Intelligence Test: what is it, where to take it?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

O intelligence test is the assessment of certain knowledge, skills or functions, so the concept is linked to assessments and examinations. This type of test is also known as IQ test.

It tries to measure intelligence, by means of an IQ measurement estimate. Moreover, the notion of intelligence is about knowing how to choose the best options to solve a problem. Therefore, it is related to the ability to assimilate, understand, and elaborate information in order to use it in the most certain way.

Types of intelligence

It has different types of intelligence, such as:

  • the psychological one;
  • a biological;
  • and the operational one.

Therefore, experts have made different types of intelligence tests, with the intention of measuring the various aspects of intelligence.

About the intellectual quotient, it is a number that qualifies the cognitive abilities of a person in relation to his or her age.

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There are several intelligence tests that we can find to measure IQ, and they consist of a series of exercises and tests that are used to establish it.

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We can determine that often the activities that are part of those are verbal comprehension and picture memory. And not only that, but also similarities, cubes, assembling objects or completing pictures.

All this without forgetting so many other activities. And they deal with mathematics, vocabulary, codes, or the classification of images.

A very large set of exercises will ensure that the professional who does them, once the results are analyzed, will establish an IQ. Let's say in a general way, but also a more specific IQ, such as verbal.

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Taking the IQ test

To make this establishment of IQ, you must study the results mentioned and also make some notes thanks to the invaluable help of a weighting of them and a series of graded tables.

The average IQ for an age group is 100: if a person has a higher IQ, he or she is above average. Often, the normal deviation in intelligence test results is considered to be 15 or 16 points. People who are above 98% of the population are considered gifted.

Best-known intelligence test

Among the best known intelligence tests is, for example, the WAIS (Wechsler Adults Intelligence Scale). In 1939, David Wechsler made the same one that is used to calculate the quoted quotient among the adult population.

Intelligence tests present a series of exercises that must be solved in the shortest possible time. According to the positive answers given by the person, there is a score that more or less measures his or her IQ

The different types of intelligence tests

You have different ways of classifying intelligence tests, but for the most part, they can be:

Test of acquired knowledge

This type of test measures the degree of knowledge acquisition in a certain area. In school, they are used to find out whether the students have learned the subject.

Another example might be an administrative skills test, which is taken to qualify for a job.

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However, the value of these tests in measuring intelligence may be different. Also, intelligence is not like a skill, but knowledge that one already had before.

Verbal Intelligence Test

With this type of test, the ability to understand, use, and learn language is assessed. Because of the verbal skills needed to communicate and live in a community.

Numerical Intelligence Test

These tests measure the ability to solve numerical questions. A variety of items such as calculus, number series, or math questions are presented.

Logical Intelligence Test

This type of test evaluates the person's logical thinking ability. Therefore, the person's capacity for logic is the main part of intelligence tests.

For, it serves to evaluate the ability to do abstract operations in which the correctness or incorrectness of thought. It is present both in their content and in the way they fit together and how they are related.

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Types of intelligence tests: personal X group

Besides these types of tests, there are other tests that measure different types of intelligence, such as, for example, emotional intelligence. They are classified as: personal tests or group tests.

Study of intelligence

Intelligence is one of the topics of most interest to psychologists. And it was one of the reasons why psychology began to become popular. Moreover, the concept is very abstract and has often caused great debate among different experts.

It can be said that intelligence is the ability to choose. Having several possibilities, to choose the right option for the resolution of a problem. Or even, for a better adaptation to a situation.

To do this, the intelligent person makes decisions, reflects, examines, deduces, and revises. Moreover, he has information and responds according to logic.

Some types of intelligence tests

There are different types of intelligence and so are intelligence tests. The "G Factor" is the measurement of what we know. In addition, there are already other different types of intelligence measured such as logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, and linguistic intelligence .

The first intelligence test: the Binet-Simon test

The first intelligence test is by Alfred Binet (1857-1911) and Theodore Simon, both French. With this first intelligence test, they tried to establish the intelligence of people who had intellectual difficulties, compared to the rest of the population.

Mental age is the norm for these groups. Also, if the test score determined that the mental age is lower than the normal age, this meant that there was mental retardation.

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Final considerations

Therefore, it is very interesting to study our intelligence. Moreover, today we are interested in knowing the intellectual quotient of each person and what level of intelligence we have. But do we really know what being intelligent is? Do we know the main tests that measure it?

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.