Cooperation: meaning, synonyms and examples

George Alvarez 24-10-2023
George Alvarez

A cooperation is a fundamental concept for the well-being of society. It is the attitude of collaborate, in a voluntary way, to reach a common goal It has a profound meaning, since it is responsible for creating bonds between people, strengthening relationships, promoting togetherness, and above all, improving social coexistence.

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Meaning of cooperation

The meaning of cooperation is of working together for mutual benefit This means that people come together to achieve a common goal, rather than working individually. Cooperation encourages teamwork, understanding between people, sharing responsibilities, and creating social bonds.

In this sense, according to the Michaelis dictionary meaning, cooperation is the provision of assistance for a common purpose; collaboration, solidarity. Act or effect of cooperating, a word that means:

  • "To act or work together with another or others for a common purpose; to collaborate;
  • Acting together to produce an effect; contributing;
  • To join with others for the purpose of obtaining common economic benefits.

The word cooperation is derived from two terms, namely Latin cooperari As we said, in short, this word is used to describe joint actions, practices or policies for mutual benefit.

What is cooperation?

In the meantime, cooperation is defined as the action of two or more people or groups, with the objective of achieving a certain end, where the participants act together. Thus, this is a form of collaborative work that requires commitment, trust, and mutual responsibility.

Cooperation is a form of social interaction, based on reciprocity, and is a fundamental characteristic of human behavior. It is a broad term that can be used to describe a variety of ways of working together, such as partnerships, alliances, agreements, and other forms of relationships.

In this sense, the cooperation is essential for social and economic development For cooperative work is a form of social interaction that allows individuals and groups to share resources, skills, and information to accomplish a common goal.

In practice, what is cooperation?

Cooperating is a fundamental principle of life in society. So, in practice, it means working together with others to achieve a goal or solve a problem In this sense, it involves sharing resources, skills, and knowledge to achieve an outcome that is beneficial to all.

It is worth pointing out that cooperation also indicates that people need to communicate and listen to the opinions of others in order to contribute their own ideas. In this way, the result should be achieved in a harmonious and fair way, so that everyone involved benefits.

Therefore, the cooperation is an important skill for society to succeed. When people come together to work together, they can produce extraordinary results. By cooperating, people can share their skills, resources, and knowledge to solve problems and create innovative solutions.

In other words, working together can also help build a stronger community, as people become more united and connected. Cooperating can be a great way to develop important skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem solving.

Synonym of cooperate

Synonyms for the word cooperation include collaboration, association, union, agreement, concertation, conjunction, harmony, solidarity, concordance, and teamwork. They are used for describe joint actions or relationships between two or more people or groups, with a common goal .

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Define human cooperation

Human cooperation, when successful, benefits all members of a group. However, self-interest can work against cooperation, so cooperation requires that each individual consider the welfare of all, even if this requires sacrifice.

Even more, human cooperation can also be used as a pedagogical tool, as it allows for greater progress and development both collectively and individually.

Human cooperation and the "Prisoner's Dilemma

The "Prisoner's Dilemma" is one of the most emblematic problems of Game Theory, in which each player independently seeks to increase his advantage, ignoring the possible advantage of the next player.

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Meanwhile, studies of experimental economics show that, despite generally selfish personal motivations, the human beings tend to act cooperatively In repetitions of this situation, non-cooperation is usually punished, while cooperation is rewarded. Therefore, it is believed that similar situations can stimulate social and emotional development.

According to this study, four factors are generally necessary to generate cooperative behavior between two people:

  • shared motivations;
  • potential for future meetings;
  • memories of previous interactions; and
  • value attributed to the consequences of the analyzed behavior.

Examples of cooperation

There are many examples of cooperation. One of the most common examples is partnership between individuals to achieve a common goal For example, two people can work together to write a book. Another example is cooperation between companies in order to develop and improve their products or services.

Yet, another common example of cooperation is the alliance between governments, political groups or countries How several countries can join together to fight terrorism or solve international conflicts.

Cooperation is also used to achieve other goals, such as nature conservation and the protection of human rights For example, various international organizations and environmental groups work together to protect natural habitats and preserve biodiversity.

Also, various governments and organizations work together to promote human rights and reduce social inequality The cooperation is also used to improve the education and welfare of the communities.

For example, non-profit organizations work together with local governments, businesses, and other organizations to provide education, health, and social services to people in need.

Therefore, cooperation is an important form of collaborative work that allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal. It is a fundamental characteristic of human behavior and is essential for social and economic development.

Learn more about cooperation and human behavior

And if you like to learn about human behavior, including cooperation, we invite you to get to know our Psychoanalysis Training Course. With this study you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of human behavior and mind, and how interpersonal relationships influence our lives.

With our course, you will gain more knowledge about psychoanalytic theory, as well as develop skills to better deal with issues related to human behavior.

In addition, you will also learn more about topics that will help you with benefits such as: a) improved self-knowledge, since the experience of psychoanalysis is able to provide the student and patient/client with insights about themselves that would be practically impossible to obtain on their own; b) improved interpersonal relationships: understanding how the mind works may provide betterThe course is a tool that helps the student to understand other people's thoughts, feelings, emotions, pains, desires, and motivations.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.