Message of Hope: 25 phrases to think about and share

George Alvarez 02-06-2023
George Alvarez

Table of contents

Hope should always be present in our daily actions, it is what motivates us to face life with optimism. So, to make you reflect and also share with friends, we have separated 25 phrases of famous authors, with message of hope .

Do not wait for a crisis to discover what is important in your life" (Plato)

We need to recognize what is really meaningful to us and value it, so that we can connect with our essence and find the happiness we seek.

2. "Hope is man's waking dream" (Aristotle)

This sentence by Aristotle sums up very well the importance of hope. In other words, it motivates us to believe that we can reach our dreams and achieve our goals, even when it seems impossible. In short, hope is the fuel that allows us to wake up every day and fight for what we want. It is the light that helps us face the darkest days.

3. "Hope is a food of our soul, to which the poison of fear is always mixed" (Voltaire)

This quote by Voltaire highlights the duality between hope and fear. It is true that hope is food for our soul, for it gives us the strength to move forward, even in the face of adversity.

However, it is also undeniable that fear often mixes with hope, leading to uncertainty and anxiety. Therefore, it is necessary to balance these two feelings in order to be successful in our journeys.

4) "A leader is a seller of hope" (Napoleon Bonaparte)

In short, the figure of a leader is essential to motivate people, awakening them to a common purpose. Thus, the leader is able to convey hope, encouraging them to believe that it is possible to achieve the goal.

In short, he is the motivator that inspires those who follow him to improve and strive for a better future.

5. "Hope: a dream made of awakenings" (Aristotle)

Hope is what keeps us awake to keep fighting for our goals, because it is what drives us to believe that one day our dreams can come true.

In this way, hope is what gives us the strength to keep going, not to give up, and to face all the challenges that we encounter along the way.

6. "There is no hope without fear, and no fear without hope" (Baruch Spinoza)

Hope is what motivates us to fight for what we want, while fear keeps us from taking risks and helps us make safer decisions. Both are necessary to help us move toward our goals.

7. "All things come to him who works hard while waiting" (Thomas Edison)

It highlights the importance of combining dedication and patience in order to achieve our goals. Thus, it is necessary to have perseverance in order not to give up on our dreams and to work tirelessly to achieve them.

8: "As long as good exists, evil is curable" (Arlindo Cruz)

This message of hope teaches us that we must embrace good and work to eliminate evil so that we can build a better world.

9 "You have to have active hope, the kind that comes from the verb to hope, not from the verb to wait. The verb to wait is the one who waits, while the verb to hope is the one who seeks, who looks for, who goes after" (Mário Sergio Cortella)

Rather than simply waiting for something, the verb hope encourages us to seek, search, and go after our goals. This is a great way to encourage people to never get discouraged and to keep striving for their dreams.

10 "Without dreams, life has no brightness. Without goals, dreams have no foundations. Without priorities, dreams do not become real. Dream, set goals, establish priorities and take risks to execute your dreams. It is better to err by trying than to err by omitting." (Augusto Cury)

In summary, to make our dreams come true, it is necessary to have planning and boldness. It is necessary to establish goals, priorities, and not be afraid of taking risks. Thus, if we do not dream, life will not shine, and for dreams to become real, it is necessary to create foundations for them.

11 "To be happy is not to have a perfect life, but to stop being a victim of problems and become the author of one's own history" (Abraham Lincoln)

We don't have to wait for all the external factors to be perfect in order to feel good, because we can find our balance within ourselves. This way we can face the problems and overcome them, becoming stronger and creating our own history.

12 "You cannot change the wind, but you can adjust the sails of the boat to get where you want to go" (Confucius)

This sentence from Confucius shows us that we cannot control everything that happens in our lives, but we can adapt our actions to reach our destination.

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Remember the importance that, like the wind, the path can change, and so it is necessary to be prepared to face the challenges that may arise.

13. "In the great battles of life, the first step to victory is the desire to win" (Mahatma Gandhi)

This inspiring quote reminds us that the first step to achieving success is to believe that we can win. In other words, it takes determination and persistence to overcome the challenges that life presents us with.

In short, the desire to win must be greater than any difficulty in order for us to achieve victory.

14. "Never let anyone tell you that the dream you have is not worth believing in..." (Renato Russo)

Always remember how important it is to believe in our dreams and not let anyone tell us otherwise. Therefore, it is fundamental to believe that everything is possible and that no one can limit us, because we are capable of achieving what we set out to do.

15. "If you can dream it, you can do it" (Walt Disney)

A message of hope and optimism, which tells us that if we have a dream, we have the power to turn it into reality, all we have to do is believe and work for it.

16: "Let your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears" (Nelson Mandela)

This message of hope Thus, it is essential to keep in mind that it is our responsibility to choose what will make us happy, and not to let fear stop us from living the life we want.

17- "I leave sadness behind and bring hope in its place..." (Marisa Monte and Moraes Moreira)

Leave negative thoughts aside and find the strength to go on, always believe that everything can get better. This is a way to remember that despite difficult moments, there is always hope.

18. "The law of mind is relentless. What you think, you create; What you feel, you attract; What you believe, comes true." (Buddha)

This quote by Buddha is a true premise of the power of the mind. It shows that our state of mind is capable of shaping the reality around us.

So if we believe in something, it will come true. Therefore, we have to be careful with our thoughts and feelings, because the law of the mind is relentless.

19 "Occasionally life hits a brick on your head. Don't lose hope" (Steve Jobs)

This message of hope teaches us that even in the worst situations, we must keep hope and keep fighting for what we want.

After all, life can sometimes present us with unexpected challenges, but it is essential not to get discouraged and to believe that it is possible to overcome any difficulty.

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20 "My heart never tires of hoping that one day it will be everything it wants to be" (Caetano Veloso)

Hope and determination is the essence of this message of hope. Don't give up on your goals, even though at times it may seem impossible.

So, know that there are no limits to the will to achieve, and that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to have faith that one day all dreams will come true.

21 "Never despair in the midst of the darkest afflictions of your life, for from the darkest clouds clear and fruitful water falls" (Chinese Proverb)

This message of hope teaches us that even in the most difficult times, there is hope for the future. The rain that comes from the darkest clouds brings refreshment and fertility, symbolizing that everything can change for the better.

22 "Hope has two beautiful daughters, indignation and courage; indignation teaches us not to accept things as they are; courage, to change them" (St. Augustine)

This message of hope from St. Augustine is a reflection on the importance of optimism and an active attitude to achieve what one desires.

Thus, hope is the fuel that drives us to have the necessary indignation to challenge what we consider unfair and, at the same time, the necessary courage to change things.

23 "All a dream needs to be realized is someone who believes it can be realized" (Roberto Shinyashiki)

This quote by Roberto Shinyashiki reflects the importance of belief for the success of any dream.

In this sense, for what is in the plans to come true, one must have the courage and determination to fight for it. Belief can be motivating, and with it, great results can be achieved.

24 "Although no one can go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start now and make a new end" (Chico Xavier)

This message of hope shows us that, although we cannot change the past, we are capable of making decisions in the present to build a better future. In other words, it is possible to start over, at any time, and have the opportunity to create a new ending.

25 "Failure is just an opportunity to start over smarter" (Henry Ford)

This quote by Henry Ford reflects the optimism and perseverance needed to succeed. By seeing failure as an opportunity to start over, we have a chance to learn from past mistakes and apply more intelligence to achieve the desired goal.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.