Hypocrisy and hypocritical person: how to identify?

George Alvarez 17-05-2023
George Alvarez

All of us at some point in our lives have disputed certain characteristics, without them actually being part of our personality and character at times. However, some people go beyond this, using a mask to get what they want and affect others. So find out what hypocrisy, how to identify a hypocrite and how to protect yourself from them.

What is hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy is the action of simulating behavior and beliefs in favor of virtue, but not following them Under a certain mask of pretense, a person creates character to protect himself morally. At the same time that he defends an idea, he opposes it, judging others by what he himself does.

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Noam Chomsky, social analyst and linguist, states that this is one of the worst evils of society in any age. It becomes a natural catalyst to promote injustice in any reality. It leads to wars, misunderstandings, and misinformation to individuals. It is a poison to the behavior of our society.

Besides, Chomsky states that hypocrisy is seen as beneficial to certain groups. Some layers of society see an advantage in abusing it, using it as a pass to get what they want. With this, they end up perpetuating a double standard to their descendants. One example is segregation, where it is argued that a certain group should follow different rules than another.

Why do some people use it?

As mentioned above, hypocrisy is a pass currency to some valuable object in society. Individuals realize that they need to construct a certain identity in order to obtain certain privileges in relation to others. With this, they can move around freely without being harassed or questioned about certain aspects .

The curious thing to note is that they don't bother to do this simulation, and some don't even realize they are doing it, needing someone on the outside to point it out and condemn their behavior. For some, pride can interfere with behavior, causing a person to come into conflict with themselves. Even though some come to the conclusion that they are wrong, they don't try so hard to change.

In this way, we can summarize this attitude as a protection against judgments, but also a pass to make them. Nobody wants to be pointed out for his own faults, but sitting in court gives an exciting freedom. Even if hidden, there is a power in making use of this behavior. In this way, it is difficult to detach oneself from it.


Hypocrisy causes some inhibitions in the individuals who practice it. It is not a disease or any kind of psychic illness, although it does cause some social problems. It serves more as a fingerprint of the erratic behavior that hypocrites use. In general, they usually present themselves in:

Absence of immediate guilt

In the midst of an event, the hypocrite doesn't mind judging and condemning others for their attitudes Even if you perform the action that you point your finger at, you don't feel guilty for lying and faking the act. Although some are immune to this, given the character of each one, others are later able to put their hand on their conscience. Even if they don't verbalize it, after reflection, they feel guilty.

Empathic block

Empathy means putting yourself in the other person's place, allowing yourself to feel what the other person also feels. A hypocrite usually does not put himself in someone else's place, even if he occupies the same position. Like guilt, some people may still reflect on the event, although this does not mean that they will regret the judgment.

They are not content with silence

In short, they are always snooping on others in order to belittle them. This indicates a high rate of personal unhappiness, using gossip to make themselves feel better Some of this is also driven by the anxiety they feel, since this is an escape valve. Sincerity is not such an attractive object in their lives.


To further understand the concept of hypocrisy, we can use the most recent retelling of the novel Gabriela Aired by Rede Globo in 2012, the soap opera tells the story of a cabocla in the city. The general idea is to provoke reflections in the public regarding questions of morality and feelings. Among the characters is the elderly Doroteia.

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Doroteia, played by Laura Cardoso, is a controlling, gossipy old biddy. Her age does not stop her from pursuing and making mean comments about everyone in town. In particular, Doroteia has a penchant for socially butchering the image of the local prostitutes. In time, it is discovered that his own wife was a prostitute .

Note that the woman used her age and social position to protect herself from her past. Her experience showed her that Bahia in the 1920's was extremely sexist and mean to anyone who escaped the standard. In order to escape this, Doroteia abandons her old life and puts on a mask to walk around. To divert attention, she would point at others.

How to identify a hypocrite?

Even though it is a sensitive subject, it is easy to identify hypocrisy in people and customs. Therefore, it is worth being alert and paying more attention to those who live and act around you. It is normal for someone to present one of these signs without harming anyone, however pay attention if it goes beyond more than one. They start with:

Power matters to them

In general, hypocrites usually flatter important people and people in high positions At work, for example, while an employee flatters his boss, he also looks down on his colleagues. On the other hand, if he were a sincere person, he would respect everyone there without making any distinction or expecting change.

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They are envious

Because they are insecure, they end up belittling anyone who has positive aspects. The first target is usually someone beautiful. Even if they don't, a hypocritical individual finds faults and belittles them for it. Lack of self-confidence leads to constant insulting of others.

They are self-interested

Hypocrites always look for an opportunity to get along, no matter what they are looking for The events only exist because they are an opportunity to achieve something in their own favor. In short, they are high-level egoists.

They try to impress others

This shows itself as a way to gain the approval of others, as well as protection and deviation. Their existence to themselves is not enough, and this needs to be extended to others. In this way, they will be able to conduct their thoughts without values or credibility with the acceptance of others.

Final comments on hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is one of the biggest poisons circulating in today's social environment It is through this that pretenders get everything they want from some events and people. They don't care much about the damage they cause, but rather about what they can get.

So be on the lookout for some suspicious behavior and actions. Without realizing it, you can be a tool for these people who only want to grow unduly. Do everything you can to guard yourself and protect your character by cutting off any initiative to intervene in your life.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.