Lotus flower: holistic and scientific meaning

George Alvarez 07-10-2023
George Alvarez

Considered sacred, the lotus flower It is one of the oldest natural symbols on our planet and carries with it, besides its symbolism, pharmacological activities.

A lotus flower is a sacred species, worshiped for ages in much of the East, Its symbolism is surrounded by particularities. Present in several religious cults, it predominantly represents the purity, beauty and wisdom .

A mystical symbol in ancient civilizations such as Egypt, India, and Japan, its worship is closely linked to meditation. This is why meditative representation is often done in a lotus form. Its symmetrical forms and beauty connect with feminine attributes.

Its consumption as a medicinal active is common in many countries. pharmacological properties In addition, the presence of mind-altering components classifies it as a legal active drug. Learn a little more about this fantastic species!

The Lotus Flower and the Creation of the Universe

A lotus flower is an aquatic flower that inhabits light current waters and fresh water. Its structure is delicate and at the same time firm, allowing its petals to remain on the water. Therefore, it is associated with the creation of the universe itself when open in its completeness.

A legend from the Buddhist belief tells that the little Buddha, when taking his first steps, caused a lotus to grow on his path. This shows the importance given to this species for this religious belief. In the same way, we can verify the symbolism of the flower as to the blossoming of new discoveries.

The regions where the lotus is born are muddy, which would represent the still shapeless and dark universe. The stem needs to go through the mud, water and then the bud will come, representing the endless opportunities Finally it will open up in fullness, light, and perfection, that is, in an energy consistent with the universe.

In Indian and Egyptian cultures, many gods are represented as born of a lotus flower Thus, this flower would represent the divine principle itself, the rebirth to wholeness. Something that comes out of the dark, shapeless mud into the luminosity of full existence beneath the surface.

Many people, upon learning about the symbolism of this sacred flower, choose it as a tattoo design. Marked on the skin, it represents rebirth, openness to the new, the mind connected with the cosmos. Especially for the female sex, whose attributes are represented in the flower.

The lotus flower and its self-preservation mechanism

Scientists have already focused their studies on this magnificent species and the discoveries are impressive. Its DNA possesses a self-regulatory mechanism that is almost perfect energy control . So it is as if it can "activate" and "deactivate" natural stress processes.

Temperature control is also part of the species' metabolism, and is indispensable for attracting potential pollinators. However, nothing has intrigued scholars as much as the absurd longevity that this plant achieves. Today it is known that it possesses the genetic potential for self-repair.

The seeds can remain preserved and germinate for centuries Therefore, this guarantees the long-term preservation and prosperity of the species. Here we have science confirming what spirituality already worshipped, reverence for the longevity and immortality of the lotus.

A lotus flower symbolizes the spiritual elevation, the enlightenment of the spirit. Thus, we would have dominion over the physical body and all its materiality. Showing that it is only through the search for the essence that we can enjoy a healthy and long life.

The lotus flower and victory in the face of adversity

The lotus flower is also present in Greek mythology. Legend has it that the swamps were created by the gods as a destination for those who failed in life. However, a beautiful goddess got lost in the forest and ended up falling into the mud, the lotus, where she would have sunk.

However, she didn't give up and fought for thousands of years to get out of there. And when she finally succeeded, she became the flower, emerging from the mud, reborn triumphant. In psychological symbolism, the lotus flower is the victory in the face of adversity .

It is the spiritual maturing from the challenges that make us reborn for our purposes. It is the losses and the struggles that make us who we are. Therefore, it is through them that we create the courage to get out of the mud and emerge in the face of our fears.

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This can be seen as the resilience principle Strong personalities who have endurance as a hallmark turn pain into something fruitful. The lotus flower represents those people who, with serenity, self-control, and persistence rise above the waters.

A very peculiar characteristic is that the flower, even if it comes from the mud, does not bring any traces of dirt. Its shape and texture of its petals do not allow dirt to accumulate, ensuring its beauty and magnitude .

Pharmacological effects

The flower, like every vegetable, carries within it a series of components with physiological effects. And just like its preservation principles, these effects also connect with the spiritual duties The presence of narcotics makes the consumption of their teas cause drowsiness and possible amnesia.

Thus, for the more spiritualized, this would be the sleep of forgetfulness. The sleep in which you would sleep to your old self and be reborn without any memories of who you were (amnesia). This is, in reality, the awakening to the new, fuller, purer life.

In the field of pure physiology, users report that consumption of the infusions has helped them a lot in their cases of insomnia. Other effects reported are:

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  • Astringent;
  • Aphrodisiac;
  • Anti-hemorrhagic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Antitussive;
  • Cardiotonic;
  • Hypotensive;
  • Mucolytic.

Today, with the advancement of medicine, popularly attributed anti-cancer properties have also been confirmed.

Closing remarks

The lotus is, without a doubt, the greatest symbol of the plant kingdom worshipped until today. mystical symbologies This is either because of their spiritual representativeness or because of their effective components and physical constitution.

The species is undoubtedly synonymous with all that is preached around its millennial cult. In this way, it is referenced in all areas, from spirituality to psychology. The beauty of its symmetry and majesty over the waters enchants the eye and invites contemplation.

The lotus flower is a symbol of grace, elegance, purity and renewal. Eternal life, the transcend the spirit the escape from the material world, the connection to the divine. Today, they are the choice for decoration and even bridal bouquets, nothing more appropriate when the desire is for longevity.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.