Fear of Change: Understand Metathesiophobia

George Alvarez 03-10-2023
George Alvarez

O fear of change if it is pathological, it is called metathesiophobia which refers to a intense fear and disproportionate change Above all, the fear of change arises from our mind, which tends to make us retreat when it sees the need to adapt, whatever it may be, such as a change of job, house, end of relationship.

Although common, the fear of change is not coherent, since our nature never stays in the same state, it is always in constant movement and evolution. So should be our behavior and thoughts, where every day we should aspire to different things. In this aspect, being afraid of the new would be the same as being afraid of living.

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What is metathesiophobia?

Metathesiophobia is the term used for this specific phobia, the fear of change, which at this point becomes intense and irrational, even paralyzing. Still, those who suffer from this phobia understand that they are the naturally occurring changes in your life are unacceptable This can lead to various disorders, such as panic attacks, for example.

From everyday situations, such as the loss of a job to the death of a family member, metathetiophobia develops, because her fear of change is so great that she cannot deal with situations that are not under her control. fear of change He does everything to make sure that no changes occur in his life, whether positive or negative.

In any case, we know that most people are afraid of change, because society, in general, ends up getting used to having standards of behavior, according to certain socially imposed rules, because they bring them an illusion of security.

But those who have metathesiophobia is not able to handle any change, no matter how small For example, the person is afraid to go to the new market in town, because the old one he usually goes to is closed.

Changes are necessary

First of all, we have to keep in mind that changes are necessary, they are part of personal and social growth and evolution, and it is up to us to see them as positive, even if it is under the aspect of the experience we gain with each change we go through in our lives. In other words, changes will always happen, although it is scary, change is necessary.

Human beings always try to keep control over their lives, even over future events, although they consciously know that this is not possible. Moreover, they have the tendency to perceive change as something negative, emphasizing the probabilities of going wrong, without highlighting the possibilities of going right.

Therefore, changes are necessary and the fear of them arises mainly from people's lack of imagination about the good opportunities that the new can provide in their lives. Thus, we must always understand that changes are not a matter of choice. changes can be stimulating and motivating We just need to change our focus.

Why are we afraid of change?

Usually people are afraid of new situations, they tend to be afraid of change, because the current context of life may not be good, but it is usual and brings them, in a way, security. At the mere fact of the chance of change, we often catch ourselves thinking:

  • "I will not trade the certain for the doubtful.";
  • "Will that work out?";
  • "Better to leave it as it is."

First of all, know that these questions cannot be answered, because only by experiencing the new, always giving the best of yourself, will you be able to know what the future awaits you. Meanwhile, in order to assume the need to change your life, and eliminate the fear of change once and for all, it is necessary to become aware of your satisfaction with your current life. Do you do what you like and are you happy?

If your answer is no, if you know that you will not have a satisfactory life with your current living situation, it is time to face the fear of change. For you are possibly in a comfort zone that is not letting you progress and be happy.

When you want something in your life that requires change, but you are not getting it, you may be experiencing resistance and fear of change The resistances are, in short, ideas that our unconscious mind brings that lead us to believe that what we want will cause us some harm.

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Hence the importance of bringing our resistances to the conscious mind, rationalizing the fear into a concrete situation. Ask yourself the question, "What bad thing will happen if I get what I want?" It may sound simple, but this can be an awakening to your conscious mind and will block your unconscious resistances that are paralyzing you.

Symptoms of Metathesiophobia

Back to the fear of change in a pathological phobia, the person feels an uncontrollable fear of any change in his life, however subtle it may be. Thus, he leads his life trying by all means to avoid events that may bring unexpected changes to his routine, which ends up leading him to always try to have control over his life and even the people he lives with.

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This phobia will possibly prevent the person from developing in life, missing opportunities to experience personal and professional situations, because they always believe they are at risk if something new happens. When change is beyond the person's control and happens uncontrollably, they end up not accepting reality, such as losing their job.

Faced with not accepting that the state of things and situations change, when these changes occur, those who suffer from metathesiophobia commonly present the following symptoms:

  • intense anxiety;
  • muscle tension;
  • sweating;
  • panic attack;
  • difficulty in self-control;
  • controlling behavior.

Treatment of metathesiophobia

Many people live with the disease without seeking professional help, perhaps because they are unaware or even ashamed of their condition, causing the disease to become more and more serious. So, if you have any of the symptoms in relation to men, search help from a mental health professional .

As with most phobias, there is no specific treatment for metathesiophobia, or fear of change. However, among the main treatments for phobias are therapy sessions, where the professional in the area will work directly on reducing the phobia, finding its cause, and then using techniques to reduce or even cure it.

In cases where the phobia has reached severe levels, medication, such as antidepressants and anxiolytics, may need to be prescribed by a psychiatrist.

Know that change is part of human nature

So if you are suffering from fear of change So believe in your innate potential and try new things, whether they are hard or easy, predictable or unpredictable. Trust your nature and live in the present, without trying to control life's changes.

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See_also: Psychosis, Neurosis and Perversion: Psychoanalytical Structures

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.