Symbol of Psychology: design and history

George Alvarez 02-06-2023
George Alvarez

Higher education courses have a symbol, a kind of amulet that gives them their personal identity. It is a way of maintaining their values, history and meaning throughout the generations, without losing their essence. So, take a look at the history, design and meaning of the Psychology Symbol and its importance in the academic environment.

The mythological side

First of all, the trajectory of the symbol of Psychology comes from the mythological before ensuring development of the term "psi" (Ψ) This is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet, transliterated to build the word psyche As time went by, its meaning "butterfly" evolved to breeze, breath, and spirit, until it became soul.

Being the major symbol of this science, the figure of the Psychology design is found in everything related to the course. It is a way of maintaining its identity and carrying an individual, unique and non-transferable pattern.

Many believe that delving into this iconography may have been insufficient for many people. This is because it was common association with unsubstantiated urban legends that ended up tainting part of the origin. For example, it is common to link the sign of Psychology (Ψ) to a trident, including reference to a demonic trident.

Demystifying untruths

The association of the Psychology symbol with "the devil's trident" comes from the time when mental illnesses were viewed with fanaticism. Thus, the disorders carried links with witchcraft, witches and other supernatural instances, disabling man's action. As you can imagine, the strong influence of the church ended up distorting and directing this idea to the fears of the time .

In fact, social and religious perspectives held different points of view regarding the values of this sign. Therefore, the "psi", symbol of Psychology, can mean:

  • for Catholicism the Holy Trinity;
  • for Hinduism is Shiva, who carries the power to change negative thoughts;
  • and for the Greeks Poseidon who used the weapon to capture the souls of his enemies.

Finally, the image that finds some common ground in these three views is that of creation, destruction and preservation. There are those who relate this to the balance of study in relation to the human mind.

The vision of Psychology itself

The image of the trident, in a way, is repudiated by the construction that the word itself has received over time. However, the criticism of the term does not have the same emotional charge here, since it has become a symbol of Psychology. Going further, it has gained an emblematic meaning that opens the doors to science, such as:

Instances of Mind

Freud tried to indicate that the points of the symbol of psychology were the triad of force, the instances of the mind, we have represented the conscious, preconscious and unconscious of the human mind But there are those who argue that it is only the forces of the unconscious.

Psychological currents

Here each tip of the trident would be the representation of each psychological current. In this, we have Psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and humanism. Of course, there are those who disagree with this initial thought regarding this construction.


In turn, others defend that the figure of the trident is nothing more than the transliteration of the drives, from which arise sexuality, self-preservation, and spirituality.

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Eros and Psyche

The symbol of Psychology has its mythological roots within a Greek legend, that of Eros and Psyche. Psyche was a young woman of absurd beauty who fascinated men and provoked the envy of women, including Aphrodite. In order to be the most beautiful woman in existence she had herself murdered, but her son, Eros, saves the young woman.

This happened because he fell in love with Psyche and also won her heart. After a while, they moved into a castle, but Psyche had one condition: she could never see her beloved's face. It turns out that when she revealed about her unusual marriage to her sisters, she was advised to see his face.

However, the candle she used to see her husband drips hot wax on his face, waking him up and he rages. Seeing that his wife has broken her promise, Eros leaves in anger and disappointment over her stance. Immediately Psyche regrets what she has done and goes into despair. Disconsolate, she provokes Aphrodite's wrath.

The Psyche Tests

Aphrodite did not consider Psyche's sadness and regret when she asked her for help. In this, he ends up taking revenge on the young woman by applying a succession of tests in order to finish off his rival. They are:

  • travel to the underworld;
  • face the demon Cerberus;
  • travel with Charon;
  • travel with Hades to find Persephone and ask for some of the beauty that was stored in a box.
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It turned out that Psyche surprised with her determination, courage, and intelligence in overcoming every challenge She was caught in the trap, the sleep of the stage, and slept deeply. Finally, she was awakened by Eros, with whom she shared her trajectory and devotion.

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Not only did they marry, but Aphrodite danced at their wedding and regretted her posture. Zeus, as a gift, decided to make the young girl immortal for her bravery, intelligence and beauty, not only physical, but of soul. With her butterfly wings, she helped found the meaning of the symbol of Psychology.

Butterfly Effect

In the history of the symbol for Psychology we find a passage in which the Romans evolved the Greek letter "psi" into "psyche". In the same way they changed its meaning to include the life force of the human being. In this, the inclusion of "logia" caused him to abandon the study of the soul for the study of the human mind .

However, before we came here, the Greek view claimed space, even if in a limited way. Psyche also means "butterfly" that after death broke free, being reborn in their own souls. Some still consider the butterfly as the face of psychology, but this is not official.

Lapis lazuli

The Federal Council of Psychology defined the lapis lazuli stone as the symbol of Psychology, as well as the psychologist's profession. Because of this, the graduation rings are made and modeled with this stone. So, until today it keeps the symbolism of friendship and emotional balance, contributing to relationships thanks to the evolution of the mind.

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Final considerations about the symbol of Psychology

Between myths and truths, the history of the symbol of Psychology carries an enriching content behind it In a few words or just a symbol, (Ψ), we have the tool we need to elevate ourselves when necessary.

We hope that reading this far has helped revitalize the importance of Psychology in our daily lives. There is a grand purpose in it, a path laid out for us to build our health, destiny, and proper quality of life.

That's why we invite you to join our 100% online course in Clinical Psychoanalysis and see how understanding yourself better is transformative. You not only work on your self-knowledge, but you allow yourself to explore deeper layers of yourself and your potential. The wisdom lapidated here will elevate the value of the symbol of Psychoanalysis, as well as the role it assumes in one's own life and society .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.