Types of anxiety: neurotic, real, and moralistic

George Alvarez 29-05-2023
George Alvarez

For psychoanalysis, there are three types of anxiety : a neurotic anxiety , a real anxiety and the moralistic anxiety What is the example and meaning of neurotic anxiety? What do these types of anxiety have in common and what are the differences?

Psychoanalysis is opposed to Suggestion

In the course of Freud's medical history, two points are maintained: infantile sexuality and the unconscious. Furthermore, free association is also maintained, since this technique breaks down the patient's barriers and resistances.

As far as Freudian psychoanalysis is concerned, resistance is driven by transference, which is ambiguous. Through this phenomenon there is construction and interpretation Thus psychoanalysis is opposed to suggestion.

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The preliminary interview through free speech

For psychoanalysis, the interview is an important factor, having the power to direct the transference to the psychoanalyst. It is upon completion of all the preliminary interviews that the psychoanalyst marks the entrance into the analytic discourse.

In these interviews the patient speaks freely through association These interviews mark the configuration of the analytic symptom, establishing the signifier.

Thus, preliminary interviews fulfill the following functions:

  • set up the transfer on a symbolic level;
  • to implicate the subject in the symptom, to configure a analytical symptom ;
  • correct the demand, transforming the demand for love or healing in demand for analysis;
  • put the subject to question himself about his symptom .

Classification of flawed acts

Freud elaborates the concept of a flawed act, which consists of something that was unintentionally, but also unconsciously wanted. In his theory, he can divide this act into 3 types, as follows:

  1. Faulty Acts in the language (speaking, writing or thinking "unwanted" words);
  2. Failed Acts of oblivion (forgetting something apparently "unintentionally");
  3. Failed Acts of behavior (stumble, fall, boycott something or self-boycott).

In spite of the differences between the three types of flawed acts, they have a common unit in language.

Freudian topics

One correctly speaks of two Freudian topics, the first being that in which the main distinction is made between unconscious (Ics), preconscious (Pc), and conscious (Cs); and the second being that which distinguishes three instances: the id, ego, and superego.

For a psychic act to be conscious, it is necessary to go through all the levels of the psychic system; whereas the unconscious system is governed by primary process also the pre-conscious.

In counterpoint to the Cs, the Ics is that which "is not known", one must take into account, in the analytic process, that psychic what comes to be conscious comes from the unconscious.

Mechanisms to be considered in the Unconscious

  • displacement : a fact or memory is seen out of place, often in an illusory way;
  • condensation : two memories are brought together to create a new, often unreal fact;
  • projection To idealize a memory or a perception in a way that is very distant from what is lived;
  • identification : to judge that a memory is related to a fact or interpretation.

In the unconscious the chronology does not exist And not in the dream either.

The conscious primary process

In didactic terms, a firm split is established between Pcs and Ics, both functioning according to the secondary process. The primary process, in general terms, arises from the first moments of life, when the Ics system comprises practically the entire psychic apparatus.

Related to the primary unconscious process we must list the following characteristics :

  • Absence of chronology;
  • No concept of contradiction;
  • Symbolic language;
  • Equality between internal and external reality;
  • Predominance of the pleasure principle.

To achieve the correspondence that the Topographical Theory lacks, Freud creates the Structural Theory which consists in subdividing the mind into three groups of functions, called the Id, the Ego, and the Superego.

The 3 Types of Neuroses

The Id is integrated by the totality of instinctive impulses. It has an intimate connection with the biological, and is responsible for the primary process, in the face of the manifestation of desire, it forms, in the imaginary plane, the object that will allow its satisfaction, being a structurally unconscious instance.

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For Freud, the ego is a part of the id modified by the impact or interaction of the drives and external stimuli.

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It is up to the Ego to organize a current synthesis making the individual unique and allowing him to actively adapt to the present world by detecting the real and psychological dangers that threaten the individual's integrity. These dangers can be classified into:

  • real anxiety
  • neurotic anxiety e
  • moral anxiety .
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Freud says that the Superego is only formed in the healthy mind, because it is integrated with the Id and the Ego and is the controller of both. In a generic way we can define this topical subdivision as being the "voice of conscience" .

Preventing against imminent danger, anxiety acts in 3 distinct ways and presents itself in fight or flight conditions:

  • Real Anxiety - consists of real fears of the outside world;

  • Neurotic anxiety - basically the fear that the instincts will get out of control;
  • Moralistic Anxiety - as the name suggests, is the Superego's fear of hurting its own moral code.
  • Final considerations

    It may happen that anxiety This occurs when the anxious feelings, emanating from a specific conflict, expand into a series of seemingly neutral situations.

    Thus, the individual cannot explain any connection between the anxious feelings and any other specific situations.

    If you feel called to understand more about anxiety, whether for your own self-knowledge, or to help people in your family, or even working in caregiving, you need to study Psychoanalysis. Learn about Complete Training Course in EAD in Clinical Psychoanalysis .

    Author: Leonardo Araújo, exclusive for our Psychoanalysis Clinic blog.

    George Alvarez

    George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.