Winnicottian Psychoanalysis: 10 Ideas for Understanding Winnicott

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Donald Woods Winnicott developed his therapeutic work focused, above all, on children. Because of this, pediatrics gained good pillars for the adequate construction of his work. Therefore, check out a list with 10 ideas proposed by Winnicottian Psychoanalysis and better understand its scope.

The human potential

According to Winnicottian Psychoanalysis, every human being has the potential to develop This depends on the environment in which the person is immersed and grows up. If the environment is favorable, the person can take advantage of the journey to walk to the deepest part of himself. In this way, he will be able to exercise his full capacity.

The development is gradual

According to this psychoanalysis, the full development of a child takes place in dependent stages. The little ones experience dependence in order to walk alone to independence as adults. On this path, they dedicate themselves to a pattern that is at the same time a copy of their parents and their own identity .

The relationship of "I" within the family

As stated above, the family environment promotes the construction of the "I" in the young person. It is of utmost importance because it helps to integrate the conditions that the child needs to grow. This can be observed when we pay attention to:

  • Family Constant

The family is a key piece in the construction of a child, because the child cannot move properly without a good family base. The family picture is configured as a constant, showing itself as a fundamental pillar because it does not vary so much. With this, the child ends up feeling safer, because he lives in a circle without chaos and very friendly.

  • Catalyst

The family carries the piece so that the child can grow up properly. This is because the family has conditions that can favor in perfection the development of the youngsters. So when she is responsible for creating a healthy environment, she is making it easier for the young person to grow up properly.

  • Tolerance

Unfortunately, it is not a universal requirement in all families. However, most are able to cultivate tolerance in complicated situations. Within an environment, the child makes his first run-ins with difficulties, but continues to be supervised in his experiments.

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Maternal illusion and disillusionment

A Winnicottian Psychoanalysis says that the mother assumes an attitude in accordance with the baby's needs, because she usually feeds his illusions, corresponding to what he wants. However, she also plays the opposite role, disappointing him whenever necessary. Everything is part of the construction of the child as it grows .


According to Winnicott, the holding company is the layer of protection against any physiological attack. This verifies his sensitivity, as well as the certainty of his ignorance of the world. In this way, the mother tends to take care at all times to ensure her safety Holding the child in your arms is a form of love.

During pregnancy and soon after, the mother changes her psychological structure that makes her identify the baby's needs. Thus, the maternal holding is what mobilizes the baby from a non-integrated state to a later integration. Furthermore, the bond between child and mother is what lays the foundation for his or her development in a healthy way .

Psychic development

To simplify the child's psychic development, Winnicott divides this passage into three parts. The idea is to look separately at the whole and then to do this in an integrated way. He starts with:

  • Integration and Customization

In this phase, the child comes into direct, external and internal contact with the mother. Through her he is able to structure his confused components, as well as his ego.

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  • Adapting to Reality

As he grows up, the child comes into contact with the world as it really is. This totally escapes the protection that the mother had previously created, filtering the stimuli he would receive. He begins to learn on his own how things really are.

  • Pre-restlessness

Once she understands how different she and the world are, her fantasies end up being altered. Winnicott stated that children are very aggressive, even at such a young age. Because of this, she bravely fights to protect the external object at the expense of her mother fantasy.

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The self

In the Winnicottian Psychoanalytic view, there is a joint figure that is configured as a group of pulses called self It contains our perceptual capacities, instincts, and motor skills, which develop as we grow. Once we are ready, this set will come together internally and externally.

The mother comes in here as the agent responsible for giving the baby an ego to assist in this process of integration. In a basic way, this serves as a protection while the child grows stronger. The "adequate" or "good" mother is one who gives meaning to the child's capacity as the child develops

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Transactional object

Transactional object shows itself as the first possession beyond the child's ego. It is located between the internal and external parts of the child, serving as a stage for its development He binds himself in the duality of separation, distressed by it, but also struggling against it.

The father figure in growth

The father begins to take a more prominent position in adolescence, as he begins to exercise authority. However, it is necessary to remember that the adolescent was once a child. If in his childhood he did not live in an environment conducive to growth, he will relive unresolved emotions .

The family-psychosis relationship

The Winnicottian Psychoanalysis defends that it is possible to develop psychoses in adulthood. It all depends on how the individual grew up in the family. With that, it is concluded that mental problems show up as sequelae in the early failures of growth .

Final considerations

Donald Woods Winnicott devoted himself to creating a method of study that looked at the mother-child relationship. Thanks to this, we have access to Winnicottian Psychoanalysis, a precise study of the elements of this unique bond Through this we get a proper glimpse of how this connection is structured.

It is important to emphasize the importance of correctly maintaining the family environment. It is through it that the child will improve the mechanisms it needs to develop properly. Thus, cultivating a healthy environment is what will give rise to an adult who knows his environment.

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This process becomes even easier when you have psychoanalysis as an ally. Through it, it is possible to build the necessary mechanisms to understand someone's behavior. In this way, by cultivating a self-knowledge in oneself and in others, it is possible to be directed to a valuable path .

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.