What is Drive? Concept in Psychoanalysis

George Alvarez 31-05-2023
George Alvarez

In this article, we will talk about a concept widely studied not only by psychoanalysis, but also by psychology: the drive. This name refers to the increase in arousal and internal motivation to achieve a specific goal. In this context, can we somehow interfere in the way our body behaves in order to conquer something?

According to psychologists, there is a difference between primary and secondary impulses, primary units are directly related to survival. In addition, they include the need for:

  • food;
  • water;
  • and oxygen.

Already the he secondary or acquired impulses, on the other hand, are those determined or learned by culture. An example is the impulse to get:

  • money;
  • intimacy;
  • or social approval.

The drive theory holds that these drives motivate people to reduce cravings. In this way, one could choose responses that do so more effectively. For example, when a person feels hungry, he eats to reduce cravings. When there is a task at hand, a person has motives to complete it. So, to learn more about this subject, keep reading thisarticle!

Drive and Unity Theory

In Unity Theory, Clark L. Hull is the most prominent figure. We bring his name to the fore because it is from him that this theory of motivation and learning was postulated. After all, the theory itself was based on very direct studies of the behavior of rats, done by some of his students.

The rats were trained to walk down a cul-de-sac to a food reward. Then, two groups of rats were deprived of food: one group for 3 hours and the other for 22. Thus, Hull proposed that the rats that were without food for longer would have more motivation. Therefore, a higher level of drive would be provided in order to obtain the food reward at the end of the maze.

Furthermore, he hypothesized that The more times an animal was rewarded for running down the alley, the more likely the rat would develop the habit of running. As expected, Hull and his students found that deprivation time and the number of times rewarded resulted in a faster running speed toward the reward. Thus, his conclusion was that Impulse and habit contribute equally to the performance of any behavior that is instrumental in reducing impulse.

Application of Conduct Theory to Social Psychology

By bringing these results into psychology, it is possible to observe that when a person is hungry or thirsty, he feels tension. Thus, it is motivated to reduce this state of discomfort In this context, a state of tension can also occur when a person is observed by other people or when he or she holds psychologically inconsistent beliefs or thoughts.

The theory of cognitive dissonance, proposed by social psychologist Leon Festinger, suggests that when a person is faced with two contradictory beliefs or thoughts, he feels psychological tension. And This psychological tension, in turn, is a state of negative impulse similar to hunger or thirst.

Examples of unconscious social pressure

An interesting application of drive theory to social psychology and psychoanalysis is found in Robert Zajonc's explanation of the social facilitation effect This proposal suggests that when there is a social presence, people tend to perform simple tasks better and complex tasks (social inhibition) better than if they were alone.

In this context, the basis for understanding social facilitation comes from the social psychologist Norman Triplett. He was responsible for observing that cyclists went faster when they competed against each other directly than against individual watches.

Thus, Zajonc argued that this phenomenon is a function of the difficulty perceived by humans in the task and their dominant responses, that is, those that are most likely given the abilities that humans have.

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Impulses activated

When impulses are activated, it is very likely that people rely on their dominant easily accessible response, or as Hull would suggest, their habits. Therefore, if the task is easy for them, their dominant response is to perform well. However, if the task is perceived as difficult, it is likely that their dominant response will result in poor performance.

For example, imagine a dancer who practiced very little and often made several mistakes during her routine. According to the drive theory, in the presence of other people in her recital, she will exhibit her dominant response. She will make even more mistakes than when she is alone.

However, if she spent an amount of time polishing her performance, the pulsation theory might suggest that she could perform the best of her dancing career in the same performance. Something she was never going to find in solitude.

Natural Motivation

Behavioral perspectives and social psychologies, although addressing different phenomena, share an important similarity. Human beings experience arousal (drive) to achieve a specific goal. In this context, habits (or dominant responses) dictate the means to achieve that goal.

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Thus, with enough practice, the perceived difficulty of a task will decrease. That way, people will perform better.

See_also: Schizoparanoid and depressive position according to Melanie Klein

How does the presence of other people in our environment affect our behavior?

We can never be sure how others will react to our presence, tastes, personality. Will they evaluate, admire or judge us?

From an evolutionary point of view, because we do not know how people will respond to us, it is advantageous for individuals to be aroused in the presence of others. Thus, our instinctive drive to perceive and respond to other social beings provides the basis of drive theory of Zajonc.

For example, imagine walking down the street late at night when you see a dark shadow approaching you. It is likely that you will prepare yourself for this unexpected encounter. Your heart rate will increase and you will be able to run or even socialize. Nevertheless, Zajonc maintains that your impulse is to become aware of those who are nearby--even of those whose intentions are not known.

Drive Theory Implications

The impulse theory combines:

See_also: Structuralism in Psychology: authors and concepts
  • motivation;
  • learning;
  • reinforcement;
  • and habit formation.

Final considerations

The theory describes where the units come from, what behaviors result from these units, and how these behaviors are maintained. Thus, it is also important for understanding habit formation as a result of learning and reinforcement. For example, to change bad habits, such as drug use (which can be seen as a way to reduce the need for euphoria), it is essential to understand how habits are created.

In addition, the drive theory offers an explanation of the instinctive arousal that we experience in the presence of other people. Since human beings live in society, it is imperative that they understand how others influence them. In this context, it is important to know what power the other has over your performance, your self-concept, and the impressions these make in the social world.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.