Darkness phobia (Nicthophobia): symptoms and treatments

George Alvarez 03-06-2023
George Alvarez

If you're a parent, you've probably heard several times a "don't turn off the light!" at bedtime. Only the dark phobia That is why it is necessary to overcome any taboo and talk about it, so that the cure for this disease can reach everyone.

Nicthophobia is the fear of what?

As we have already mentioned, nictophobia is the fear of the dark, or rather, the phobia of dark But it doesn't exactly refer to that fear that we naturally have when we don't see anything. We are talking about a phobia, that is, that fear that causes real anxiety in people, and can diminish their quality of life if left untreated.

Is nicthophobia in children common?

Nicophobia can indeed affect the lives of children, but it is worth pointing out that we are not talking about the fear they show when they ask to keep the light on, but which passes after a few minutes. There are children who are really affected by fear of the dark to the point that they cannot sleep straight through.

As a result, this problem ends up affecting their school development, which can trigger several other problems. Among them, one can mention the difficulty for this child to be accepted by his/her classmates and the relationship problems with teachers, parents and/or guardians.

What not to do when your child says he has a phobia of the dark

It is essential that the people who live with this child take his phobia of the dark seriously. In view of this, the worst thing they can do is to ridicule the little one when he exposes his feelings.

Laughing at his fear will only make him feel worse about his fear and have even more anxiety. Instead, one should go in search of the roots of this fear and also its treatment.

Are adults afraid of the dark?

Adults don't stop having fears because they are adults.

Fear is a normal reaction of the human body to a dangerous situation, which can become a disorder due to various reasons such as trauma, for example. In view of this, dark phobia can indeed be one of the many fears that an adult can have.

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In this sense, you should not mock someone when they confide in you that they are afraid of the dark, nor be embarrassed if you are the one with nicthophobia. The best attitude you can have in this situation is Pay attention to what really matters: what motivates the existence of this fear and what treatments are available.

Why do I have a phobia of the dark?

As we have already mentioned, this question can be answered in many ways. It is possible that you have experienced a trauma such as an episode of violence that occurred in a dark environment. It could also be that someone in your family has this fear and you have taken it upon yourself.

There are so many possibilities that it would be fruitless to list each one here, that's why, it is important that you analyze what may have caused this fear in you, and try to resignify negative memories or better deal with the feelings that arise when you are in the dark.

In that sense, having the help of a professional makes this process much simpler A psychologist or a psychoanalyst will give you all the support you need to get the answers you are looking for.

Allow yourself to recognize that you are afraid

It is worth pointing out that in this whole process it is fundamental that you recognize that the problem exists, If you refuse to accept that you have a phobia of the dark, you will never be able to solve this problem. There is no shame in having a fear, as Anne Lamott says:

Courage is the fear that made your prayers.

Symptoms of Darkness Phobia

Feeling anxiety when in dark places

One of the signs that you have nictophobia is the feeling of anxiety when you are in any dark place, so you may start to feel tachycardia (when your heart beats faster), headache, vomiting, as well as sweating and having diarrhea.

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If you identify any of these symptoms recurrently every time you stay in a place without light, be alert. They are indications that you need to treat this fear, because it is hurting you.

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Need to sleep with the light on

Another symptom of dark phobia is the inability to sleep well in the absence of light. If you need those night lights or lampshades to be able to fall asleep, start wondering if you are afraid of the dark and have never really paid attention to it.

Dread of going out at night

This is yet another indication that you may be afraid of the dark and that it needs to be dealt with. After all, you should not stop doing anything you feel like doing because you are afraid, If you don't go out at night because you don't want to face the slightest incidence of light, it is important to seek treatment for this problem.

What to do when the symptoms of dark phobia appear?

Control your breathing

If you begin to feel the signs that you are anxious, try to control your breathing. This is because short breaths reveal that your brain is in need of oxygen.

Try to breathe in slowly, holding your breath for a few seconds, and then slowly breathe out a few times. You will begin to feel better.

Change the focus of your attention

To dwell on your fear is the worst thing you can do for yourself at this time.

Try to put your attention on something else. Concentrate on the texture of something you are playing, sing a song, or talk to someone. You will notice that you will feel a little better.

Treatment for dark phobia

As we have already said, therapy or analysis is essential. You need to understand what causes your fear so that you are able to deal with these issues. In view of this, the person who is best able to help you in this regard is a psychotherapist. Seek the help of this professional and go after your cure.

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Final considerations

As you have seen, nicthophobia is a problem faced by people of any age. In view of this, if you are afraid of the dark, don't be embarrassed to deal with it. It is possible to get rid of this problem and start feeling good in environments without light. With the right treatment, time, and patience, you will notice significant improvements.

If you want to learn more about common fears among people and their respective treatments, we recommend that you take our 100% EAD course on Clinical Psychoanalysis.

This is because we provide all the theoretical background you need to understand human behaviors and fears such as nictophobia, which is the phobia of the dark The course is totally online and enables you to practice after you finish it, so don't miss this opportunity and enroll now!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.