Ablutophobia: understand the fear of showering

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Being afraid to take a bath seems only a hygienic aspect, but it doesn't really work that way. ablutophobia is the phobia, the intense and continuous fear of performing everyday cleaning tasks, such as washing your body.

There are situations where it is a person's choice whether or not to bathe. However, when one is diagnosed as being ablutophobic, there is a mental block and the person cannot bathe irrationally.

Although rare, this type of phobia is evidence of serious psychological problems. So, if you suffer from this deep-seated fear, know that you need proper treatment. In other words, it is not just because of some sloppiness that you can't take a shower.

What does ablutophobia mean?

In the etymological sense of the word, ablutophobia comes from English ablutophobia, from Latin ablutio , - onis ablution, washing.

In short, it is the pathological aversion to bathing or body washing. In other words, it indicates a irrational and uncontrollable fear of bathing In extreme cases, the person cannot even wash his hands.

In this sense, this unusual fear of bathing is a disorder that develops an intense fear of washing the body, hair, and even washing the hands.

What is ablutophobia?

As we introduced, the ablutophobia is the fear of bathing, which, although it may seem irrelevant, refers to a psychological pathology and must be treated.

In this sense, it is i dentified as an anxiety disorder It can be manifested in men, women, and also in children.

Because of the embarrassment caused by body stench, due to lack of hygiene, the individual cannot live socially. With his isolation, he may suffer depression.

Phobias; ablutophobia is fear of what?

First of all, if you are with intense and unfounded fear Because, possibly, you are suffering from some kind of phobia and need urgent treatment.

In this sense, ablutophobia is the disease of the mind in which the person has an intense and inexplicable fear of bathing. Even more, he or she may also be afraid of any situation that involves the act of washing.

Above all, this phobia should not be confused with the fear of water. In other words, ablutophobia is the fear of the act of washing, there is a dread of bathing.

What are the causes and symptoms of ablutophobia?

Commonly the ablutophobia develops due to past traumatic events But often it comes from the unconscious mind, and the person cannot readily understand the cause of this phobia.

In this sense, the symptoms have to be identified and treated correctly. Understand that the person is not just a slob, but may be suffering from a serious mental pathology. In the meantime, there are several symptoms, but they are easy to perceive.

Therefore, this disorder of the mind, developed by the phobia of acts or situations related to bathing, has as its main symptoms :

  • anxiety
  • panic attack;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • fear of fainting;
  • shortness of breath;
  • tremors;
  • despair;
  • heavy sweating;
  • shivers;
  • thoughts of death.

Complications in the mind of those who are afraid to take a bath

In addition to social isolation, ablutophobia can cause low self-esteem, and can even lead to drug and alcohol dependence, as the individual may seek to escape from his or her condition through narcotics, causing chemical dependence.

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As a result, those who suffer from the fear of bathing, over time, may have depression and anxiety disorders .

Above all, in addition to the psychological consequences, it is worth mentioning the physical illnesses that can be triggered by the dirt accumulated by the body. Due to the absence of cleaning for long periods, there is an enormous risk of bacteria accumulating and resulting in illness.

What treatment for ablutophobia?

First of all, see a doctor to diagnose possible diseases due to the body dirt. Then, excluding this hypothesis, and in being an anxiety disorder, in general, there will be a recommendation of treatment by a mental health professional.

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However, the treatment of this phobia aims to decrease, or even eliminate the fear and anxiety caused by the fear of ablutophobia. Both through its physical and psychological aspects .

In the meantime, the professional who specializes in the mind will look inward for all the individual or social aspects that resulted in this condition. Thus, through techniques on the human psyche, he will seek effective solutions to combat ablutophobia.

How can psychoanalysis cure my bath phobia?

All in all, there is no doubt that ablutophobia is a disabling mental illness, that is, when the sufferer irrationally believes that the act of bathing is terrifying and could harm him.

Then the psychoanalyst, through specific techniques, can be the solution to this mental disorder, you will find in the unconscious mind You will find the cause, and you will find the effective solution for the cure.

Thus, as we have highlighted in this article, the consequences of ablutophobia are very serious, such as:

  • psychological;
  • physical;
  • social;
  • professionals.

Therefore, do not feel ashamed of this terrifying fear So don't let this phobia destroy you and prevent you from enjoying the pleasures of life.

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After all, did you know that fear of bathing was, in fact, a disease? So, if you liked this subject and want to know more about this kind of phobia, you would possibly want to study Psychoanalysis.

The study of the human psyche will enhance your self-knowledge You will be able to have visions about yourself that would be practically impossible to achieve on your own.

See_also: Id, Ego and Superego: Three Parts of the Human Mind

In addition, you will improve your interpersonal relationships, because you will understand other people's thoughts, feelings, emotions, pains, desires, and motivations.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.