What is Schema Theory: main concepts

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Have you ever heard of schema theory Well, you should know that this theory is a therapy that was initially developed to treat personality disorders. This theory is based on concepts from other areas, including Psychoanalysis.

Table of Contents

  • How did the schema theory come about?
  • Understand what is scheme theory
  • So, what are maladaptive behaviors?
  • Schema Theory in Psychology
  • The five domains of Schema Theory
  • Indications
  • Why seek this therapy?
  • So, how does scheme therapy work?
    • Resignifying the problems
  • Conclusion
    • Come learn more!

How did the schema theory come about?

Schema theory originated with the American psychologist Jeffrey Yung. So he observed people who had difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Then he realized that these difficulties were connected to personality disorders.

Thus, Yung proposes that personality problems arise when basic needs are not met in childhood.

Understand what is scheme theory

Schema theory, or schema therapy, is a process in cognitive therapy, so it helps reduce the impacts of maladaptive behaviors.

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As such, it helps a person to deal with his or her past and to break free from it. Moreover, it is based on the attachment or bond that we create from our newborn moment For in this phase is when we create our first relationship with someone we trust.

So Yung calls these stimuli schemas, giving his theory its name.

So, what are maladaptive behaviors?

Maladaptive schemas are the focus of this theory. This is because they consist of the relationship between an environment in which basic needs that are not met and the person's temperament. Therefore, it is these schemas that determine the emergence of behavioral dysfunctions.

As such, these behavioral problems can be long-lasting. For, maladaptive behaviors represent themes about the person and their relationship to others. This is because they consist of memories, emotions, sensations, and affect each other in a significant way.

Thus, they arise when the parent or caregiver acts in a cold or insensitive manner toward the child. Thus, strong negative emotions arise and the reaction to them is dysfunctional. Therefore, maladaptive schemas end up becoming a problem in the search for a more meaningful life.

Schema Theory in Psychology

In this sense, the practice of this theory has good acceptance among patients, because the sessions can be individual or in groups. It can also be used as a preventive therapy in children and adolescents. As for the therapy process, it can last from two to three years.

However, as the therapy gets results, the sessions will decrease until they are no longer necessary. But the support of family and friends is important.

For, as in any psychological treatment, the patient needs to have people around him who believe in him. So the person needs to have support and encouragement because these things make a very positive difference in the treatment.

The five domains of Schema Theory

In this sense, there are five emotional domains described by schema theory, so check each one out below:

  1. Autonomy and performance: is based on dependence, incompetence, vulnerability, submission, and failure;
  2. Disconnection or rejection: is based on abandonment, instability, mistrust, emotional deprivation, shame, social isolation, and alienation;
  3. Establishment of boundaries impaired: is based on superiority, grandiosity, insufficient self-control and self-discipline;
  4. Hypervigilance or inhibition: is based on negativity, pessimism, emotional inhibition, perfectionism, and punitiveness;
  5. Third-party orientation: is based on subjugation, repression, altruism, seeking approval or recognition.


Schema theory has proven results in people with borderline disorder. In addition, it is used for antisocial and narcissistic disorders. Moreover, this therapy has been applied for the treatment of:

  • Anxiety;
  • problems in couples and relationships;
  • eating disorders;
  • substance use;
  • mood disorders.

Thus, schema therapy is often applied to patients who are resistant to more traditional methods of psychotherapy. As such, it brings significant results in patients with personality disorders.

Why seek this therapy?

Scheme theory is indicated for patients with chronic problems, and for people who do not respond significantly to other treatments. While conventional treatments in psychology deal with the present tense, schema theory deals with the past.

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By delving into issues from the past, it can identify and deal with issues that may be missed by more traditional therapies. Moreover, this theory draws on many aspects of psychology, because it brings together different theories and points of view.

Therefore, with it it is possible to develop new techniques and treatment perspectives.

So, how does scheme therapy work?

The first step of the theory is to identify maladaptive schemas. Then, they are related to the problem. Then, it looks for their origins in the past. Schema theory believes that problems presented in adulthood have their origin in the early stages of childhood.

Next, the patient is encouraged to change the way he interprets and reacts to maladaptive schemas. This is done using positive stimuli, with references, images, or by the patient's own recollections.

Finally, behavioral changes are applied. But they demand a long term. This means that the sessions become less frequent and with more space in between.

Resignifying the problems

The schema theory treatment seeks to re-signify past events. In this way, the patient relives the events. Thus, some strategies used for this process are:

  • Sharing stories;
  • creation of mental images;
  • interventions;
  • role-playing, as in a theater;
  • tilization of art (paintings and sculptures, for example);
  • diverse experiences.

So, by giving new meaning to a problem, one is able to bring a new perspective to one's life That is, something traumatic is seen as something new, because we don't always perceive the trauma in ourselves. Therefore, seeking therapy is an important step.

Therefore, by putting a new point of view on what has happened to us, there is a greater possibility of new beginnings. Furthermore, we are stimulated to face our fears, which helps in the process of self-knowledge. Then there is the development of our well-being.


There has never been so much talk about taking care of mental health. Therefore, schema theory has a more current approach to problems of our childhood.

But seeking help is always a good thing, so don't be ashamed or afraid to seek treatment for yourself or your child. Psychology is also a manifestation of love: either for you or for someone you love!

Come learn more!

If you want to understand more about schema theory, Because we offer classes in an online environment and with a certificate, transform your life and help others, so don't waste time and enroll now!

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.