What does it mean to dream of a hug?

George Alvarez 08-09-2023
George Alvarez

If you have been wondering what it might mean to dream of hugging Of course, not all dreams happen in the same way and have the same contexts, but there are possible meanings for many of them, and that is what we will talk about.

But before we list some of the meanings, let's talk about how Freud sees dreams. We think this is important, because the dream is very important for psychoanalysis.

What are dreams for Freud?

First of all, Sigmund Freud, who is the father of psychoanalysis, was the one who started the studies about the messages of our unconscious. From this, for him, dreams are a way for the psyche to "fulfill desires". In other words, they are like trials by the unconscious to resolve a disagreement, but it doesn't matter if this disagreement is of recent or past origin. The important thing is that it is something unresolved.

Freud inferred that all dream contents had their causes in previously lived experiences, which would be desires and traumas. And to understand dreams, Freud started from two points:

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  • Dreams may be manifesting desires;
  • Dreams may be recalling events that happened the day before.

In possession of this, he would dwell on the dreams.

And we have an article here on the blog about the interpretation of dreams according to Freud and psychoanalysis. It is well worth reading to understand better.

Meaning of dreaming of hug

If two people dream about hugging, each dream will have a meaning. Don't expect a ready answer for all "dreamers".

The hug dreams in essence, can mean:

  • need or longing for affection from a particular person;
  • some situation of need or personal fragility;
  • a strengthened self-esteem if the hug means recognition and connection with other people;
  • among other possible meanings.

See that they have very different meanings, because dreams are contextual. It is necessary to see what the dreamer is experiencing at that moment. In therapy, the psychoanalyst can help the dreamer to understand his dreams.

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Now let's talk about what it is to dream of hugging To begin with, who doesn't like hugs? After all, a hug is a kind of demonstration of affection. But we must not forget that it can carry other meanings within itself. For example, longing, interest, support. It all depends on the occasion and the people who are hugging.

Likewise, to dream of hugging To get a more accurate interpretation, it is important to remember the details of the dream. For example, who the person was, what you felt, what the hug was like. All this will help you better understand what this dream means to you.

In this article we list some of the main meanings of to dream of hugging We hope that some of them will help you.

Remember: the possible meanings below are exemplary. You must try to understand the psychic demands in your life, in order to understand what a dream may want to tell you.

To dream of hugging the person you love

If during the dream you are the one hugging, it means that there is an imbalance in the relationship. In this case, you love this person more than this person loves you. But if the other person is the one hugging you, there is more love from this person than from you. In other words, it is the symbolization of a greater surrender on the part of one side.

In both cases, you need to review how you have given yourself to the relationship, including reviewing your feelings and what kind of relationship you are in.

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Feeling of passion during the hug

This dream may be a prelude that there will be a turnaround in your professional or personal life. Be aware of what may be building ahead of you.

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To dream of hugging someone you don't like very much

This dream indicates that you will experience unstable financial situations, which can be caused by insecurity about professional changes. In addition, it is a warning about people who have not added positively to your life.

To Dream of an Enemy's Embrace

This dream means that you need some time to get well with yourself. After all, it symbolizes that you need to stop and heal your own wounds.

Remember that the past cannot interfere with the present, much less the future. Therefore, it is important to leave it behind. It is necessary to look forward and make the change.

To Dream of an Uncomfortable Hug

To dream of an uncomfortable hug means that you are preoccupied with problems, problems that have not yet arisen. It takes calm and resilience for the difficulties of each day.

To dream of hugging people who have already died

To dream of hugs on people who have already died means long life for you. However, try to remember what the dream was like, because if the person hugging you is a sign of danger of death. So be careful with your decisions and in everyday situations.

To Dream of Hugging Friends

This dream indicates that intrigues may occur among the family or quarrels among your friends.

To dream of hugging a stranger

This dream indicates that bad news is on the way, however, if it is the stranger that embraces you, it could mean that there is a flirt coming your way.

To dream of hugging a dog

To dream of a dog hug means betrayal by a friend or within a love relationship. In addition, it shows that there is someone out to do you harm, so you need to be careful.

To Dream of Hugging and Crying

Tears in dreams symbolize rains of good news . In other words, there is something very good coming into your life.

To Dream of a Mother or Father Hug

This dream represents how you are in your relationship with your parents. You need to have more and higher quality time with them. After all, time goes by and we need to enjoy it with the ones we love and who love us.

To Dream of a Sibling Hug

This dream is similar to dreaming of hugging your parents. In other words, you need to invest more in the fraternal relationship. Resolve disagreements and strengthen ties.

To Dream of a Hug

To dream of a loving embrace is a sign that you need to go and meet the person in your dream, for it means that this person needs you and your embrace. If she is the one hugging you, maybe it is you who is in need of her help.

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To Dream of Hugging from Behind

This dream shows that the person in the dream wants to dominate you in a way that will never be interesting. You deserve to live in a healthy relationship and that you are together because you want to be.

To Dream of a Farewell Hug

This dream means that new experiences are coming, you have to be connected and open to them. Furthermore, it is important to dedicate yourself to what is to come, only in this way will everything be really worthwhile. Be aware of the details, the changes, and take advantage of every opportunity that arises.

And we know that every end is hard, but they are an opportunity to start over.

To dream of a bear hug

This dream indicates that you are needy. That is, you have sought to get people's attention. This is not always bad, but you have to understand what it really means inside you. In any case, be close to those you love and who give you security. In this way you will feel more loved.

Read Also: To Dream of Hugging: Hugging Someone or Being Hugged


In short, to dream of a hug can mean many things, which is why it is important that you remember as many details as possible. It is even interesting to have a dream notebook, so that you can always remember your dreams and also identify what is behind them.

And if you are interested in knowing more about dreams and psychoanalysis, get to know our online course on Clinical Psychoanalysis. It is 100% online and starts immediately. Don't miss the opportunity to know more about this theme. Click here and learn more not only about the interpretation of occurrences such as to dream of hugging but many other phenomena.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.