What is a Coach: what does it do and in which areas can it operate?

George Alvarez 04-06-2023
George Alvarez

The profession of coach is very high these days, but what in fact does a professional in this sector do? So, learn more in our post!

Meaning of coach

You know what does coach mean The word is of English origin and the translation into Portuguese would be trainer or instructor, what a coach does He is a professional who acts using his knowledge and the Coaching methodology in both people's personal and professional/business lives.

It also helps people achieve their goals in a shorter period of time and in a more agile way. However, it is very important to point out that, although many think that the coach can play the role of a therapist, he or she does not act like one!

After all, the coach only takes a look at the subject's problem so that he/she can understand the limitations that are preventing him/her from growing. In addition, this professional helps to achieve the final goal.

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After this brief analysis, the coach focuses on the client's future and helps the client to have a vision in the right direction. In fact, it helps him to see what his possibilities for growth are.

Therefore, the coach must be supported with the right coaching tools and techniques to help the client move from the current state to the desired state, in a short period of time and in the right way, without rushing the process.

Advantages of coaching

As we can see, the professional coach can greatly help a person to reach their goals, promoting self-knowledge. Here are some more benefits of this process:

Time Management

Having self-awareness helps to recognize which activities do not bring any results, so that these tasks are avoided and time can be better used for projects that bring benefits.

Identification of limits and blockages

Recognizing which are your limits and your blocks that affect your life, both professional and personal, is the fruit of self-knowledge. After this identification, it is possible to work to eliminate them and promote the person's growth.

Skill Development

In addition to identifying shortcomings, coaching also helps recognize which skills are essential for people's development. After all, identifying these strengths helps to develop them in the right way.

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Performance gains

With the improvement in time management and the recognition of skills and defects, it results in a gain in performance and day-to-day activities. This gain comes from improved results, the rate of goal achievement, or any other aspect of the coaching process.

Reduction in stress levels

Being able to better manage time and tasks allows one to live with reduced levels of stress. Since, in many cases, stress arises because of the lack of organization of the routine and the inability to achieve the expected results So, the coaching process helps to have this benefit.

In what areas can the coach act?

When we refer to the performance of the professional coach, we mean a person who operates in the market in a serious way, who has taken training courses and is certified or specialized to serve with excellence.

In addition, this person is prepared to question and provoke his clients so that they see in themselves the potential to solve their problems. This type of technique can be implemented in various segments, so there are many areas in which a coach can work.

See below for some types of coaches and the areas in which they can practice their profession:

Career Coaching

In this area, the professional helps people develop their careers or find a profession that suits their personalities In fact, both young and experienced people seek out this type of coach to help them find a career path or get ahead in their jobs.

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Business Coaching

This type helps entrepreneurs to work on good strategies for the growth of their business Small and medium-sized companies are the ones that most need this type of coaching, in order to understand the mechanisms of their company, as well as to understand how to act for a better management of the business.

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Financial Coaching

Financial coaching offers detailed and specialized guidance for the client to achieve the best results in the financial sector, all with proper training, so that the person is able to develop efficient planning.

Relationship Coaching

Finally, relationship coaching is for couples who want to get to know each other better With this, to see and accept the flaws and defects, in addition to improving the relationship and enhancing the couple's affection.

How much does this professional earn?

This is a career that can be pursued by anyone, regardless of academic background or field of endeavor. Generally speaking, the professional can earn between R$3,000 and R$7,000.00 per coachee (as the client is called) Depending on the sector you work in, you may even receive more than the amounts mentioned.

Finally, the price of a coaching session can vary from R$300.00 to 700.00 on average in the market. If the coach has greater experience and specialization, a session can reach R$1,500.00.

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How to become a coach?

Although this profession has been growing in recent years in Brazil, the practice of coaching is not regulated in Brazil Therefore, there are no specific course requirements for the person who wants to follow this career.

Of course, if the coach wants to be an expert in a field, he needs to specialize in order to get more credit before his clients. So, there are two paths: post-graduate or free coaching courses .

Post-graduate courses can only be taken by those who have completed higher education, while free courses can be taken by anyone.

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For those who wish to pursue this career, there are several private institutions that offer both basic and specific coaching courses. The values of this type of free course can vary from R$1,000.00 to R$8,000.00, this will depend on the degree of specification, as well as on the institution.

Final considerations

Our post helped you understand better about what is coach As a matter of fact, the professional in this area must have a lot of knowledge to help others, so if you want to understand more about human relations, we have an ideal course for you.

Get to know our complete Training Course in Clinical Psychoanalysis In addition to the theoretical basis, students learn how to authorize themselves to perform clinical care. The course lasts 18 months, which involves: theory, supervision, analysis, and monograph.

Finally, if you liked our post about the professional coach Also, be sure to check out our course, we are sure this is a great opportunity for you!

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.