is a great demand for sexual satisfaction and the demand can be too much for the other.

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Not enough, your career can be severely affected by these constant, uncontrollable impulses. All your energy is directed toward unattainable sexual satisfaction, and your work presence gradually fades away. It is not uncommon for men to have problems at work thanks to the mental and behavioral sequelae of the endless desire for sex .

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There is also the issue of STDs, and men addicted to sex are more likely to be active transmitters of these health problems. Even though there is guilt and depreciation for the lack of control, many do not consider extramarital encounters as betrayal. They are "just a way to satisfy themselves".

Satiríase testimonials in the world of celebrities

There are famous cases involving the compulsion of media men, revealing the devastation of the disorder in their lives. The satirical testimonies below are part of an extensive list of personalities whose lives have been radically altered by the problem. We will start with:

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods has gone from being the best golfer in the world to an unbridled sexual compulsive. His wife and another girlfriend could not stand the constant betrayals by the sportsman and his career could not stand the scandals either Even though he entered a rehabilitation clinic, he left there before he finished his treatment.

Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr publicly revealed that he was addicted to sex and his own penis in the mid-1990s. It turns out that Robert was also a drug user and this always resulted in fervent headlines in the newspapers. However, he sees his hypersexuality as protection, as it keeps him away from other addictions, such as drink and drugs.

Michael Douglas

Openly declaring his drive, satyriasis did not seem to be a problem for Michael Douglas, until his wife filed for divorce alleging his infidelity. His situation was so worrisome that even on recordings he felt the need to have sex with someone else. Consequently, he developed throat cancer thanks to "the adoration for oral sex."


Treatment for satyriasis first seeks anchoring with another psychological disorder. It is likely that this could be influencing the heightened desire to have sex all the time. Through a psychologist, therapy sessions to work on the problem can begin .

In addition, the use of medication may be feasible to deal with his impulses and psychological reactions. Controlled sedatives and tranquilizers will help to release the stress of the sick man. As a result, sexual relations may become less frequent and a little more healthy.

If there is any sexual disease in the patient, it is also immediately treated. Many arrive in clinics and hospitals carrying gonorrhea, syphilis, and even HIV.

Final considerations on satyriasis

Satyriasis is a more common problem than we think and even put aside because of, in part, our culture Not only do men find it more difficult to seek help, but there are also those who support this unhealthy behavior by claiming their virility.

What many men don't know is that any behavior that seriously disrupts their routine needs to be studied and treated as soon as possible. If it's a parameter, think of the snowball rolling downhill as it increases in size. Whoever is down there will suffer greatly from the impact of the fall.

In order to better understand the relationship of human beings with their impulses, enroll in our online course on Psychoanalysis. Through it, you will learn to refine your skills, more easily understanding the human movement with its needs. In addition to satyriasis, you will have more detailed and well-constructed opinions about your own life .

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.