List of archetypes in psychology

George Alvarez 16-08-2023
George Alvarez

Even different cultures are capable of reaching a common sense when thinking about the same idea. These are the archetypes, projections that end up idealizing a certain object in the universe. list of archetypes to exemplify.

What are archetypes?

Archetypes are a set of representations of the ideal model of something integrated into our unconscious. Basically, they are preconceived ideas about something based on common sense, so when we think of something quickly we associate it with other things that relate to it.

In simpler words, archetypes are automatic responses when you think of something. For example, when someone thinks of a dog, they are likely to see it as a faithful companion and our best friend. In this case, we can say that the dog represents the archetype of loyalty.

Given the immensity of this capture, a gigantic but interesting list of archetypes emerges. Based on it we realize how connected we are, even if indirectly, by our perspectives of the world.

The Origins of Archetypes

It was Carl Jung who established the origins of this work and gave us the material to base the list of archetypes. For him, the unconscious was part individual and part collective. In this, this secret sector of the mind would be a culturally inherited space that stimulates our way of seeing the world and experiences .

Archetypes end up designating the memories and experiences that our ancestors had. Because of this Jung defended that all of us don't grow up isolated from society, because the cultural environment influences us. After all, in this way we are passed on to experience our own reality and thought patterns.

Jung indicated that the symbols and myths present in each culture result from an emotional and cognitive base inherited from birth. Thus, his idea of the collective unconscious was validated by our experience and repetition. Therefore, while we share part of our mind with others, we have our own individuality.

Behavioral Patterns

Carl Jung himself argued that the list of archetypes was a compilation of behavioral patterns. Through this we could explain past events, whether with our ancestors or humanity itself in its beginning So, on that path, he stipulated:

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  • Primordial Images

For him, archetypes are primordial images, present in our imagination, which help explain past stories, lived by other generations. These primordial images are the bases that build our personal and collective imagination. Thus, they end up originating from the repetition of the same experience many times, although by different people and at different times.

  • In the collective unconscious

As time goes by, these images end up being accommodated in the collective unconscious and become part of everyone. In this way, they are not only present in our minds, but in the minds of other people around the world. In other words, even with the cultural distances, it is possible to form identical images about the same ideals and objects.

How do archetypes express themselves?

Understanding better the list of archetypes, one realizes that they are patterns of symbols and images that manifest themselves in various ways. Regardless of cultural aspects, they manifest themselves in an inherited way in each generation. Thus, an archetype ends up shaping a piece of this collective unconscious and connects with the generation to come .

Carl Jung stated that all these images are universal and recognizable from anywhere. There is no language or social barrier that can prevent the great mass from recognizing such phenomena. So, even if you don't realize it, it continues to be experienced and passed on culturally and continuously.

Many therapists make use of the list of archetypes in their work as a way of helping their patients. Through it, it is possible to detect internal conflicts experienced from the conscious to the unconscious.


Jung used to observe genetics to study archetypes during the passages of time. Therefore, he d ccording to him, the body and mind were connected, relating and reacting to each other in a constant way In other words, here we would see that the structures that give sustainability to our behavior could be passed on.

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In this proposal, each person receives a mental history that has been nurtured by his or her ancestors, and this includes archetypes. Although in its time it did not receive sufficient scientific backing, neuroscience today richly defends this proposal. After all, the very growth of neural connections shows itself as an example.

It is indicated that this path is reached thanks to our genetic code together with life experiences. In this way, Jung's theory proves to be more convincing in indicating that the organism connects with our experiences.

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Archetypes within advertising

When we pay attention, we realize that the list of archetypes can be found everywhere, including in advertising. This makes it much easier to define consumer profiles and target specific products to them .

This is very evident in the work The Hero and the Outlaw After all, the book relates very well the archetypes created by Jung and the products that each one might like. Take Nike, for example, that uses the ideals defended by heroes and applies them in its products.

Outlaws, on the other hand, fit in with bolder products, such as cars or motorcycles. Simply put, stereotypes are created and the product is prepared to meet the expectations of the target audience. In the case of motorcycles, a bearded, hairy, jacket-wearing rider fits this profile well.

List of archetypes

The list of archetypes has a great variety of symbols, going beyond the ones reached by Jung. Therefore, it is recommended so that we can draw someone's psychological profile and characteristics. Some of the most common are:

1. animus and anima

Animus speaks of the masculine side of woman while anima of the feminine archetype in man, so we have here the archetype of gender roles.

2. the Mother

In a simplistic way, this archetype designates all the maternal and gentle behavior we have in life. In other words, it is synonymous with much love and care.

3. the father

Here we have the authority that leads and guides others to live by his example, that is, synonymous with physical strength and direction.

4. person

It shows an aspect that we want to show of ourselves to others, so it is important to be aware.

5. helpful

One who likes to help others and nurtures empathy, but can end up putting himself in second place at times. Thus, it is important not to lose balance.

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6. shadow

It is everything that we want to keep under wraps and secret, since it is not morally accepted.

7. hero

Opposite of the shadow, the archetype of the hero is determined, but also ignorant and unreflective about combat. Therefore, it is important to know how to reveal.

8. explorer

It is a free spirit, not attached to anything, and has freedom above anything.

9. wise

This usually gives light to the hero's journey, carrying great advice and knowledge.

10. ruler

They love power and controlling any situation, including people. Depending on how they influence, they can be good leaders.

11. cheater

He often breaks rules, being a shrewd person who seeks to see the limits of the authorities and take advantage of them.

12. creator

Always creative and innovative, carrying a bubbling mind full of ideas. In other words, it is fundamental.

What did you think of the list of archetypes

The list of archetypes ends up translating universal aspects in relation to the human being's mind and posture Through them we can find ideas that portray well the connection that the human race has across generations.

We have listed those archetypes that are most important in psychology, archetypes that have also become widely used in the arts. Do you have other archetypes to mention? Leave your comment below.

Understanding about them can help you better understand your posture in some situations. After all, keep in mind that it is a way to analyze your personality, understand your behavior, and find personal connections to the world.

The classes will give you the support you need to deal with your personal growth needs. In addition to understanding the meaning of the list of archetypes, you can tap into your potential in conjunction with self-knowledge .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.