Don't accept crumbs of affection

George Alvarez 02-07-2023
George Alvarez

Some people go so far as to give up themselves in order to believe in any semblance of love. Because of this, they enter into a relationship in any way in order to have even the slightest taste of having someone on their side. Therefore, I ask you don't accept crumbs Read on and understand why you are worth a lot.

Broken Loves

Throughout our lives we witness the most varied love affairs all around us. And yet we have a risk of having our own story in the hall of complicated trajectories of the heart. Without taking care of ourselves, we are exposed to a love affair that hurts more than it makes us happy and full .

In part, this may be our fault, since we have moved to places where anything is fine, not to mention that we are taught to value love in couples and do not feel complete with only ourselves, so if you are looking for someone to love, do not accept crumbs from anyone.

We are not starting an uprising against relationships, not at all, quite the contrary. We opened this article with the intention that you choose who you want to share your moments with as a couple, doing you and him good.

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Why do we accept crumbs?

Although you may not want to admit it, the "don't accept crumbs" is a continuous echo in the minds of those who put themselves in that position. Deep down, the individual knows where he enters and what to expect from the other, even if he does wrong The most common causes for this are:

1. fear of loneliness

Being alone proves to be a challenge, almost torture, to many people. Because of this they agree to have anyone by their side in order to get away from loneliness. However, it is better to have a space to reflect and grow than to spend your energy investing in something with no future.

2. lack of self-esteem

The presence of a well-built self-esteem makes you not accept crumbs from just anyone. Individuals who don't see value in their own existence are more likely to get involved in relationships that are doomed to failure. Because they don't believe in themselves, they think that someone else can do it for them.

3. lack of self-knowledge

Not knowing our own feelings and needs puts us at the mercy of detour and complicated relationships. The lack of self-knowledge keeps anyone from understanding what they are really looking for Without this we become easy targets for disastrous and very abusive contacts.

Surely you have heard the expression "It's like going to the supermarket without knowing what you want to eat." It is very simplistic and in comparison to the subject, even childish, although it is still true. When someone doesn't know what he wants, everything that comes along the way will do. It is necessary to have the power of choice, in order to manage your inner self to put yourself on the right path.

In this way, try to think of the relationship as an integral part, just like your studies, your home, your finances, among other things. Just like them, you need to know how to conduct your actions and reactions in the pursuit of this interaction. So, don't accept crumbs from anyone who comes your way without knowing how it affects you.

Throughout the text we will repeat something that you need to tell yourself always: you deserve more!

Don't be ashamed to say you deserve more

Loving yourself is not an act of selfishness, haughtiness, arrogance, or disregard for everything else in favor of your image. Having self-love means that you don't put yourself in situations that could end your happiness In this, he is secure enough to understand that anything will not be enough in his way.

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If you've ever blamed yourself for ending a relationship that did you a lot of harm, tell yourself "I deserve better." It's not a mantra for you to hide your pain and believe you're superior to someone else, not at all. It's a small moment of clarity for you to understand that you can always look for the best when the options present are not up to you.

Perhaps you can interpret this as someone being too good to be available to someone else. However, we should always embrace the people who help to increase our best, so don't accept affectionate crumbs from anyone.

Half-love is like swallowing sand when you are thirsty

Although the above analogy is somewhat confusing, we are talking about replacing something beneficial with something harmful. Love hurts when it is not directed the way it should be In fact, we can even confirm and defend that it is not genuine love.

Expectation also contributes a lot to this, so that you end up confusing an action with reality. To explain it better, think of someone desperate seen by another person. At the slightest sign of attention received, he/she will do everything to keep it, submitting to anything.

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Take into account that you can get hurt when you expose yourself to situations that you believe are solutions, but are problems. Love can hurt when it is not well delivered, balanced, and reciprocated. The other person plays a very important role in this because they need to be proactive in showing their intentions and emotions to you.

Don't stay close to those who are on the fence

Don't accept crumbs from anyone who is indecisive about their feelings for you. Yes, we know that life is made of varied contacts and not everyone wants to be in a relationship. But it turns out that many people use you for a one night stand and leave you confused with affection .

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They make you think they have something unique, even if it's not dating, but it's not true. As harsh or aggressive as that sounds, it's almost like a stepping stone for when something better doesn't come along.

If you are not someone's first choice, under no circumstances let yourself be second. Remember that someone leaving you vacant and messing with your emotions is disrespectful, hurtful, and of no mutual benefit. In this, that person will stay on the fence until they threaten to fall towards you until you leave that place.

Tips: Don't accept crumbs

Just don't accept crumbs from people who somehow abuse your good will. But understand that not everyone acts this way and there are those who are worth investing in Understand that:

1. love is only worth it when it is equivalent

Don't fall for the argument that people complete each other because they find what is missing in others. You need to feel whole yourself and only find someone who realizes this and wants to share something together. In the same way that you give your love, you receive it in an equivalent way.

2. never accept to be anyone's second choice

As I said above, stay away from someone who only comes to you when they have "nothing more interesting to do". This kind of person is almost never interested in your pains or even remembers to come to you with them. Try to love yourself, to support yourself, and you will find someone who sees the world in a similar way in this regard.

3. you are more than a weekend

The people who really want something constructive with you will plan for that and stay present. When you make plans, even simple ones, you always have something to comment on or even guarantee your presence Always aim at individuals who possess this behavior matrix.

Final considerations about do not accept crumbs

Believe that you will always deserve the best and don't accept crumbs from anyone. No matter how wonderful someone seems to be, don't fall into the illusion that they are the missing piece. You must do this for yourself and only then expand this to those who deserve it.

Furthermore, with this mature perception, people will be able to find you more easily. Try to think that you will become a magnet that attracts constructive, safe and well-directed attitudes from other people. Don't be afraid to think and realize that you deserve much more than they give you.

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To collaborate with this growth, enroll in our complete online Psychoanalysis Training course. The classes will help you structure an estimate of your true potential and the transformations you can achieve. Built up self-knowledge will make you not accept crumbs and always seek that which elevates you .

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.