Compassionate: meaning and examples

George Alvarez 05-09-2023
George Alvarez

Be compassionate is to have the ability to understand emotional states, both about yourself and about the people around you. First of all, it is worth saying that compassion differs from empathy in that being compassionate has an additional element: the will to reduce suffering not just understand it.

In other words, a compassionate person is concerned about others in such a way that he or she will spare no effort to help alleviate their pain. When you participate in social programs as a volunteer, offer food to the hungry, or even when you offer to help someone cross the street, that is being compassionate.

In this way, compassionate people undoubtedly transform humanity, causing emotional bonds to grow closer. Exercising compassion is a way to better connect with yourself and the people around you. In addition, helps with feelings of well-being and stimulates emotional intelligence .

Meaning of compassionate

The word "compassionate" comes from the Latin compassivus In other words, it is an adjective for someone who has or shows compassion to others. One who sympathizes with the suffering of others and expresses the will to help .

In this sense, compassion is nothing more than being a kind person, who wants to help, in the midst of a difficult situation. It is you being merciful to the tragedy and having the will to help in its solution or overcoming. In other words, you have an altruistic impulse in the face of another's misfortune, acting with tenderness to welcome the one who suffers.

What is self-compassionate?

In short, to be self-compassionate is to be compassionate with yourself, with self-care, and always prioritizing your well-being, both physical and mental.In other words, to have self-compassion is to be kind and understanding to yourself, regardless of the circumstances .

In other words, to be self-compassionate is to treat yourself in the same way that you would treat a good friend who is going through difficulties. In this sense, to be self-compassionate is to have the ability to recognize and accept your difficulties and weaknesses by being honest with your own vulnerabilities.

In addition, it is worth emphasizing that people with self-compassion are more likely to have a greater sense of happiness, satisfaction and motivation, and have better interpersonal relationships. They also have better physical and mental health, with a lower incidence of anxiety and depression. Likewise, they have the strength to cope with stressful life situations.

So when we pay attention to our inner self, to our struggles, and thus treat ourselves with love and kindness in adversity So embrace and accept your life with its imperfections, it will give you the strength to thrive.

Compassionate meaning in the Bible

The concept of compassionate is essential to the Bible, it is one who has compassion, pity, pity In this sense, the Bible teaches that we should love our neighbor as ourselves and serve God and others with a compassionate heart. This means that we should have empathy and compassion for the people around us, as well as express our love and compassion in practical ways.

The Bible instructs us to love others, just as God loves us, with kindness, mercy, and compassion. The book of Proverbs 19:17 states, "Whoever treats the poor well lends to the Lord, and he will reward him." Here, the Bible teaches us that it is important to be compassionate and give help to those in need. If we don't do this, we are depriving ourselves of God's love and mercy.

Furthermore, the Bible also teaches us that we should be compassionate toward those who offend or despise us. The Bible verse in Luke 6:36 says, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." Here, Jesus instructs us to be compassionate not only to those who love us, but also to those who disrespect us.

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Reasons to be a compassionate person

Here are some reasons to be a compassionate person, demonstrating in your daily life how this can be transformative for your evolution:

  • Professional: Showing compassion for co-workers and the company in general helps create a healthy and productive work environment, increasing employee motivation;
  • Family: Being compassionate with family members helps maintain an environment of harmony, affection, and respect, which is essential for a happy life.
  • Relationships: Showing compassion for others is a strong indication that you care about their well-being, and this can help build healthier, longer-lasting relationships.
  • Everyday life: Being compassionate is an important act of kindness that can significantly improve the lives of those around you. It is a gesture that can help create a more friendly and welcoming environment.

How to have compassionate relationships?

It is possible to create healthy relationships by being compassionate This is because when we do not limit ourselves to seeing the other through a narrow prism, we are able to see the suffering and, thus, understand what the other feels. As a result, we are able to find better answers to relate in a harmonious and peaceful way, because we will know how to better deal with all challenges.

However, by making connections for the happiness of others, regardless of how we feel about the person or their attitudes, we have the opportunity to free ourselves from our own judgments. In this way, helping and receiving help from others is one of the main ways to achieve joy.

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In this sense, being compassionate can bring us great joy, healing us from our worries, because recognizing the other as equally complex gives us the awareness that we are not isolated, and we can connect with others and contribute to building a better environment for everyone.

Examples of compassionate

As we have said, to be compassionate means to show compassion and understanding to others. And this can be done in many ways, in many situations in our daily lives. For example:

  • offering help to someone who is having difficulty with a task at work
  • giving a hug to someone who is going through a difficult moment
  • to listen attentively to someone who is sharing a difficult experience, without judgment or criticism
  • keep in touch with those who can't easily connect with other people, such as those who are ill, elderly, or disabled.

Therefore, being compassionate is nothing more than showing presence, sympathy and interest for others, and always offering help where needed In other words, any behavior that shows compassion, understanding, and kindness is considered an example of compassionate behavior.

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Psychoanalysis and compassion

Compassion is an important part of psychoanalysis because it allows people to consider the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others. When used as part of psychoanalysis, it helps to create an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding in therapy.

It also helps to establish a trusting therapeutic relationship, which is necessary for the patient to feel comfortable exploring their thoughts and feelings.

In this sense, if you want to learn more about the mind and human behavior, get to know our Psychoanalysis Training Course, offered by IBPC. With the study of psychoanalysis you will have countless benefits, among them, improving self-knowledge, improving interpersonal relationships, and helping to solve corporate problems, among others.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.