What does it mean to dream of a dog?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

What it can mean to dream of man's best friend, that is, dream of a dog ? this relationship in the physical world can have other representations in our dreams? Understand how this dream can be interpreted!

Brief Summary

Dreaming of a dog After all, oneiric images invariably reflect this, the impulses and instincts that make up the individual and his inner self. And animals are rich analysis pieces in these projections, since have been worshiped since the earliest times by countless civilizations.

Moreover, they have always been symbols of worship and protection in accordance with their irrational personality. The materiality of their constitutions has always been linked to the attributes of the human psyche.

Therefore, a dream about dogs brings us back to one of the main predicates of these animals: faithfulness, and this must be observed in conjunction with the other elements represented in the dreams. Therefore, it is necessary to turn to the particularity of each experience with this element.

To dream of a dog attacking

The animals present in dreams speak of our need to deal with the attributes they represent:

  • aggressiveness;
  • domain;
  • loyalty;
  • pure instinct.

All these elements are represented by these figures in a dream, like this, working on our impulses and harmonizing them with our reality is the way .

As mentioned, the dog is an animal that is closely linked to the notion of fidelity and loyalty. Dogs are an always welcome and desired presence in most domestic environments. Their companionship and faithful defense of their owner have elevated them to the category of man's best friend.

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Dreaming of a dog biting, therefore, may show the need to deal with emotional out-of-control. In other words, it is a warning for internal change in relation to others, and not the other way around. Ultimately, this is not an imminent threat, but rather a sign that you need to rein in your angry impulses.

Lest we forget...

A dog is expected to be docile and never hurt the people around him, so the moment he bites, trust and ties are lost. A dream about biting dogs can manifest itself for those who, in fits of rage, hurt the people around them.

Therefore, it is expected that people's loyalty will be maintained even in the face of unfulfilled desires, which is not very common and tends to damage relationships of intense conviviality. Loyalty respects the emotional space of the other and does not smother you in the face of displeasure, in analogy, it does not "bite".

To dream of a dog in a defensive posture

Jung states that " the animal, which is in man his instinctive psyche, can become dangerous when it is not recognized and integrated into the life of the individual ". that being the case, We need to recognize in our dream projections aspects that we have repressed. In other words, a dog defends his master and his home, is his protector and his territory. This represents loyalty to what has been entrusted to you.

However, the interpretation here may deserve more intimacy and self-analysis of your attitude towards life. Are you being loyal to your principles and values? Possibly a dream in this condition deals with the "invasion" that is being consented to in your life. The unconscious mind expresses through dreams the necessary changes for the attainment of the plenitude of being.is not always clear or relevant to us.

The individual who dreams of a dog promoting defense may be lacking in loyalty to himself. In other words, this indicates that you are giving in to the sociocultural impositions and their demanding standards. Thus, your own convictions and individual expression may be being pruned.

To Dream of a Dog Cuddling

Dreaming of a dog can also be linked to the issue of emotional dependency A dog insistently demands affective interaction with his master, and he collects it by going to meet him. Therefore, this dream may represent your lack of affection towards a certain person.

People who are emotionally dependent have the other's life as the focus of their own life, so they become shadows, no longer living to take over the life of the other. They worry about solving other people's problems while they themselves live in dense conflicts. This reinforces the idea of emotional dependence, of the need to make oneself useful to keep people around. And so we endneglecting our own life and allowing others to dominate us by our need for affection.

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Very common in maternal and loving relationships, the affective dependency interferes with the vital dynamics of all involved The needy affective is attentive to everything that the other person does and needs. In doing so, he puts aside his own priorities and neglects his own life.

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To dream of a dog rubbing your legs or forcing its muzzle into your hands in demand for affection is a clear sign. You are depending on an affection that is not given voluntarily, that needs to be demanded, claimed.

Final comments about dreaming of a dog

According to systemic psychology, because dogs are such familiar animals, they can represent inheritance patterns in our family. Attentive to dreams with these animals we can identify this standard in order to adjust our conscious attitude.

Systemic psychology deals with the reproducibility of behavioral patterns by successive generations. Thus, habits and vices of great-grandparents/grandparents/parents may be being repeated by grandchildren and children. And to ensure this reproducibility, younger generations are unconsciously influenced.

In this way, the dog comes to symbolize a strong complex within the family. That is why it is necessary to be attentive to all the elements that make up the dream scenario. They are the ones that can help us identify the pattern to which we have been compulsively holding ourselves.

Some aspects of standardization are:

  • Troubled relationships.
  • Financial disasters.
  • Addictions (drugs, alcohol, sex).
  • Suicidal tendencies.

These and other aspects may represent in the current generations a family complex pattern. Thus, dreaming of a dog, which is such a representative icon of the family unit, may point to this aspect.

In another aspect domestic animals would be very much linked to maternal affection. This is because domesticated animals are linked to passionate instincts kept under control. Thus, the dog in dreams would represent the desire for maternal affection.

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How do I know what my dream means?

Dream interpretation does not have a defined process or an exact and precise technique. However, studies in psychoanalysis point to the material symbolism of elements present in dreams. They are the ones that can guide us in identifying these subconscious messages.

After all, they are nothing more than the manifestation of what lies dormant in us, hidden. And for this we need to awaken to self-knowledge, to understand ourselves as complex beings. And this complexity must be understood in the midst of all the elements that surround it.

As with dreams, we need to be aware of this kind of representation that was addressed. What part of us is represented there? What feeling is exposed in that scene? What is my moment, how do I behave, and what has been preventing me from living with fullness? These are dreams, a key to discovering new paths to follow in search of the harmony of being.

Learn about our course

In view of all the above, it is evident how important it is to know how to interpret dreams based on psychoanalytic studies. Whether you are experiencing episodes of dreaming about dogs or not, why not delve deeper into the subject? For that, enroll in our online Clinical Psychoanalysis course. Also, don't forget to check out our other articles!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.