Empowered: meaning of empowered person

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

The world carries a historical mark of suppression of social, emotional and mental movements among minority individuals. For a long time, they have seen themselves as submissive to the will of the majority, but this has been changing with more conscious times. Discover the meaning of the word empowered and how to work on your inner identity in the face of oppressive environments.

What does empowered mean?

Empowered has an approximate definition of the word "autonomy". Therefore, an empowered person is one whose fate is influenced by one's own actions Even if there are adversities in the external world, an individual asserts his beliefs in what he believes in.

Empowerment aims to give voice to those whose existence is marginalized at some level The idea here is to equalize the forces, so that society walks hand in hand toward a convergent place. Empowerment aims to balance a long-standing balance of inequality between individuals.

Today, the agenda is more in vogue than ever, reverberating in many areas, including movements:

  • social;
  • music;
  • cinema;
  • education;
  • culture;
  • among other movements.

The behavior of individuals has changed in order to assert the right to be who they are .

The importance of empowerment

As discussed above, humanity carries a history of very great social injustice against some groups. There was and still is a conception regarding the functional nature of these people in relation to the "main group". In short, these individuals should/should live below a line of thought that controls their actions and reactions .

Women, for example, were one of the biggest victims of this oppressive system. For a long time they were conditioned to be subservient to their husbands, without questioning or even having a say in the treatment they received at home In addition, their behavior was also evaluated in society. Continued submission was the only way to live, that is, with fear of subversion of the prevailing order.

The empowered individual carries the message about changing the level in which he or she lives. Although it varies from the word "power", empowerment is not a moral weapon pointed at others for the purpose of aggression. It is not a payment currency, where an oppressed becomes an oppressor and vice versa. It is to make your authority over yourself and become independent .


An empowered subject, in general, carries the flag of the niche to which he belongs, even if he raises it in various forms. Empowerment is the projection of one's image and history, so that he/she can be recognized and respected by others It is giving space for individuals with similar stories to come together to defend the same ideal.

Below are the groups that resort to this statement:

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Currently, their participation in various sectors of society is more evident. This is also linked to the feminist movement, which advocates universal equality between men and women. Contrary to what was imposed before, they claim the right of image, political and economic .

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In short, women fight for the right to be physically the way they want to be, as well as to have access to public participation, male respect and equal pay .


The figure of the afro-descendants has also been worked on in recent times, thus receiving greater prominence. In this way, the media has started to listen more to their issues through speeches and the culture itself in which they participate. Black Panther , a 2018 film, shows the black population in its fullness, condensing well the system to which they struggle to succeed .


LGBTQI+ people have also been fighting for their rights to have a voice and more active participation. Interventions in the most diverse niches aim at valuing the culture of this public, showing how relevant they are to our own history With each new intervention, there is a breaking of the paradigm that limited the conception of a group in general.

Characteristics of an Empowered Person

A empowered shows evident and natural signs of his conduct in society. This is not arrogance, even if few show it in their speech. It leans more towards a truth in one's own words, gathering the security of being who and what one is. The empowered usually does:

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Get to know yourself

A person can only defend himself and an idea when he knows its totalities. Therefore, he understands why and for whom he fights, and he is one of the main catalysts The black population, for example, is aware of the repression they experience and exacerbates in themselves aspects that others condemn. Religion, for example.

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Do not allow yourself to be influenced by others

Their flag was raised for a reason and it should not be raised by outside influence. Empowered citizens have a clear idea of what they do, why they do it and for whom they do it.With that, show that they have a clear guideline and that it cannot be shaken or bought .

Work out your imperfections until you get it right

There is no right without several wrong attempts. Empowerment meets barriers along the way, be it social obstacles or lack of understanding from others Sometimes the approach that has been used has not been adequately translated by others. By rephrasing the presentation without changing the essence, a greater understanding is possible.

But how to be an empowered person?

Knowing a person's characteristics empowered However, starting this process may require some exercises to help you. One tip is to write down on a separate sheet of paper the things you most want to achieve.

Then, before each item say, "I must ..." or "I should ..." What did you feel when you said it out loud? Fear? Worry? Anguish? Now say, "I choose to do ..." or "I want to ..." The feeling changes completely, you may feel more relieved.

This simple change of speech helps us to understand that any behavior is a choice. Having the feeling that our choices are our own, we feel more like doing it, and have the drive to complete that activity. In other words, we feel more empowered in our daily lives, and whatever we have in our minds, we put into practice.


We will use music to better show what empowerment is through the singer Beyoncé. It is worth pointing out that it is not the only model of empowerment, but it is an excellent opportunity to show plurality This is because she is a woman, a black woman, a mother, and a wife, all of these facets having been subjugated at various times in history.

In 2016, Beyoncé releases the album Lemonade Although critically and public acclaimed, some people have been averse to the content of the material. Systematically, Lemonade touches the wounds that many choose not to see .

Just as in previous works, Beyoncé makes a point of being a woman wherever she is. Even if she takes a certain position, it should not be summed up only in that. The singer shows that every individual has a potential and it should not be fought or restrained With this work, she has brought many out of their comfort zones by showing who and what she is.

Final thoughts about being someone empowered

An empowered individual is one whose identity and will cannot be subjugated by the majority This is because he understands his origins, his guidelines and where he is going, having to contradict the will of others. His will to prevail comes from a right to social redress that many insist on denying.

Even if you do not fully share what was discussed above, try to understand the motivations of others It is necessary to evaluate what is behind the desire to be heard. Sometimes we will find realities that are very different from ours, but this can be an excellent addition. Growth is a two-way journey .

To better understand the leverage of these social movements, sign up for our Clinical Psychoanalysis course. The classes will allow you more clarity about human behavior, giving you the chance to better evaluate people. This can be key to understanding their motivations.

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Contact us and learn more about our Psychoanalysis course! Be an empowered person through knowledge, but not only. Help other people to become free to be who they are too.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.