What is Duel of Titans?

George Alvarez 17-05-2023
George Alvarez

How about you grab a bowl full of popcorn and sit on the couch to watch a good movie? It's not always that we can afford these luxuries, but once in a while it's good to change the schedule of the day. To help you have an excellent moment of rest, we have already separated a good indication for you. Watch the movie Clash of Titans by Boaz Yakin.

We recommend this movie to you because, Besides having a beautiful story, it is possible to relate it to one of Donald Woods Winnicott's ideas. Thus, you can use your leisure time to do great reflections related to psychoanalysis.

Knowing this, be sure to set aside two hours of your day to get to know this beautiful work. To encourage you to watch it, we will tell you a little bit about the history of the film. In addition, to show a point of contact he has with Winnicottian ideas.

Table of Contents

  • About the film 'Duel of the Titans
    • Historical Context
    • Storyline
  • Who was Winnicott
  • Relationship between 'Duel of the Titans' and a Winnicotian idea
  • Final thoughts on 'Duel of the Titans
    • One more way to learn: the Psychoanalysis course

About the film 'Duel of the Titans

The film, whose original name is Remember the Titans It takes place in the early 1970s in the city of Alexandria in the United States. This information is important because in order to understand the film, you need to be aware of the process of racial segregation in the United States.

Historical Context

About this historical period, it is important to know that it started with the end of the American Civil War For those who do not know, the northern colonies and the southern colonies of the United States clashed between 1861 and 1865. With the victory of the northern colonies, slavery was abolished.

One might think that this was a great victory for the black population. However, the implementation of segregationist policies emerged as another major obstacle for blacks. This was because laws were enacted to keep them away from whites, in many different environments such as restaurants, trains and buses.

This reality only began to change when movements emerged that fought for the civil rights of the black population. One of the people who took up this cause for themselves was Martin Luther King Jr. Now that you know a little more about this historical period, you can better understand the situation reported by the film.


Clash of Titans portrays the time when schools in the United States were seeking integration between their black and white students. Sport was one of the ways used to bring the two groups closer together. This reality was exemplified with the Titans, the city's American soccer team that underwent changes with this integration proposal in mind.

The team was originally made up of white players, but began to welcome black athletes. Another major change was the change in the team's coach. The Titans' new coach was also black. One can see then that Dueling Titans deals with important issues related to racism.

In order not to run the risk of giving spoilers for the film, we will not talk any further about its plot. We hope you have been excited to watch it so that you can make relationships between it and Winnicott's ideas. In case you don't know who this person is and why he or she is important for psychoanalysis, we will help you with a brief introduction.

Who was Winnicott

Donald Woods Winnicott was a scholar who contributed a lot to the construction of the knowledge of psychoanalysis. He was born in Great Britain on April 7, 1897. As for his education, he studied biology and medicine at Cambridge University.

It can be pointed out that his performance in World War I as an apprentice-surgeon on a British ship was one of his most prominent works. The British man was also a pediatrician and psychoanalyst at the Paddington Green Hospital for Children. In addition, he also worked as a physician in the Children's Department of the Institute of Psychoanalysis He died on January 25, 1971 due to heart problems.

Relationship between 'Duel of the Titans' and a Winnicotian idea

In case you are interested in learning about Winnicott's main ideas, It is important for you to know that the scholar gave much importance to the role of the mother. This in the development of your child's mind and the formation of his or her identity.

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For him, when the mother fails in her role to give the necessary support to her child, the child will have problems in its development. If we compare the role of the black coach of the Titans team, Herman Boone, with the role of his mother, we will see similarities.

Since he supplied the team's needs, helping them in the integration process and helping them win the games, it can be said that he was fundamental for the good development of the team.

Final thoughts on 'Duel of the Titans

As you can see, it is possible to reflect on aspects of psychoanalysis while watching a good movie. We take better ownership of our knowledge when we establish relationships like this. We have presented in this article only one aspect in which the film resembled Winnicottian ideas, but we challenge you to find other points of relationship between Clash of Titans and psychoanalysis.

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One more way to learn: the Psychoanalysis course

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Another advantage of our course is the fact that it is 100% online This way, if you have a tight schedule, you can still attend our classes, so you can choose the best time to dedicate to your studies.

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In case you would like to know more about the film Clash of Titans Also be sure to read our other articles!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.