Freudian Psychology: 20 foundations

George Alvarez 02-06-2023
George Alvarez

Freud reinvigorated the limited perspective humanity had on the structure of the human mind. Thanks to him, we have a more complete perception of why we are the way we are. Freudian psychology .

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Healing through Speech

In an age of invasive and dangerous treatments, Freudian psychology revolutionized with its approach The method consists only in allowing the patient to express what he feels. From the psychoanalyst's perception, the ignorance of the time was overcome and an improvement in the general condition of the individuals was obtained.


In clinical Freudian psychology, the symptom has an origin coming from the unconscious. According to her, everything was connected to sexual development in childhood. Thus, we have a view that it is an expression that is directly connected to desire.


One of the greatest pieces of Freud's work is the concept of the unconscious, being the hidden part of us. It is the place in our mind where a direction of our life takes place, as if we put something under the rug. This includes desires and fears, for example. But if they are not worked on, they can cause problems in the mind and behavior.

Oedipus Complex

Freud catalogued a stage of child development in which there is conflict between hatred and love directed toward parents. In short, the child nurtures a love for one parent while harboring a repulsion for the other, seeing him as a rival These emotions are regulated over time and the child becomes more closely involved again with both.


Although the unconscious and the conscious are opposite slices of the psyche, they both have desires. But because of the external environment, we repress the desires of the unconscious in order to avoid reprisals. However, these repressed desires end up manifesting themselves in our dreams. And not only that, but also in our defects.


Pulsion can be classified as physical stimuli that interact with our mind. Even if it looks like instinct, here there is no need to feed something related to survival. In a more simplistic way, it can be something seen as an insatiable desire to be satisfied now.


Compromise is configured as the idea that we have two opposing desires, which are equivalent most of the time. Such opposition happens thanks to the duality between conscious and unconscious. To summarize, when we want something, whether it is good or not, we also want its opposite .

Try to think about the appointments you forget in your routine. On the one hand, your conscious feels bad that they happen. However, your unconscious interprets it as success, since you, deep down, didn't want to go.


According to Freudian psychology If they are interpreted, we can have important revelations about our wishes and desires.

Levels of Consciousness

In order to better evaluate the human mind, Freud separated it into three layers:

  • awareness;
  • preconscious;
  • unconscious.

So, let's get to know each one of them:


It is the stage when we have full control and perception over ourselves The biggest examples here are thoughts, speech, actions, emotions, among others.


This is a mix between the conscious and the dark part. This in-between connects two opposite and distinct layers, and is the link between them. Moreover, it shows itself, for example, in dreams. These are from the unconscious, but come to light because we remember them consciously.


The unconscious is the place where we have no knowledge or clarity about almost anything. It is where all our repressions are directed. Even if lodged in this place, it doesn't mean that they cannot manifest themselves at some point.

Mental Instances

For the Freudian Psychology mental instances can be seen as layers that connect the real world with our internal part. Thus, although they are part of our psychic nature, they are shaped by the external environment They are:

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The Ego is responsible for mediating our inner self with the external environment, achieving balance. It is also a mediator controlling the force made by the Id and holding its impulses.


The superego is our representative of morality, limiting us to various experiences. However, it acts based on what is socially allowed, repressing everything that society does not accept.


The Id is the representative figure of our wildest impulses and instincts He tries to take control and make us give in to all our desires.

Death drive

It is the constant search that mixes pleasure and its equivalent displeasure. At the same time that we want to be well, we end up provoking reactions that hurt us or leave us in pain. Longing is seen as a death impulse, since in the desire to get closer to someone, we suffer from missing them.


Driven by survival, it is an impulse without voluntary control on our part. This type of reaction happens when some external factor gives us the sensation of danger. For example, when we are in high places, we are afraid of falling. In addition, we want to get away because of our preservation.


It is the act of sending the energy of your libido to objects that are not associated with sex With this, you end up using a force to do something constructive in your life, for example:

See_also: Why do we dream? The reasons behind the dreams
  • sing;
  • writing;
  • dance; paint;
  • build;
  • among other skills.


A sexual force that relates to mental and physical functions in an individual, so Freud argued that thanks to it our development is more complete.

Mental Illnesses

At Freudian psychology Social standards are the main culprit for hiding desires, behaviors, and feelings from judgment. However, this continuous exercise creates imbalances in our minds.

Child Sexuality

One of the most controversial points in Freudian psychology dealt with the subject of child sexuality. Freud's work supports the idea that children, from a young age, already perceive pleasure in some parts of the body That is why they brought objects into their mouths or touched their genitals and anus.


According to Freudian psychology Although Lacan came up with the term, it was Freud who started the studies on it. Think of "King Complex" to simplify a person who thinks and acts like one to exemplify.

Structure of the Mind

The process resulting from the Oedipus Complex helps define our personality. A Freudian psychology According to her, we can all develop any degree of perversion, psychopathy, or neurosis.


At Freudian psychology The patient's emission towards his or her therapist is called "transference". It is about the patient projecting onto the psychoanalyst his emotions and feelings by associating him with someone important in his life So, in general, this happens with paternal or maternal references in therapy.

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Relationship between patient and therapist

Even though we can see this in any therapy besides Freud's Psychology, this one seems to be more sensitive to it. For the healing process to conclude as expected, psychoanalyst and patient should not get involved outside the professional work done in the office.

Concluding remarks on Freudian psychology

Finally, the Freudian psychology helped open the doors of the human mind to a greater understanding of it So with that, we become more aware of who we are, what we are, and what we can do.

Even if some points seem identical to other therapies, it is worth pointing out that Psychoanalysis works independently, so everything here has a reason to be and to work.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.