Buddha Phrases: 46 messages from Buddhist philosophy

George Alvarez 03-08-2023
George Alvarez

Buddhism is one of the oldest religions still practiced, with about 200 million followers worldwide. Many people prefer to think of it as a philosophy of life rather than a religion. Buddha's phrases, simple and wise, that can change our lives.

First of all, know that in Buddhism it is emphasized that all people are capable of manifesting their potential state, of enlightenment, through their Human Revolution. In other words, everyone can overcome any adversity and transform their suffering.

Siddhartha Gautama, popularly known as Buddha, is the founder of what would become known as the humanistic philosophy of Buddhism, whose main concepts are:

  • dignity and equality among all;
  • life unit and its environment.
  • interrelationship of people who make altruism the path to personal happiness;
  • Each person's unlimited potential for creativity;
  • fundamental right to cultivate self-development, through a process of form called "Human Revolution".

Therefore, Buddhist philosophy, first of all, aims to connect a person with his world so that he is able to use wisdom for the benefit of himself and everyone around him.

Buddhist Phrases

Get to know some Buddha phrases are fundamental for you to understand the concept of Buddhism and how to walk the path to enlightenment.

1. " The place where you are now. is the main stage of the human revolution! When the determination changes, the environment is greatly transformed. Prove your absolute victory!"

2. "The voice reveals what the person really thinks.It is possible to know another person's mind by the voice."

3. "True greatness means that even if you have forgotten what you have done for others, never forget what others have done for you and always do your utmost to repay your debts of gratitude.That is where the light of Buddhism shines."

This phrase demonstrates the true spirit of Buddhism, which is one of gratitude and compassion. What's more, it highlights the importance of not forgetting our responsibility to thank others for the good things they have done for us. In other words, it is important to remember that whenever we can, we should repay with kindness and gratitude those who give us love and care.

4. "People like this radiate integrity, depth of character, a noble heart, and charm."

5. "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

6. "The law of the mind is relentless.

What you think, you create;

What you feel, you attract;

What you believe

It becomes reality."

7. "Words have the power to hurt and to heal.When they are good, they have the power to change the world."

8. "Be your own protector, be your own refuge, so control yourself just as a merchant controls his precious mount."

9. "Bad actions are hard to contain.Don't allow greed and anger to drag you into prolonged suffering."

Among Buddha's sayings, this one stands out for the importance of having self-control in order to avoid prolonged suffering. For, greed and anger are feelings that can lead people to commit bad actions that can bring bad consequences. Therefore, it is essential to control these feelings and avoid actions that can lead to long periods of suffering.

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Buddha's phrases on life

Buddha was a great religious leader, philosopher, and spiritual teacher who was born in India more than 2,500 years ago. He taught that life is made up of suffering and that the only way to escape from suffering is through the understanding and practice of wisdom.

Thus, over the centuries, his teachings have been compiled and disseminated throughout the world. Buddha's sayings about life are profound and inspiring, and often help us to better understand the journey of our lives.

10. "The strength of a single person may be small, but when you join forces with other people, your capacity can expand to five, ten, or a hundred times as much.This is not an operation of addition, but of multiplication that produces a result of tens of times greater."

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11. "Everything we are is the result of what we think; It is founded on our thoughts and is made of our thoughts."

12. "All complex things are doomed to decay."

13. "If a man speaks or acts with pure thought, happiness accompanies him like a shadow that never leaves him."

14. "Nothing is worth a lie. It may save you from a delicate situation now, but it will hurt you a lot in the future."

Without a doubt, the truth is better, because it may be painful at the moment, but it will bring more peace of mind in the future.

15. "In our lives, change is inevitable.Loss is inevitable.Happiness lies in our adaptability in surviving everything bad."

16. "There is only one time when it is critical to wake up, that time is now."

17. "A false and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild animal; the animal can hurt your body, but a false friend will hurt your soul."

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18. "A man is only noble when he can feel pity for all creatures."

One of Buddha's inspirational and true phrases, reflecting how important it is to have compassion for others.

19. "However much in battle one or more enemies may be defeated, victory over oneself is the greatest of all victories."

20. "Life is not a question to be answered, it is a mystery to be lived."

Buddha's phrases about love

Now you will find quotes from Buddha that inspire and motivate us all to connect with our most loving nature. Each quote reflects the wisdom and depth of Buddhist philosophy, which helps us to free ourselves from feelings of fear and suffering to embrace our true essence of love.

21. "Just as a mother would protect her only child with her own life, so let each cultivate boundless love for all beings."

22. "By taking care of yourself, you take care of others, and by taking care of others, you take care of yourself."

23. "Never, in all the world, has hate ended hate; what ends hate is love."

Among Buddha's phrases, this one reflects a reality of life. Hatred is a destructive force that can only be fought through love. That is, love can not only heal wounds, but it can also transform the world. Therefore, we should strive to cultivate love in our hearts and share it with the world.

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24. "Don't allow the behavior of others to take away your peace.Peace comes from within yourself.Don't look for it around you."

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25. "Those who are free from spiteful thoughts certainly find peace."

26. "Holding anger is like holding a burning coal with the intention of throwing it at someone; it is you who get burned."

27. "Hate never goes away as long as thoughts of hurt are fed in the mind."

Good morning Buddhist

Continuing with life incentives from a Buddhist perspective, for inspiration in your life, we will now bring you some of the best quotes from Buddha to start your day on the right foot.

28. "Our environment - home, school, work - is directly influenced by our state of life. If we are high in vital energy, joyful and positive, our environment will be the same way, but if we are sad and negative, the environment will change as well."

29. "Each morning we are born again.What we do today is what matters most."

30. "One word that brings peace is better than a thousand empty words."

31. "Cultivate good thoughts and notice how negativity starts to disappear from your mind."

It's amazing how a simple change of perspective can help us see the positive side of any situation. When we strive to cultivate good thoughts, negativity tends to disappear from our minds. In other words, it's important to remember that there is nothing more liberating than letting go of negative thoughts and embracing positivity.

32. "Don't live in the past, don't dream about the future, focus your mind on the present moment."

33. "Peace comes from within yourself, don't look for it around you."

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34. "If you want to learn, teach.If you need inspiration, inspire others.If you are sad, encourage someone."

Buddha's Message

35 "The mind is everything; what you think, you become.

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never goes away.

Don't dwell in the past, don't dream about the future, focus your mind on the present moment."

This is among Buddha's most profound sayings. It reminds us that everything we are and think is reflected in our lives. Our thinking is what motivates and directs us.

In this sense, if we focus on the present moment, we can free ourselves from the past and embrace the possibilities of the future. By cultivating positive thoughts, we are able to create a state of joy and achieve inner peace.

Other phrases from Buddhism

36. "The mind is everything, you become what you think."

37. "Peace comes from within, so don't look for it outside."

38. "Be kind to yourself, learn to love yourself, take care of yourself, and forgive yourself."

39. "Don't live in the past, or dream of the future, focus your mind on the present moment."

40. "Hate never ends with hate, hate only ends with love."

41. "He who understands suffering sees the world more clearly."

42. "Be a beacon to yourself; guide yourself and no one else."

43. "The way is not in heaven, but in the heart."

44. "There is no fire like passion.There is no loss like attachment.There is no pain like limited existence."

45. "Pain is inevitable, while suffering is optional."

Buddhist message

46 "Winter never fails to become spring.

Finally, this is one of the most important Buddha phrases It is a reminder that, just as winter and spring are inevitable parts of the cycle of nature, we all must go through ups and downs in life. It is important to remember that nothing is permanent and that everything passes, just as winter always turns into spring.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.