When Love Ends: 6 Ways to Go

George Alvarez 15-08-2023
George Alvarez

Yes, it is hard to get used to the idea of when love ends Today it seems that more and more relationships break up, families break up or third parties appear. Love comes to an end and doubts begin to arise about what we can do at this moment when we begin to believe that no more love

Is it better that they leave you or do you have to make the decision to end the relationship? There can be no easy part in either position. It is always hard to leave or to have to leave something that made you happy, to see how time is running out to keep two people together who believed they were strong enough to stay together. But to keep something as it was before, is not a good option.

What decision to make when love ends

Making the decision to end a relationship will always be difficult, so you have to weigh the pros and cons before doing so. Has something changed? Can this be solved? Do I want to fix it or don't want to fight over my relationship anymore? Is it exhaustion or lack of desire? Do I think I deserve better?

Evaluating all these questions allows you to take the time to reflect and make sure perhaps a little more before you make a decision. Although it may not seem right, at least it will be appropriate at the time you go.

Impulsiveness, anger, or sadness do not lead to a good decision, so you have to wait to reflect, take time, and allow yourself to feel in order to choose.

6 Ways to go when love ends


Acceptance is the starting point when we see that the love is over, otherwise, if we don't accept it, we can get carried away by negative emotions such as anger or guilt.

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Understanding the emotional pain we feel at this moment, recognizing that it is part of life, and if we manage it well, it may even allow us to grow, is the right way to get through this delicate moment.

Understand the situation and take your time

Saying goodbye to a person you once loved should not be the result of an impulsive act, but should be meditated and reflected upon. This means that the situation must be understood and viewed objectively.

And when it becomes clear that staying in this situation will only cause pain, it's better to let it go. Now, there are always other options before that. For example, opt for dialogue or go to couple's therapy if you want to save the relationship. However, there are times when good-bye is inevitable, and then all that's left is to say good-bye.

Do things that fill you up

Happiness has a lot to do with the moments we spend doing pleasurable activities that make us feel good. Our habits and positive mindset can make us experience enriching moments and can allow us to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.

Playing sports, for example, is key to reducing stress or separation anxiety and helps to improve mood and self-esteem damaged after divorce.

In addition, it is essential to do outdoor activities, because, as scientific studies indicate, the sun (as long as the exposure is healthy) causes an increase in vitamin D in our body.

This vitamin positively influences the proper functioning of the immune system and increases the production of endorphins, endogenous pleasure-related substances.

Go to the psychologist

Sometimes it is advisable to see a psychologist. Because, especially in those situations where there are certain conflicts (for example, court battles), overcoming divorce is not easy.

Psychologists who specialize in divorce therapy provide tools that will allow you to face this situation in a healthy way. And thus regain emotional balance, self-esteem, and control guilt, resentment, and other negative emotions that do not allow you to get over the divorce.

Learn from divorce

Unpleasant experiences help us grow, so instead of recreating yourself in the negative, use the separation to learn and therefore grow as a person.

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You may not realize it in the initial moments, but you can come out of this situation stronger if you manage the grieving process well. Now that you are separated, take this opportunity to do what you always wanted to do. Fight for your personal development.

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Take a course in emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is one of the most important paradigms of psychology in recent times, because scientific studies show that it brings many benefits, among them, improving people's well-being.

Emotional intelligence is composed of five elements: self-awareness, emotional regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills. Some institutions offer courses or workshops so that people can develop the emotional skills to be happy.

Different stages do not mean that love is over

Love goes through stages. Believing that you end up in a different stage than you were in the beginning is a more common mistake than we think. Going through the infatuation stage is great, but it's not totally real. We need to know our partner as he or she is, and that's what will give us the opportunity to really love, without bandages.

Love is a long and sometimes complicated road, so sometimes breaking up means keeping a pinch of love between the two of you in a different way, and sometimes pulling too much from something already over can end up breaking the ends of the player. Give yourself some time to reflect and ask yourself: who you are with today, is who you want to design your future with?

Final thoughts about when love ends

Love sometimes has a beginning and an end. The beginning of a story is marked by the hope and excitement of meeting and thinking that the love never ends. p However, grief is a disagreement that affects the protagonists in a negative way.

What to do when love ends? At this time when thoughts and emotions can be so intense, it is very important to know what to do when love ends. Life goes on and this is the best philosophy you can put in place to contain the drama.

Did you like the article about some ways to go when love ends Then, enroll in our online clinical psychoanalysis course.

See_also: Let go: 25 phrases of detachment from people and things

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.