To dream of a tooth and to dream of a tooth falling out

George Alvarez 04-10-2023
George Alvarez

To dream of teeth is on the list of one of the most common dreams. To the same extent it can have different interpretations depending on the nature of the dream and the person dreaming. On the other hand, s ooking with a falling tooth has several implications that can include issues of self-esteem and even some affective repression.

Regarding this, Freud says that our dreams are not meaningless nonsense, on the contrary, they represent our desires and emotions that we do not give vent to.

Therefore, nothing should be ignored in our dream experiences. Every detail needs to be carefully appreciated and have its symbolism evaluated, let alone when it comes to something as unique to humanity as its physical composition.

Tooth Dream

Dreams about teeth almost always involve them falling out. Therefore, we can find a standard typical However, it is always valid and necessary to evaluate other elements present in the dream.

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To dream of a tooth falling out The teeth are bones, and even though they are distinct from the supporting bones, they make up a support structure. Without them, basic human dental anatomy skills such as chewing and speaking would not be possible.

A evolutionary psychology In primate nature, the exposure of fangs is common to demonstrate power over others in the group. Thus, it is deduced that the presence of teeth in dreams is something of great importance.

However, this interpretation needs to be taken from a symbolic point of view, as dreams are. For this reason, it is important for the dreamer to reflect on himself, to recognize and decipher the implicit messages in his dream.

The natural process of our dentition, the birth and fall of the baby teeth and the birth of the permanent teeth are of great relevance, as well as the facial harmonization and support that contribute to our aesthetics. interpretation.

In popular wisdom, to dream of a tooth falling out However, we believe that dreams are not certain foreshadowings of events, but foreshadowings of necessary changes, changes that fundamentally encompass the emotional level.

To dream of a tooth falling out

  • Renaissance

During childhood we will experience the fall of our baby teeth, which will gradually be replaced by permanent teeth as we age. Thus, this fall symbolizes a rebirth, an evolution, the entrance into a new phase.

Therefore, to dream of a tooth falling out can represent a strong rebirth from an existential point of view, the need to abandon old habits and limiting beliefs in order to evolve.

The fall of the tooth corresponds to the fragility of the being, since, primarily, they can be seen as prey. Therefore, without teeth we would be fragile and threatened, unable to move forward and conquer new paths.

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The fragility of children's teeth transmutes into the strength of adult permanent teeth. Have you limited yourself? What situations have you had to face? Do you feel threatened? A wild beast without teeth is susceptible to attack.

  • Self-esteem

Look at the face of an elderly person who has naturally lost some of his teeth. His face is decayed, isn't it? He speaks with difficulty and chewing is almost impossible. This is because teeth are elements that contribute to facial harmonization and, consequently, our aesthetics.

Thus, to dream of a tooth falling out can represent an issue related to self-esteem. Smiling and communication are entirely dependent on the presence of teeth, so without them people feel insecure and unwilling to engage in dialogue and social relationships.

Therefore, falling teeth can symbolize fragility of self-esteem. Someone who places a lot of importance on how they are seen by others in the sense of approval. With this, insecurity and fear of judgment are common feelings that prevent her from living with fullness and truth.

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  • The interpretation of the world around us

Teeth are fundamental organs for the digestive process, since they are the ones that reduce the food to be processed in the internal organs. Therefore, without them our nutrition would be completely compromised. Once malnourished we would be prone to disease and even death.

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Do you usually "digest" the events around you so well, or are you so overwhelmed by them that you get stuck in your own life? To dream of a tooth falling out may symbolize your inability to assimilate the reality around you.

Parts of our body that are not used atrophy and lose functionality. If we are not "chewing" our conflicts well the tendency is that our teeth become expendable.

  • Losing teeth through extraction

To dream of teeth falling out through extraction may have a connection with the real need to take care of them. Since they are such important elements of our physiological and aesthetic constitution, they deserve due care.

On the other hand, this extraction may refer to the need to remove something harmful from our interior. A hurt, resentment, or feeling of guilt may be causing us immense discomfort. In the same way that a decayed tooth generates relief when it is extracted, the same is true for feelings.


As children we experience our baby teeth falling out, we know that they will be replaced in the future by others, and this is imprinted in our psyche, so this representation will be displayed in our dreams as a way to reveal our rebirth in general.

The details of the dream that fit the particularity of the dreamer need to be taken into account. After all, dreams are symbols of an expansion that is nothing but personal. Therefore, each experience is unique and needs to be seen as such.

It is not reprehensible to follow a logic in dream interpretation In the case of our teeth, it is entirely plausible that we pay attention to the functional characteristics that they represent.

In popular culture, dreaming of teeth is generally linked to physical death. However, we know that beliefs hold that death is nothing more than rebirth into another life. Thus, to be reborn, one must let the old self die.

Expanding our consciousness through self-knowledge puts us in a more privileged place when it comes to dreams. We stop understanding them as mere direct and limited messages, and start seeing them as messages from our own sleeping self leading us to new paths of elevation.

Thus, to dream of a tooth falling out Learn more about this kind of interpretation by enrolling in our 100% distance learning course on Clinical Psychoanalysis, in which we discuss these and other applications of psychoanalysis in an individual's daily life.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.