7 types of psychological games in human relations

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Psychological games are evaluative mechanisms of a person's behavior in a given situation. In other words, they show themselves as a study of relationships with repeated scenes and predictable outcomes. Let's learn about 7 of them and in which situations they are used.

1 Halo or advertisement

One of the psychological games is well known by the medium in which it operates: television Surely, you may have seen some famous person you admire doing some advertising. This type of service is often used by salespeople to captivate their audience and increase their chances of selling.

The idea of using someone famous in an advertisement is because of the credibility that this person may have publicly. That is why it is easier to sell an unknown product, without much access or even an expensive one. Think about it: would you buy a new brand of shampoo because of autonomy or because it was influenced by Gisele Bundchen?

For example, think of the partnership between the singer Beyoncé and the brand Adidas for a genderless sports collection. These are limited products, a bit expensive in some places, but sold out easily within hours. People didn't buy it just because it was an Adidas product or because of the social initiative, but mainly because Beyoncé was spearheading the campaign .

2 Roadmap of life

Created by Eric Berne, Life Script is about the role we play in our relationships This is one of psychological games In short, it is as if we were given a role, but we don't realize that we are always playing it.

The script of life is built on two elements:


Attributions are labels imposed on us and that we carry around since childhood. They can also be the result of projections onto figures that we take as references in our lives. Consequently, this ends up limiting us, something seen in phrases like "You're just like your mother" or "You can't be trusted".

Mandates or curses

Mandates or curses describe inhibitions or prohibitions for children. This ties in directly with denial of activities and also parental projections or fears.

3 Bystander Effect

The spectator effect is also one of psychological games In some important issues, human beings tend to resort to numbers to justify themselves. It turns out that in some situations , this means that one abstains waiting for a personal and social theory to be confirmed .

The bystander effect works on the idea that if one person doesn't mobilize for something, someone else will. For example, think of someone who falls or faints in the street in a crowd. Incredibly, many will leave her where she is believing that someone else will help her.

This type of psychological game Human solidarity ends up suspended in a chain of random initiative, as if in a lottery game. In this, it is difficult to find a hero who is brave enough to start the wave.

4 Google Effect

The Google effect acts as if we have an external memory that is easily accessible to any situation. The internet has been of great help to mankind over the years. Thanks to it, we are able to expand common activities and revitalize concepts about ourselves, others, and the world around us .

However, have you ever needed help to remember something you really needed? Have you ever gotten lost on a path and used Google to find your way out again? The Google effect defines a recurrence of using the tool to remind you of things in your routine.

Admit it: you can't remember the birthdays of all your friends when you are involved in a hectic routine. Moreover, you may not even remember the name of a friend from the past even though you are connected to him/her in your social networks.

This game can be caused by someone else or by yourself. Regardless of the situation, have you ever had the feeling that you were being watched? Not only by yourself, but a friend may have said something like that to you, right?

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On psychological games This is the so-called "spotlight effect", where a person is convinced that he is the center of attention For various reasons, she believes that she is the primary focus wherever she is at all times.

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The problem happens when a person constantly feeds this idea and gets it wrong. This can compromise the progress of any kind of relationship or movement in social life. Many people do not understand what is going on when someone exhibits this behavior and associates this presence with something unpleasant.

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6 Couple's itinerary

The couple's script is part of the psychological games intended for couples who want to resolve conflicts, depending on the perspective. This is because this game determines the way of life between the parties involved The scripts consist of:

Submission Roadmap

In this script, one member of the relationship takes the role of victim and asks for protection. However, if his blackmail does not work, he begins to persecute the other, blaming him and showing anger. This script is only given for a short time, since it can lead to the couple's separation.

Dominance Roadmap

In the dominance script, one of the parties becomes a dominant, exercising power and imposing his values on the other. Basically, the dominating figure needs to make it clear that he is in charge and the other has no turn. If this power is shaken and the other loses, an insecurity, hostility, and a desire for revenge take shape.

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Isolation Roadmap

Finally, the isolation roadmap involves distancing emotional commitments. Thus, indifference, coldness, and a need to get the other closer appear, which is emphasized in sexual situations. After that, they distance themselves for whatever reason, setting up the back and forth relationships that are so common.

7 Cheerleader

Although it is not so common in Brazil, most of us know what cheerleaders are: they are students or professionals in charge of cheering the crowd in the intervals between games. Note that they are always young, energetic and beautiful, always beautiful .

The cheerleader effect consists of us seeing a person with other more beautiful people and also thinking that this individual is beautiful. This kind of perception is a result of a binarity in thinking that beautiful people only hang out with beautiful people. However, this is one of the most dangerous psychological games that exist.

This is because the ideal of beauty in a group ends up negatively affecting a person who feels out of place in it This problem especially affects those who lack self-esteem, as they will feel that they only have any social value around other people. Not only is this problematic, but there is also the risk that others will see the group with only one face.

Final considerations about psychological games

The psychological games configure human behavior within some variables, common situations He can be their catalyst or be involved, so that he follows the rules. However, one way or another, they don't usually add anything positive to the relationship.

It is necessary that the individuals themselves become aware of the role they are playing in these games. Otherwise, they will be trapped in an eternal cycle in which they replay certain suffering. By freeing themselves, they can reinvent themselves and remodulate their lives.

If you see yourself in any of the games, why not join our distance learning course in Clinical Psychoanalysis? The course is an excellent way to reshape your life, achieving self-knowledge and personal improvement. Psychological games are only for those who know how to play, but you are not obliged to invest in them to the detriment of your future .

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.