What is the dictatorship of beauty?

George Alvarez 01-06-2023
George Alvarez

We are inserted in a society ruled by the media that, in turn, establishes beauty standards that are practically unattainable. A thin body, wonderful hair, impeccable skin, among others, are expected; everything goes in the search for perfection. This is how the concept of dictatorship of beauty .

In the search for the perfect body, many times, people believe that any artifice is worth it. With this in mind, there are weight loss pills, crazy diets, surgical procedures, cosmetics, and countless other "ways" to reach the desired standard.

The biggest focus of the beauty industry

Nowadays the beauty market is aimed at all sexes, but, even for historical reasons, its main focus is on the female public. There are several aesthetic procedures to achieve the desired body, among them:

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  • makeup;
  • regimes;
  • surgeries;
  • among others.

The media, in turn, reinforces the dictatorship of beauty, selling the image of the "perfect body". Thus, models, actresses, presenters, media figures in general, always have the body standard that is expected and accepted by society.

The beauty scenario in Brazil

The Brazilian beauty market is one of the fastest growing in the world. A story carried out by EXAME, reports that, according to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Association of the Personal Care, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industry (ABIHPEC) in partnership with the FSB Research Institute, the Brazilian market is the 3rd in the list of largest beauty markets in the world. Occupying, then, a position ofthe United States and China.

The large proportions of sales in the cosmetics market in the country is a perfect place for the growth and establishment of the dictatorship of beauty, since it is this dictatorship that reinforces the consumers' desire to buy, which leads Brazil to occupy such a high place in the list. Therefore, this relationship works as a cycle, in which one feeds and at the same time is fed by the other .

The lack of representation

When ordinary people, especially women, look at the media, they don't find any representation of their bodies. The lack of representation of their bodies increases, in turn, the belief that the body they have is not ideal. Thus, the self-esteem of many people is shaken.

This lack of representation, however, does not only occur during adulthood. It begins in childhood, when children, especially fat, black and disabled children, search for and find no representation. Thus, they end up feeling ugly.

Other children, however, may be affected by this factor, just because they do not fit into some standard established by society. It is important to understand that this may continue to affect them throughout their growth and even into adulthood.

The technology era reinforces beauty standards

We live nowadays in a technological scenario. Personal lives are all the time shared on social networks. Many youtubers and bloggers of lifestyle, fashion and behavior, sell the image of a perfect body. In this context, everything is photographed or filmed and posted on social networks.

So, there is a will of the majority, of to show an image that is accepted by society. Having a body that is considered beautiful, which, in social networks, is able to add social status.

The role of health in the dictatorship of beauty

Despite the existence of many qualified professionals, such as doctors, nutritionists, endocrinologists, and others, those who seek to fit into the beauty standard are in a hurry. Therefore, many times, these professionals are put aside in order to achieve a faster weight loss, or a "prettier" face in the easiest way possible.

Thus, many resort to absurd diets that promise to lose many kilos in a few days. Some resort to unnecessary surgical procedures that, although safe for the most part, are still surgeries and involve risks. Some women become slaves to make-up because they cannot accept their own faces well. In short, health takes a back seat because the fastest result is prioritized.

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The fight against age

Besides the fight against weight and against undesirable physical traits, one also fights against time. Beauty is generally associated with youth, which reinforces that advancing age should be avoided. So begins a fight for a lost cause.

Since aging is something inherent to the human being, there is nothing that can be done to stop it. So in this struggle, as in all others, it is inevitable that some frustration occurs, which can lead individuals to serious problems.

Consequences of trying to fit into the beauty dictatorship

This unbridled quest for a body considered beautiful can cause several serious health problems, be it physical or psychological Some of them are:

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  • Anorexia;
  • Bulimia;
  • Depression;
  • Stress;
  • Financial problems;
  • Self-esteem problems;
  • Feeling of inadequacy;

Is beauty synonymous with happiness?

Many times this is how the media shows it. This concept, many times, is even passed on among people. They say that it is impossible to be happy without being or looking beautiful. Therefore, the search for what is considered beautiful is justified as a way to be happy.

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A pizza with friends, a failure in the diet, a day spent without make-up, all these things are frowned upon. These factors cause a social imprisonment of those who follow these aesthetic standards, thus turning the dictatorship of beauty into a true tyranny.

Can beauty really fit into a standard?

A very famous phrase in common sense is: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Beauty is something too grand to be imprisoned in the box of the dictatorship of beauty. Beauty is understood as that which pleases the eye, that which is beautiful for you. Thus, we can see that it is really impossible to socially determine what is beautiful or not.

But since it is impossible, why does this determination happen? The answer often lies in the desire to please, and to belong and be accepted. Such desires lead individuals to turn their self to the other, and thus to seek pleasing others with your appearance And this is the ideal scenario for the media and the beauty industry to propagate their thoughts, often in search of financial gain.

Final considerations

We can conclude that the dictatorship of beauty, that is, the social imposition that everyone must fit into a certain standard, has brought negative consequences to people and their health. The need for acceptance and belonging influences this phenomenon, which ends up segmenting people into those who fit in and those who don't. However, it is important to remember that more important thana standard of beauty is self-esteem, health, and psychological well-being, and these things should always come first.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.