Dreaming of a mattress: 18 different explanations

George Alvarez 27-09-2023
George Alvarez

There are days when we just want to lie in bed and forget about the battles of everyday life, but it is necessary to pay attention to when this desire escapes the real world and invades our dreams as well! Therefore, today we will bring you 18 explanations about to dream of a mattress in specific situations.

To dream of a mattress

In general, to dream of a mattress means a desire to stay in a space that is your own and that brings you comfort This ties in with stability, as well as the sense of conformism in wanting your comfort zone.

In that, there is a desire for:

Living without fear of criticism

Since this is your personal space, you don't want anyone to regulate or condemn your actions. In tiredness of this kind of common behavior, you want a moment where you can exercise your individuality without pressure.

Avoid judgments

Judgments include condemnation for everything you do, going beyond criticism. In order to avoid this condemning environment, your mind ends up projecting a place that leads you to rest and neutrality.

To dream that you are buying a mattress

To dream that you are buying a mattress indicates that your responsibilities will soon increase. Furthermore, shows that it can have a very positive financial return A quieter life at home is coming soon.

To dream of a mattress on the street

This type of dream indicates that you are deluding yourself about something, or worse, about someone. While lying comfortably is nice, the street is the last place you should feel safe. There is no security with such exposure and your belief that everything is fine without seeing the truth.

To dream of an old mattress

To dream of an old mattress shows that you have been complaining a lot, victimizing yourself and rescuing the same pains from the past. However, understand that thinking this way is a conscious choice of yours and that it will not add anything to your growth. We are responsible for the choices we want to make.

Reflect on the harmful actions you perform now and try to leave the habits that hold you back little by little.

To dream of a crib mattress

This type of dream warns you that a positive surprise will soon come your way A very pleasant event is at the beginning of the cycle, and you will soon notice the significant changes in your life. It could be regarding career, relationships, or even personal opportunities for change and growth.

To dream of an inflatable mattress

To dream of an inflatable mattress indicates about circumstances that will not last long in your path. Keep in mind that it is a direct allusion to the use of the inflatable mattress, since it does not last long. Believe me, relationships or underpaid jobs will soon find space in your past giving rise to important turns in your life.

To dream of a new mattress

We all carry some internal trauma that has caused a pain that always pulls us down. Even though it hurts us, we need to live through this situation so that we can understand this suffering and give it a new meaning. The moment you are willing to do this, you can include new realities and allow good things to come your way.

To dream of a contaminated mattress

To dream of seeing a mattress that is dirty, wormy, and making you sick is an indication that they are sucking your strength and energy. Through this you need to understand which people are harming you and get away from them as soon as possible Although it may not seem so, just the fact of being near you can already make you sick.

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To dream of a torn mattress

Besides not being pretty, dreaming of a torn mattress indicates a pertinent discomfort in your life. There is a dissatisfaction somewhere along your path that you cannot resolve under any circumstances. With that said, understand the origin of it, how you can improve yourself to work on it, and work to regain your balance.

To dream that you are selling a mattress

The mattress sale in your dreams shows a good attitude toward your maturing. You understand what your real responsibilities are, and you leave what you don't have in the hands of those who need to deal with it. In this you come to understand that you should not carry the world on your back, and you have your own demands.

To dream that you are jumping on a mattress

Regardless of what they say, having big ambitions is important so that you can improve your life. Jumping on a mattress in your dreams shows that you have the will to reach higher than the places common to you So, don't be bothered by what people say, and work on your accomplishments.

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To dream of a hard mattress

The hard mattress in your dreams suggests that you are walking into a situation of extreme discomfort. Whether it is work or family friction, the moment is delicate and involves a lot of tension. Try to stay away from trouble for the time being, focusing on yourself for the moment and taking it easy when you try to solve it on your return.

To dream of a comfortable mattress

On the other hand, to dream of a comfortable mattress indicates your security and the good time you are living in right now. Avoid being afraid and enjoy the moment you can live in with open arms now. Happiness is flowing like a clear river in your life, so you can dive headlong into it.

To dream of a mattress on the floor

This dream shows that you have your ambitions, but that you work on your dreams with planning and on top of reality He knows how to be patient to act at the right moments, and understands the value of the losses in his path. However, he also understands that the sacrifices made now will be rewarded later on.

To dream that you spill something on your mattress

Simply put, this shows that you are sabotaging yourself or running away from something you need to deal with. You need to keep in mind that this escape will end up getting in the way of something that will help your internal evolution. However, the comfort zone should not prevent you from achieving new things for fear of trying.

To dream that you lie on a mattress

To dream that you are lying on a mattress shows that some personal goal has been achieved. Although the path has been difficult, now you can relax and enjoy your achievements. Feel proud of yourself, enjoy the moment and prepare yourself for the next achievements to come.

To dream of a mattress on fire

This type of dream carries a plural meaning and depends on the context in which you are living. Going in three different directions, it is necessary to reflect to understand in which situation you fit and live. To dream of a mattress on fire indicates:

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  • Relationships

A burning mattress can indicate that a passion is coming your way with force. Fire in bed represents the energy of this possibility and the desire of someone for you and vice versa .

  • Exit the comfort zone

While the mattress represents your comfort zone, the fire consuming it shows your willingness to move out of it. The next phase of your life has challenges that you are willing to face and convert into your personal progress.

  • Extreme sensitivity

You need to be careful, because you may be suffocating yourself with anguish and hurt in your life. Difficulties in putting this out can end up adding to the pressure while making you sick. Find someone you trust so that you can open up, listen to advice, and empty out this inner pain.

To dream of a mattress in water

Finally, dreaming of a mattress in water indicates your growth and state of purification that you have been going through. This dream shows that destructive emotions and thoughts are moving away from you, clearing your vision As time goes by, you will purify yourself, opening yourself to positive possibilities in your journey.

Final considerations about dreaming about a mattress

To dream of a mattress indicates our desire to be ourselves under favorable circumstances. The adjacent elements reveal whether we are really on that path or have taken other routes. From this, we need to reflect on what we lack and begin to act toward making those achievements.

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So, based on what you have read above, try to better understand the contexts you have been in recently. The difficulties you face may seem great, but they are not impossible to solve. Use this clarity to work on your goals and use the experience to grow internally and project it into life.

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See_also: Shrek on the Couch: 5 Psychoanalytical Interpretations of Shrek

This achievement will become more accessible if you enroll in our online course in Clinical Psychoanalysis. The classes work on building your self-knowledge in order to better deal with your personal needs. The messages about dreaming of a mattress will become even clearer when you unlock your potential with our help .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.