Autophobia, Monophobia or Isolophobia: fear of oneself

George Alvarez 25-10-2023
George Alvarez

Autophobia is the unusual and irrational fear of being alone The person develops a panic, becoming afraid of themselves, avoiding situations that they imagine, even insanely, will lead them to loneliness.

People who suffer from this phobia end up feeling the need to be close to other people. This leads them to engage in impulsive and desperate behavior, just to have someone by their side.

This phobia can be linked to other pathologies of the mind, such as panic disorder, anxiety disorder, depression, and Borderline syndrome.

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Table of Contents

  • What is autophobia?
  • When does fear become a phobia?
  • Symptoms of Autophobia
  • What are the main causes of autophobia?
  • What treatment for autophobia?
  • How to be cured of isolophobia and have solitude?
    • But, after all, how do you get out of your self-phobia and achieve solitude?

What is autophobia?

It is the unusual fear of being alone, the pathological fear of loneliness. Those who suffer from this phobia feel, at every moment, that they are being ignored by everyone, fearing isolation, rejection.

Autophobia, is the junction of auto, equal to proper, plus phobia (fear), whose word means pathological fear of being alone This phobia is also known by the words: monophobia or isolophobia.

When does fear become a phobia?

In general, everyone is instinctively afraid for their own defense, but there are also common, sometimes relatively irrational fears, such as fear of the dark and fear of heights. However, these are fears that we can live with without changing our routine, just by taking a few precautions to avoid the anxiety that these fears cause.

However, the problem arises when this fear is paralyzing Those who suffer from a phobia end up altering their daily lives in order to avoid the anxiety and anguish that a certain thing or situation causes them.

In other words, the fear becomes a phobia when the person changes his or her entire routine so as not to risk being surprised. The person then starts to live based on this fear, letting it be part of all life planning, always with the panic of just imagining experiencing what he or she fears so much.

Symptoms of Autophobia

Those who suffer from autophobia feel unable to live alone and end up irrationally behaving as if they are unable to solve their lives alone. Even in everyday situations, the autophobe has compulsive attitudes They have behavioral patterns that directly affect their interpersonal relationships.

In addition, the one affected by autophobia, in the midst of situations that, in his mind, represent signs that he might be lonely, he presents symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • dry mouth;
  • accelerated heart rate;
  • nausea;
  • tremors;
  • shortness of breath;
  • fear of the unknown;
  • excessive anxiety;
  • exaggerated jealousy;
  • fear of death;
  • stress;
  • panic attack;
  • dormancy, etc.

What are the main causes of autophobia?

As previously mentioned, autophobia can develop cumulatively with other mental disorders, that is, it can be its cause or consequence. Moreover, this phobia commonly stems from childhood traumas, such as abandonment by parents.

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Know that phobias can have several causes for their development. root causes :

  • traumatic experiences;
  • beliefs and superstitions;
  • anxious, catastrophic, and fanciful thoughts;
  • lack of self-confidence and self-esteem;
  • archetypes;
  • lack of information.

What treatment for autophobia?

There is a fine line between fear and phobia, which only professionals specialized in mental health can analyze, according to the specific case, so that they can help or even cure the phobic. This is what happens with those who are suffering from autophobia.

Among the treatments is psychoanalysis, where the professional will first seek the cause of the self-phobia, either by analyzing the conscious mind or the unconscious mind. It is worth emphasizing that the treatments change according to the analyst and analyzed.

So if you suffer from autophobia, or any other phobia, don't be ashamed and seek help People often end up suffering alone, because they cannot imagine the chances of exposing their fear and, even worse, having to face it.

However, if the person does not seek professional help as soon as possible, the illness may worsen, and therapeutic treatments may no longer be sufficient. In other words, the patient, in severe cases, will have to resort to psychiatric drugs.

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How to be cured of isolophobia and have solitude?

First of all, know that loneliness and solitude are different concepts. Loneliness, feared by those who suffer from autophobia (or isolophobia), is not beneficial. In other words, solitude is about a disconnection with the external world, which can trigger, for example, deep sadness and depression.

On the contrary, solitude, in simple words, is enjoy your own company In this sense, it is an emotional intelligence acquired by self-knowledge. By acquiring aloneness, you have self-confidence, you stop running away from yourself. Then, you accept to be perfect in your own way, without the need to have the approval of others.

But, after all, how do you get out of your self-phobia and achieve solitude?

In the meantime, the mental health professional you choose will use techniques to find the causes of your phobia, helping you to find your cure, so that you can achieve the tranquility of solitude.

We know that getting out of self-phobia and having aloneness may not be an easy task, but believe me, it is not impossible. If you are going through this, seek help.

However, if you are going through this and still have questions about it, leave your comment below, and we will gladly answer all your questions about autophobia. Furthermore, your story may help and be a source of inspiration for those who are suffering from it.

Also, if you want to know more about the human mind, including phobias, check out our Psychoanalysis training course, 100% distance learning. With this study, you will have a deep knowledge about the human psyche, which, among the benefits, will improve your self-knowledge, since it will provide insights about yourself that would be practically impossible to obtain on your own.

Furthermore, you will improve your interpersonal relationships, since you will achieve a better relationship with family and work members. The course will help you understand other people's thoughts, feelings, emotions, pains, desires, and motivations.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.